Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára

nemzeti tudományos bibliográfia

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Kifogásolható gyakorlatot folytató folyóiratok listája 2024

Az alább felsorolt folyóiratokban 2024-ben megjelenő cikkek az MTA által felügyelt minősítő eljárásokban, pályázatokban nem számolhatók el tudományos közleményként, s így az ezekre kapott idézetek se vehetők számításba. Ez a lista az un. Norvég lista nullás értékelésű, nem hazai folyóiratait tartalmazza. A lista 2024 január-februárban, a közzétett 2024-es végleges értékelések alapján frissítésre kerül.

Az MTMT-ben Norvég listásnak megjelölt folyóiratok részletes listájának letöltése.

Az MTMT Osztályhoz érkező egyéni, kutatói bejelentéseket állásfoglalásra továbbítja a tudományos osztály titkára számára, aki gondoskodik annak az osztályelnökhöz való eljuttatásáról. A tudományos osztály előterjesztése alapján az MTMT Osztály könyvtárszakmai megfontolások szerint az adott folyóiratot leveheti a "Kifogásolható gyakorlatot folytató folyóiratok" 2024. évi listájáról.
A folyamat felgyorsítása érdekében kérjük megadni a reklamált folyóirat MTMT linkjét (pl., és a kifogásolt kritériummal kapcsolatos aktuális információk elérési helyét (internetes link pl.

Az aktuálisan érvényes lista:

A listában a folyóirat nevére kattintva megjeleníthető a folyóirat értékelését részletező oldal. (A lista nem tartalmazza az időközben eltávolított folyóiratokat.)

# Folyóirat címe / nemzetközi címe (a Norvég lista szerint) MTMT ID
1# ISOJ Journal20127651
41650-1850 : Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era10039891
63L: Language, Linguistics, Literature. The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies10033303
7A + Architectuur20127655
8A Contracorriente: una revista de estudios latinoamericanos10065555
9A Current Bibliography on African Affairs20127656
10A mínima20127657
11İTÜ dergisi/a, (mimarlık, planlama, tasarım) / A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture10034920
14ABA Bank Marketing10078750
15ABB review10029609
16ab-Original: Journal of Indigenous Studies and First Nations and First Peoples´Cultures20127661
17Abstracta: Linguagem, mente e acao20127664
18Abstracts in Anthropology20073562
19Abstracts in Social Gerontology20127665
20Abstracts with programs (Geological Society of America)10033134
21ABU Technical Review10075345
22Academic Exchange Quarterly10059982
23Academic Journal of Research in Business and Accounting20127666
24Academic Journal of Research in Economics and Management20127667
25Academic Physician & Scientist20127668
26Academic Research International10034915
28Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal (AAFSJ)10035642
29Academy of Educational Leadership Journal (AELJ)10060279
30Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal10059072
31Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (AMSJ)10069815
32Academy of Strategic Management Journal (ASMJ)10031518
33Acción Pedagógica20127669
35Accounting & Taxation20127671
36Accounting and Finance Research10036262
38ACM Inroads10074882
39ACM SIGAda Ada Letters20127673
40ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review1290264
41ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT)20098086
42Acolhendo a Alfabetização nos Países de Língua Portuguesa20127674
43Açoreana : revista de estudos açoreanos / Açoreana20127675
44ACS Nanoscience Au20103131
45Shengxue Xuebao / Acta Acustica10052333
46Acta Antiqua Ostrobotniensia20127677
47Acta Bibliothecae Regiae Stockholmiensis20127679
48Acta Biologica Universitas Daugavpiliensis10020763
49Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana15523
50Acta Byzantina Fennica20127680
51Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Cechoslovaca10010976
52Acta Chirurgica Belgica37
53Acta Chirurgica Italica39597
54Acta Comportamentalia10020680
55Acta Endoscopica1405661
56Acta Linguistica10012644
57Acta Marisiensis. Philologia20127683
58Acta Medica Nagasakiensia10040418
59Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, Supplementum10005532
60Acta Odontológica Venezolana10063949
61Acta Ophthalmologica, Supplementum10079891
62Acta orthopaedica. Supplementum10075374
63Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum10005909
64Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Supplementum10039987
65Acta Sociologica, Supplement20127685
66Acta Technica Corvininesis10019198
67Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica10016653
68Action Learning and Action Research Journal (ALARj)20127690
69Action Research International20127691
70Action Researcher in Education20127692
71Актуальні проблеми економіки / Actual Problems of Economics10015043
72Acute Medicine Journal10036931
73Adab - Addab Journal of the Faculty of Arts20127693
74Addiction Abstracts20127694
75Adelphi Series20127695
77Adorno Studies20127699
78Adult Education and Development10026959
79Advanced Dental Journal20127700
80Advanced Materials Letters10044740
81Advanced Science Letters10012955
82Advanced Studies in Biology20115781
83Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics10014991
84Advanced Technology for Learning20127702
85Advances and Applications in Statistics20081430
86Advances in Aging Research20127704
87Advances in Analytical Chemistry20127705
88Advances in Anthropology10056687
89Advances in Applied Sociology10072200
90Advances in Cardiology10000023
91Advances in Chemical Research20122025
92Advances in Computing20127707
93Advances in Consumer Research4538
94Advances in Database Technology - EDBT20127708
95Advances in Early Education and Day Care10069286
96Advances in Economics and Business10035510
97Advances in Environmental Biology10033645
98Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems10049732
99Advances in Historical Studies20114986
100Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development (AHRMOD)20127710
101Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences10049822
102Advances in Language and Literary Studies10040662
103Advances in Life Sciences10051975
104Advances in Management10019300
105Advances in Management and Applied Economics10025787
106Advances in Mechanics10036356
107Advances in Medical and Dental Sciences10033646
108Advances in microbiology10030593
109Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences10031262
110Advances in Nephrology10037864
111Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities10050492
112Advances in Nursing20127712
113Advances in Nutrition and Food Science (ANFS)20078748
114Advances in Nutritional Research6055
115Advances in Operator Theory10075253
116Advances in Physical Education10088416
117Advances in Politics and Economics (APE)20063952
118Advances in Psychiatry10034688
119Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine10000027
120Advances in Robotics & Automation10058276
121Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ)10073998
122Advances in Services Marketing and Management10000028
123Advances in Social Science and Culture (ASSC)20116479
124Advances in Systems Science and Applications10005783
125Advances in Virus Research155
126Advancing Women in Leadership10051199
127Advertising & Society Review20127715
128Advertising Age20127716
129Aequitas: A Journal of Political Philosophy and Society20127717
130AeroSafety World20127718
131Aesthesis: International journal of art and aesthetics in management and organizational life20127719
132Aesthetic Pathways20127720
133Aesthetik und Kommunikation20127721
134AFFRIKA: Journal of Politics, Economics and Society / AFFRIKA20079543
135Africa Confidential20127723
136Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series20127724
137Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series20127725
138Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara10080068
139African Communication Research20127726
140African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance20111726
141African Journal of Biochemistry Research10033651
142African Journal of Biological Sciences (AFJBS)20082230
143African Journal of Business and Economic Research (AJBER)10087563
144African Journal of Business Management10009395
145African Journal of Communication20127727
146African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development20127728
147African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management10078756
148African Journal of Food Science10028693
149African journal of food science and technology20123921
150African Journal of Health Sciences10078757
151African Journal of Information Systems10066246
152African Journal of Microbiology Research10009512
153African Journal of Neurological Sciences10048228
154African Journal of Plant Science10027902
155African Journal of Political Science and International Relations10033655
156African Journal of Psychiatry10022895
157African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines10011269
158African Journal on Conflict Resolution20123265
159African Literature Today20127729
160African Media Review10075422
161African Renaissance20102068
162African Review of Economics and Finance20074503
163African Sociological Review20120966
164Afrika und Übersee10022371
165Afrikanistik online20080110
166AFROEUROPA : Journal of Afroeuropean Studies20127730
167Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)20070962
168AG - About Gender10071173
170Agder Vitenskapsakademi Årbok20127731
171AGH Drilling-Oil-Gas20074798
172Agia Sion20127732
175Agora (Edmonton)20127734
176Agora Trujillo20127735
177Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy20101999
178Agricultural Economics Research Review20113213
179Agricultural Sciences10030463
181AIDS Alert10075437
182AIDS Clinical Care10075439
183Air & space power journal en Français / Air and Space Power Journal-Africa and Francophonie20127737
184Air Force Times20127738
185Air Power History20078392
186Air Power Review20127739
187Air, Soil and Water Research10061909
188AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education10072319
189Ajankohta : Poliittisen historian vuosikirja20127741
190Ajudikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum20127742
191Akademiske sygeplejersker20127743
192Akadnmeia / Akadnmeia: Materials and Research in Platonism History20127744
193AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics41181
194Akershus imellom20127745
195Aktuell Nordisk odontologi20070100
196Aktuell sikkerhet : Norges største sikkerhetsmagasin20127746
197Aktuelle Dermatologie2150071
198Aktuelle Ernãhrungsmedizin10012140
199Aktuelle teaterproblemer20127747
200AL IHKAM : Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial / AL IHKAM : Journal of Law and Social Studies20119689
201Alasbimn Journal20127748
205Алгебра и анализ / Algebra i Analiz10004220
206Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte20127750
207Algorithms Research20127751
208Alizés : Revue Angliciste de la Réunion10004879
210Al-Karmil: Studies in Arabic Language and Literature10023921
211Alkohol & Narkotika20127753
213Allegorica: A Journal in Medieval and Renaissance Literature20127755
214Allemagne d'aujourd'hui20094676
215Allergy, Supplement10062006
217Alluvium 21st-Century Writing 21st-Century Approaches20110919
218Al-magallat al-tarihiyyat al-majribiyyat10010843
219Alpha Psychiatry20087161
220Al-Rafidain Engineering Journal10073491
221al-rāfidān / al-rāfidān Journal of western Asiatic studies20127757
222Alt om fiske20127758
223Altai Hakpo20127759
224Alternative Medicine Alert10053867
225Alternative Therapies in Women's Health10079440
226Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations20065954
229Alzheimer's Care Quarterly10079441
230Alzheimer's Reports15719
231Amazônica - Revista de Antropologia20069011
234Ambulatory Child Health10075469
235América Indígena20127765
236American Academic20127766
237American Baptist Quarterly20127767
238American Bee Journal204
239American Benedictine Review10014718
240American Book Collector20127768
241American Book Publishing Record20111330
242American Diplomacy10083571
243American Educational Research Association. Annual Meeting Program20127769
244American Foreign Policy Interests10025322
245American Indian Quarterly10078077
246American Institute of Architects. Forward20127770
247American International Journal of Social Studies10035058
248American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science40356
249American Journal of Analytical Chemistry10032133
250American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences10044596
251American Journal of Applied Psychology20127771
252American Journal of Applied Sciences10038161
253American Journal of Biochemistry10086151
254American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology10019526
255American Journal of Bioinformatics Research10070829
256American Journal of Biomedical Engineering10054371
257American Journal of Business10048525
258American Journal of Business Education20123926
259American Journal of Chemistry20078800
260American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics20101047
261American Journal of Condensed Matter Physics10074034
262American Journal of Drug Delivery10049438
263American Journal of Economics10063147
264American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences10067342
265American Journal of Engineering Education20127772
266American Journal of Environmental Engineering10075034
267American Journal of Environmental Sciences10019594
268American Journal of Fluid Dynamics20072508
269American Journal of Food Technology10033683
270American Journal of Geographic Information System20116894
271American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology10006465
272American Journal of Health Studies20087864
273American Journal of Immunology10042927
274American Journal of Industrial and Business Management10068531
275American Journal of Infectious Diseases10059687
276American Journal of Information Systems20127773
277American Journal of Intelligent Systems10051413
278American Journal of Management10031150
279American Journal of Management Development20127774
280American Journal of Materials Science10072621
281American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics10073691
282American Journal of Media Psychology20127775
283American Journal of Medical and Biological Research10063170
284American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences10051603
285American Journal of Numismatics20127776
286American Journal of Operational Research10085042
287American Journal of Operations Research (AJOR)10032198
288American Journal of Organic Chemistry10056800
289American Journal of Plant Physiology10033693
290American Journal of Plant Sciences10024015
291American Journal of Police20127777
292American Journal of Polymer Science20116820
293American Journal of Recreation Therapy10035925
294American Journal of Signal Processing10072064
295American Journal of Sociological Research20070433
296American Journal of Sports Science10033698
297American Journal of Stem Cell Research20127778
298American Journal of Translation Studies20127779
299American Journalism Review20127780
300American Review of China Studies20127781
301American Review of Mathematics and Statistics10033712
302American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)10063016
303American Scientist280
304Americana : The Journal of American Popular Culture20127784
305American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture10026762
306Amérindia. Numéro spécial20127785
307Amity Journal of Economics (AJECO)20127786
308Amministrazione & Finanza20127787
309Amnesia vivace20127788
311Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science : Series 2, Classics in Psycholinguistics20127792
312Grundtvig-Studier / An international journal for the study of Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872)20127794
313Analecta Cartusiana20127797
314Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii 'A1.I. Cuza' din lasi (Serie Noua), e. Lintgvistica10022363
315Anales de Filologia clásica20061075
316Anales de Medicina Interna10043460
317Anales del Instituto de lingüística20082291
318Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición10054638
319Analog Game Studies (AGS)20127798
320Per leggere. I generi della lettura / Analysis of literary texts of diffent genres20088309
321Analytical Abstracts20127799
322Analytical chemistry: An Indian journal10052793
323Anarchist Studies10025324
324Ancient Jew Review (AJR)20127800
326Anestesia Pediatrica e Neonatale20127802
327Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina10036934
328Anesthesia & analgesia case reports10059397
329Anesthesiology Clinics of North America10054166
330Anglistische Forschungen20127803
331Anglogermanica online10023234
332Animal Breeding Abstracts10023402
333Animal Review20127804
334Animation Journal20127805
335ANIMUS (St. John's)20127807
337Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora20127809
338Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes20127810
339Annales de Chirurgie334
340Annales de Gastroentérologie et d'Hépatologie343
341Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Actualités10051501
342Annales de l'Institut Pasteur: Immunologie10082720
343Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique10062534
344Annales d'Oto-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale10028575
345Annales d'Urologie398
346Annales Francaise d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation342
347Hindemith-Jahrbuch / Annales Hindemith20127811
348Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica2116091
349Annali - Istituto Universitario Orientale. Sezione Gemanica10063549
350Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Università di Firenze20127812
351Annali di archeologia e storia antica20119642
352Annals of British Medical Sciences (ABMS)20127813
353Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT)20127814
354Annals of Diagnostic Paediatric Pathology20122041
355Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC)20093543
356Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics10044674
357Annals of Genealogical Research20127815
358Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship10022626
359Annals of International Occupational Therapy20127816
360Annals of Joint20064641
361Annals of Management Science10033126
362Annals of Medicine and Surgery10060538
363Annals of Ophthalmology370
364Annals of Palliative Medicine10065202
365Annals of Scholarship20127817
366Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research10031402
367Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute10074409
368Annals of the Pediatric Rheumatology (APR)10035251
369Annals of the University of Craiova for Journalism, Communication and Management (AUCJCM)20111969
370Josei shigaku / Annals of Women's History20127818
371Annuaire du Collège de France : Résumé Des Cours et Travaux10032669
372Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature20127819
373Annual of Psychoanalysis10022644
374Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie / Annual of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries20127821
375Annual of Urdu Studies20127822
376Oversigt over selskabets virksomhed (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab) / Annual report (Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters)20127823
377Annual Review of Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical Systems20099594
378Annual Review of Food Science and Technology10015184
379Annual Review of Language Acquisition20127824
380Annuario dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per l'Eta Moderna e Contemporanea20127825
381Antarctica Journal of Mathematics20127826
383Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture20127827
385Anthos: Garten- und Landschaftsgestaltung10012144
387Anthropological Science. Japanese series10072487
389Anthropology News20127830
390Anthropology of Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia20127831
392Anti-Cancer Drug Design429
393Antigone. Quadrimestrale di critica del sistema penale e penitenziario / Antigone20127832
394Antike Welt. Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte10022570
395Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter10075526
396Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature10052702
397Antisemitism Studies20062505
399Antropologia Museale20127834
400Antropología y Derecho20127835
401Antropologiske skrifter20127836
402Antwerp Papers in Linguistics20127837
403Anuari de filologia. Secció D, Studia Graeca et Latina20127838
404Anuario Brasileño de Estudios Hispánicos (ABEH)20127839
405Anuario de Estudios Filologicos10087660
406Anuario de Letras20127840
407Anuario de Lingüística Hispánica20127841
408Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft10027936
409AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology20062315
411Apollon : Forskningsmagasin for Universitetet i Oslo42353
412Applied Analysis and Optimization20127843
413Applied and Computational Mathematics: an international journal10011301
414Applied Corpus Linguistics20127844
415Applied Economics and Finance20127845
416Applied Finance and Accounting10082833
417Applied Financial Economics10017132
418Applied Financial Economics Letters10020378
419Applied GIS10079269
420Applied Marketing Analytics20102449
421Applied Mathematical Sciences10029478
422Applied Mathematics20127846
423Applied Mathematics10022446
424Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences10032941
425Applied Physics Research20075703
426Sémiotique appliquée / Applied Semiotics10022327
427Applied Statistics20127847
428Appropriate technology473
429APS Bulletin20127848
430Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur10010929
431Apuntes Hispanicos20127850
432Aquarius Poetry Magazine20127851
433AR : Revista de Derecho Informático20127852
434Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences10036667
435Arab World English Journal10057120
439Arbeit - Bewegung - Geschichte. Zeitschrift für historische Studien20127857
440Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik10017919
441Arbeitsblätter für Restauratoren20127858
442Arbejderhistorie: Tidsskrift for historie, kultur og politik20127859
445Arca Lovaniensis20127862
446ARCH+ : Archplus10020126
447Archaeological Review from Cambridge10055105
448Archaiologikon Deltion20068498
449Arche - tidskrift för psykoanalys, humaniora och arkitektur20127864
450Archeologia Classica10065089
453Architectura (København) : arkitekturhistorisk årsskrift20068698
454Architectural Research in Finland (ARF)20127866
455Architecture Australia20127867
456Architecture Research20127868
457Archithese (Niederteufen) : Zeitschrift und Schriftenreihe für Architektur10027904
458Archivar: Zeitschrift für Archivwesen20127869
460Archives of Family Medicine16027
461Archives of forensic psychology10086662
462Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung / Archives of Nature Conservation & Landscape Research40344
463Archives of Psychology20127870
464Archivio Storico dell' Emigrazione italiana20127871
465Archivo de Filología Aragonesa10022325
466Archivos de Medicina10019954
467Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria511
468Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal10050672
469Archäologie in Deutschland10060121
470Arctic & Antarctic: International Jurnal of Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues20127872
471Arctic Medical Research20127874
473ARENA report20127876
474Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics10074205
475Argos: Revista de la Asociación Argentina Estudios Clásicos20127878
478ARIANE: Revue d'études littéraires francaises20127880
479Arina - Nordisk tidskrift for kvensk forskning - Pohjoismainen kveenitutkimuksen aikakausjulkaisu20100275
480Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies20127881
481Arkansas Quarterly. A Journal of Criticism20127882
486Arms Control Today10065678
487Army Times20127889
488ARPN Journal of Systems and Software20127890
489Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologia10007730
490Art & Research: A Journal of Ideas, Contexts and Methods20127891
491Art Bulletin of Nationalmuseum Stockholm20068562
492Art Education Research20127892
493Art, Antiquity and Law10024331
494Arte dei giardini20127893
495Arte documento20068576
496Artificial intelligence research10024576
497Artl@s Bulletin10058401
499Arts and International Affairs20127894
500Arts and Social Sciences Journal10040699
501Arts and the Market20093127
502ASA Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology20127895
503ASEAN Journal on Hospitality & Tourism20076050
504ASEE Prism10068495
505Asia in Focus20085471
506Asia Marketing Journal20127896
507Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management20127897
508Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business10020383
509Asia Pacific Journal of Linguistics20127898
510Asia Pacific journal of pharmacology548
511Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter10069313
512Asian Affairs10060260
513Asian Business Review (ABR)20083449
514Asian Culture and History10067056
515Asian Development Policy Review10040703
516Asian Economic and Financial Review (AEFR)10040704
517Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology10066096
518Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (AJARD)10040707
519Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances10015385
520Asian Journal of Biochemistry10033715
521Asian Journal of Business Ethics10067741
522Asian Journal of Business Research20101358
523Asian Journal of Distance Education20082343
524Asian Journal of Economic Modelling10040714
525Asian Journal of Empirical Research10040717
526Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management20127899
527Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies10032806
528Asian Journal of Management Research10028937
529Asian Journal of Marketing10032518
530Asian Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Researches20127900
531Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research20127901
532Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy20127902
533Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management10040723
534Asian Journal of Sports Medicine10039194
535Asian Journal of Traditional Medicine10084646
536Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy10011958
537Asian Libraries20127903
538Asian Profile10025397
539Asian Social Science10018334
540Asian Spine Journal10053490
541Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies10057518
542Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance10035511
543Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development10075586
544Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology10059320
545Asia-Pacific management accounting journal10061701
546Asia-Pacific Psychiatry10015080
547Assaph. Section C, Studies in the Theatre20127905
548Assessment Update20127906
550Astro rapport20127909
552ATB Métallurgie20127912
553Ateneo Leonés20127913
554Athena Intelligence Journal20127914
555Athens Journal of Business & Economics (AJBE)10085937
556Athens Journal of Social Sciences10040739
557Athens University Review of Archaeology (AURA)20097587
558Athletic Insight: The Online Journal of Sport Psychology10018781
559Atlantic Monthly10070668
560Atmospheric and Climate Sciences10047172
561Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (ACPD)10007753
562Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT)40880
563Atti. Centro Studi e Documentazione sull'Antichitá Classica20127915
564Augmented Human Research20127916
565Augustan Reprint Society. Publications20127917
568Austin Journal of Forensic Science & Criminology10040787
569Austin Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders10040799
570Austin Therapeutics20127919
571Australasian Drama Studies10078774
572Australasian Journal of Technology Education20127920
573Australasian Victorian Studies Journal20127921
574Australian Academic and Research Libraries10023074
575Australian Book Review10050174
576Australian Cultural History10078085
577Australian e-Journal of Theology20127922
578Australian Family Physician10011324
579Australian Folklore. A Yearly Journal of Folklore Studies20127923
580Australian Geographical Studies20127924
581Australian Geomechanics Journal10078323
582Australian Journal of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine10080560
583Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences10019683
584Australian Journal of Business & Management Research10051148
585Australian Journal of Communication20127925
586Australian Journal of Cultural Studies20127926
587Australian New Crops20095083
588Australian Review of Public Affairs10025434
589Australian Women's Book Review20127928
590Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology20111025
591Aut Aut10000146
592Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archaeology and Art20127929
593Autism Advocate20127930
594Autisme i dag20127931
595Automatisierungstechnik (AT) / Automation Technology (AT)10011321
597Automotive Engineer10075628
598Autonomie locali e servizi sociali10070105
600Avain - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti20070940
601Avalon to Camelot20127933
602AVN Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten2149384
605Azure. Ideas for the Jewish nation20127935
606B Quest: Business Quest20127936
607Baillière's Clinical Neurology652
608Baker Street Journal: An Irregular Quarterly of Sherlockiana20127937
609Balans : tidskrift för redovisning och revision20127938
610Balint Journal10071623
611Балканско научно обозрение / Balkan Scientific Review20127939
613Banasthali Patrika20127943
614Banca Impresa Società20127944
615Bandung: Journal of the Global South20070628
616Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology20127945
617Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin10020396
618Bankhistorisches Archiv: Zeitschrift zur Bankengeschichte10026503
619Banks in Insurance Report20127946
620BANTAO Journal10054928
621Baptist : tidsskrift for baptistisk historie, teologi og praksis20127947
622Barcelona Respiratory Network Reviews (BRN Reviews)20070613
624BASE - Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Unisinos20101470
625Basic Sciences of Medicine20127949
626Bauen mit Holz10030208
629Bavinck Review (TBR)20127952
630BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management10069214
631BC Studies20068377
632Beaux Arts Magazine10022723
633Bedre bedrift20127954
634Bedre gardsdrift20127955
635Bedre Skole20127956
636Beijing Law Review10014405
637Beitrage zur Deutschen Philologie20127958
638Beiträge zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis10017843
639Beiträge zur Film- und Fernsehenwissenschaft20127959
640Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung10000158
641Beiträge zur Gregorianik10069153
642Beiträge zur Sudanforschung2006821
643Belfast Working Papers in Language and Linguistics20127961
644Beliefs and Values: Understanding the Global Implications of Human Nature20127962
645Benegal Past and Present : Journal of The Calcutta Historical Society20127963
646Berkeley Journal of International Law10024396
647Berkeley Review of Education10082322
648Berliner Debatte INITIAL: Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaflichen Diskurs2151185
649Best Practice20127969
650Betwixt & Between20127970
651Bi´gyo munhwa yeon´gu - Gylonghui daehag´gyo20127971
652Bibliografija (Bibliography)20127972
654Bibliotek for læger20127976
655Bibliotekaren (Oslo)20127977
656Bibliotheca cardiologica10000163
657Bibliotheca Historica20127978
658Bibliotheca psychiatrica10000157
659Bibliotheck. A Scottish Journal of Bibliography and Allied Topics20127980
660Bibliothek und Wissenschaft (BuW)10018985
661Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes10000168
662Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance10000167
663Bibliotime Rivista Elettronica per le Biblioteche20127982
667Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies20127986
670Bioanalysis & Biomedicine10044664
671Biochemical archives678
672Biochimica Clinica10014420
673Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. MR. Reviews on Biomembranes27250
674Biodiversity, biogeography and nature conserbation in Wallacea and New Guinea20127990
675Bioenergi : fagtidsskrift20127991
677Bioethics Bulletin20127992
680Biogenic amines705
682BIOINFO Financial Management20127993
684Biological Therapies in Psychiatry20127995
685Biologie in unserer Zeit10027888
686Biology of Exercise20127996
688Biomedical letters16299
689Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy732
691Bioquímica y Patología Clínica20065219
692Bioscience Journal10015506
693Bioseparation (Dordrecht)16323
694Biospectroscopy (New York, N.Y. Print)6683
695Biotech Software & Internet Report:The Computer Software Journal for Scientists20127997
696Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews10033724
697Biotechnology techniques761
698Biotherapy (Dordrecht)762
699Bird Census News10029744
700Birth Issues20127998
702BJA CEPD Reviews20128000
703Black American Literature Forum20128001
704Black Collegian20128002
705Bladder Cancer10088299
706Blickpunkt der Mann20128003
707Blogdroiteuropéen / Blogdroiteuropeen20128004
708Blues News20128005
709Biomed Central Rheumatology / BMC Rheumatology20062280
710Board Game Studies Journal20104441
711Bob : Bok og bibliotek20128007
712Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter / Bochum Philosophical Yearbook on the Antiquity and Middle Ages20073810
713Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung20067017
714Bogmarkedet : Det danske bogmarked20128009
715Bogoslovskie Trudy20128010
717Boletim SOCED20128012
718Boletin Antartico Chileno.20128013
719Boletin chileno de parasitologia10075679
720Boletín de Antropología20083650
721Boletín de la AGE20128014
722Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios20128015
723Boletín de la Sociedad Entomològica Aragonesa (Boletín de la S.E.A.)10048400
724Boletín de Lingüística10079670
725Boletin de Matematicas. Nueva Serie10072847
726Boletín de Pediatría10049532
727Bollettino d'Arte - Ministero per i Beni culturali e ambientali20068347
728Bollettino dei classici20128016
729Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata20128017
730Bollettino di Studi Latini10027456
731BoneKEy-Osteovision Virtual Journal20128018
733Book Trade History Group Newsletter20128020
734Books in Canada20128021
736Borderlines. Studies in American Culture20128023
737Boreas. Münstersche Beiträge zur Archäologie20128024
738Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences10011363
739Botswana Notes & Records20082319
740Bottom Line10033336
741Boundaries · International Architectural Magazine20128026
743Brain Research Protocols16373
744Brain Research Reviews797
745Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research3254
747Brathair - Revista de Estudos Celtas e Germânicos / Brathair - Celtic and Germanic Study Group20128028
748Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity20106507
749Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research798
750Brazilian Journal of Oceanography10006503
751Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Populacao / Brazilian Journal of Population Studies10062249
752Revista de Administração Pública (RAP) / Brazilian Journal of Public Administration10027831
753Breastfeeding Review10049370
754Brick. A literary journal20128030
755Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention10072273
756Brigham Young University studies (1959)20128031
757Bright Lights Film Journal20128032
758British Academy Review20128036
759British Catholic History10087678
760British Humanities Index20128037
761British Journal of Anaestetic and Recovery Nursing10078326
762British Journal of Applied Science and Technology10054325
763British Journal of Audiology807
764British Journal of Cardiac Nursing10040508
765British Journal of Clinical Governance20128038
766British Journal of Dermatology, Supplement10075696
767British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade10054987
768British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science10054355
769British Journal of English Linguistics (BJEL)20071823
770British Journal of Environment and Climate Change10051397
771British Journal of Medical & Health Sciences10027564
772British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing10050657
773British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy (BJTEP)20128039
774British Journal of Urology, Supplement10005898
775British Postgraduate Musicology20128041
776British Tax Review10017466
777Broadcasting and Cable20128042
778Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching20128043
779Brookings Trade Forum20128044
780Brown Journal of World Affairs41388
781Brussel Economic Review20128045
782Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature20128046
784Budkavlen Tidskrift för etnologi och folkloristik20128048
785Bulk Solids Handling10030273
786Bulletin (Association of Concerned Africa Scholars)20128049
787Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale10022212
788Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique du Limousin20068675
789Bulletin de la Société des sciences et des lettres de Lódz10005314
790Mitteilungen der Schweizserischen entomologischen Gesellschaft / Bulletin de la Societé entomologique Suisse10005819
791Bulletin de la Société internationale des amis de Montaigne20128050
792Bulletin de la Société toulousaine d'études classiques20128051
793Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur622
794Bulletin Flaubert-Maupassant20128052
795Bulletin for the Society of Renaissance Studies10044280
796Bulletin Marcel Proust20128053
797Bulletin Monumental10000187
798Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology20082637
799Bulletin of Biblical Studies - Artos Zoes20128054
800Bulletin of Cleveland Museum of Art20128055
801Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology - Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni10009667
802Bulletin of Geophysics and Oceanography20104072
803技術教育学の探究 / Bulletin of Institute of Technology and Vocational Education20128056
804Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications20128057
805Bulletin of Philadelphia Museum of Art20068669
806Bulletin of rheumatic diseases631
807Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society10008406
808Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books20128058
809Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern People20069562
810Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation10062879
811Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia / Bulletin of the National History Museum of Venice20125079
812Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society20128059
813Bulletin of the West Virginia Association of College English Teachers20128060
814Bulletin on Constitutional Case Law20128061
815Biuletyn polskiego towarzystwa ekonomicznego / Bulletin Polish Economic Society20100744
816Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz10011368
818Bunt : bulletin för nordiska teaterforskare20128064
819Bunyan Studies20068745
820Business and Economics Journal10040863
821Business and Management Quarterly Review20128065
822Business and Management Research (BMR)10051014
823Business Aviation20128066
824Business education forum20128067
825Business Information Review10075740
826Business Intelligence Journal20128068
827Business Law Review10035536
828Business Management Dynamics10084128
829Business Research10071381
830Business Strategy and Development20067436
831Business Strategy Review10020429
832Business Studies Journal10082901
833Business Valuation Review20128069
834Business week10000199
838BYU Studies Quarterly20071871
839Βυζαντινά Σύμμεικτα / Byzantina Symmeikta10072461
840Bøygen: Organ for nordisk språk og litteratur20128073
841Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor” / C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor - Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities Yearbook (CSNIPSSH Yearbook)20128074
842CADDET energy efficiency newsletter20128075
843Cadernos de Educação20128076
844Cadernos de Estudos Africanos10081332
845Cadernos Discursivos (CADIS)20128077
846Cahiers Chronos20128078
847Cahiers de la sécurité20128079
848Cahiers de Linguistique Theorique et Appliquee10022224
849Cahiers de l'Ocha20128080
850Cahiers d'Etudes Germaniques. Universite de Provence. Centre d'Aix20128081
851Cahiers du cinéma20128082
852Cahiers du Genre10029431
853Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure10022229
854Calcutta Review20128084
855California history (San Francisco)10000572
856California Journal of Politics and Policy (CJPP)20128085
857Call center magazine39642
858Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology20128086
859Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England20128087
860Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Thought20128088
861Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature20128089
862Camden History Review20128091
864Campos – Revista de Antropologia20128093
866Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies20067381
867Canada Communicable Disease Report10075752
868Canadian Diversity20128094
869Canadian Gas Price Reporter20128095
870Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy10085357
871Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE)20128096
872Canadian Journal of Human Rights20128097
873Canadian Journal of Regional Science20128098
874Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education20128099
875Canadian Political Science Review10032310
876Canadian Tax Journal10020432
877Canadian Women Studies - Les cahiers de la femme10079920
878Cancer Care Research Online20128100
879Cancer Gene Therapy905
880Cancer Immunity10052247
881Cancer Practice37936
882Cancer Reports and Reviews20070254
883Cancer Surveys913
884Cancers Review20128101
886Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics20115346
887Kapadokya Tarih ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Cappadocia Journal of History and Social Sciences10084366
889Cardiac Electrophysiology Review10024815
890Cardiovascular Device Update20128103
891Cardiovascular Drug Reviews923
892Cardiovascular Endocrinology10060000
893Cardiovascular Engineering: An International Journal10015552
894Caribbean Writer20128105
895Caring for the Ages20128106
896Carlyle Studies Annual20128107
898Case Management Advisor20128109
899Case Reports in Medicine10019918
900Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics (CSBIGS)20128110
902Catedral Tomada.Journal of Latin American Literary Criticism20119739
903Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA)20066254
904Caucasus Analytical Digest20128113
905Cauce. Revista de Filología y su Didáctica10082943
906Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism42294
908Cell Medicine10088403
909Cellular and Molecular Biology944
910Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry6880
911Cement and Its Applications20128115
912Central African Journal of Medicine20128116
913Central Asia and the Caucasus10081019
914Central Asian Affairs10086394
915Central European Journal of International and Security Studies10025646
916Ceramics Art and Perception10063857
918Cervantes. Revista del Instituto Cervantes de El Cairo20128119
919CESifo DICE Report10068457
920CESifo Forum41807
922Challenge magazine10017989
923Change: The magazine of higher learning10068613
924Chapman. Scotland's quality literary magazine20128123
925Chapter & Verse20128124
926Charles Lamb Bulletin20128125
927Charleston Advisor20095324
928Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación / Chasqui. Latin American Journal of Communication20123617
929Chemical Data Collections10068375
930Chemical Educator40048
931Chemical Engineering and Science20128126
932Chemical Engineering World10005691
933Chemistry International10006322
935Chesterton Review20128127
936Chiasmi International20128128
937Child welfare4757
938Childhoods Today20128131
939Children and Teenagers (CT)20128132
940Deti v informacionnom obŝestve / Children in the information society20128133
941Children in War20128134
942Children's Literature20123319
943Children's Services20128135
944Chilean Journal of Statistics20077988
945Chilufim: Zeitschrift für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte20061510
946China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly20128136
947China Business Review10025480
948China City Planning Review (CCPR)20128137
949Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue / China Environmental Science10044640
950China Review International10067978
951China-USA Business Review10051048
952Chinese Business Review10020096
953Daqi kexue / Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences10050563
954Chinese Journal of Endemiology10048022
955Zhongguo Xunzheng Yixue Zazhi / Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine10038046
956Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao / Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering10045043
957Zhongguo gan ran kong zhi za zhi / Chinese journal of infection control20120201
958Chinese Journal of Materials Research10049970
959Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology10010965
960Chinese Linguistics in Europe20128139
961Chinese Literature Essays Articles Reviews (CLEAR)20128140
962Chinese Mental Health Journal10046104
963Ching Feng20128141
968Christian Scholar's Review20128144
969Christian-Jewish Relations20128145
970Chronic Diseases in Canada10015584
971Chronica Mundi20128146
972Chronique féministe20128147
973Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal20128148
975Ciencia Ecuador20128150
976Ciencia UANL20128151
977Ciencias Sociales Online20128152
978Cigre Science & Engineering10032425
979CIM Journal10084232
980Cinema e Storia. Rivista di studi interdisciplinari / Cinema e Storia.Rivista di studi interdisciplinari20106734
981Cinémas - Revue d'Études Cinématographiques20062614
982Cinetext: Film and Philosophy20128153
983Circuits and Systems10082048
984Circulation Control20128154
986CIRED Seminar20128156
987CIRED Workshop20128157
988Cithara: Essays in Judaeo-Christian Tradition10000613
989City & Time20128158
990Civil engineering and architecture20073176
991CLARA Architecture/Recherche20128159
993Classics Ireland20128160
994Classroom Notes Plus20128161
995CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education20077289
996Clinica – Medical Device and Diagnostic News20128164
997Clinica veterinaria de pequeños animales10011411
998Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews10064089
999Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine10078105
1000Clinical Advances in Periodontics20102463
1001Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews2150549
1002Clinical and Diagnostic Virology11625
1003Clinical Audit20128165
1004Clinical Cardiology Alert20128166
1005Clinical Case Reports and Reviews20066447
1006Clinical Chiropractic10079014
1007Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing10068903
1008Clinical Eye and Vision Care10044200
1009Clinical Geriatrics10006323
1010Clinical Investigation (OACLI)10022081
1011Clinical leadership & management review39647
1012Clinical Medicine and Diagnostics10085618
1013Clinical Microbiology: Open Access10071078
1014Clinical neuroscience (New York, N.Y.)10010058
1015Clinical Neuroscience Research10001154
1016Clinical Nurse Specialist™10006936
1017Clinical Nursing Studies10084525
1018Clinical Nutrition Supplements10022617
1019Clinical Oncology Alert20128167
1020Clinical Orthodontics and Research10075838
1021Clinical Positron Imaging20128168
1022Clinical Practice10039373
1023Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health10037039
1024Clinical Radiology Extra10079281
1025Clinical transplants10005904
1026Clinician in Management10078107
1027Clio Medica10010440
1028CMI Brief20128170
1029Cogent Food & Agriculture10055396
1030Kogito / Cogito20128171
1031Cogito (Lillehammer) / Cogito20128172
1033Cognitive Science – New Media – Education20128177
1034Coleridge Bulletin10022574
1035Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci / Collected Papers of the Law Faculty of the University of Rijeka10013447
1036Collection Building10071467
1037Collection Management10079283
1038College & Undergraduate Libraries10079458
1039Collegium : Studies across disciplines in the humanities and social sciences10059784
1040Colloquium Helveticum: Cahiers suisses de littérature générale et comparée / Colloquium Helveticum: Swiss Review of General and Comparative Literature20128183
1041Colloquy: Text, Theory, Critique20062231
1042Colonial Latin American historical review10000639
1043Colorado Research in Linguistics (CRIL)20128184
1044Columbia Business Law Review10024986
1045Columbia Human Rights Law Review10024831
1046Columbia Journal of Asian Law10024987
1047Columbia Journal of Environmental Law10024988
1048Columbia Journalism Review20128185
1049Combating Terrorism Exchange (CTX)10067890
1050Commentary (New York)4781
1051Comments on Theoretical Biology10072169
1052Common Ground Journal20128188
1054Commonwealth Essays and Studies10027288
1055Communal Plural20128189
1056Communicable Diseases Intelligence20078222
1058Communicare - et fagdidaktisk tidsskrift fra Fremmedspråksenteret / Communicare - a teaching methodology journal from the Norwegian National Centre for Foreign Languages in Education20128190
1059Communication Abstracts20128191
1060Communication and Cognition10018396
1061Communication and Language at Work - Bridging Theory and Practice20128192
1062Communication Arts20085818
1063Communication Booknotes Quarterly10074179
1064Communication Design. Interdisciplinary and Graphic Research Design / Communication Design.20128193
1065Communication Research Trends10086530
1067Komunikácie - vedecké listy Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline / Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina40629
1068Communications and Network10069805
1069Communications in Applied Analysis10008327
1070Communications of the American Mathematical Society20128195
1071Communications of the IBIMA10063284
1072Communio Viatorum10028646
1073Community & Junior College Libraries10079460
1074Community Practitioner10043868
1075Compar(a)ison: An International Journal of Comparative Literature10019352
1076Comparative and General Pharmacology10017493
1077Comparative Civilizations Review20094358
1078Comparative Criticism20128196
1079Comparative Drama Conference Papers20128197
1080Compensation and Benefits Review10067737
1081Competency & Emotional Intelligence Quarterly20128198
1082Competition Forum10060290
1083Competitive Intelligence Review20128199
1084Complementary Health Practice Review20128200
1085Complicity : An International Journal of Complexity and Education20128203
1086Composites business analysis20128204
1087Comprehensive therapy10000646
1088Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience10036666
1089Computational Social Sciences20128205
1090Computer Law Review International10025018
1091Computer Personnel10017632
1092Computer Science and Engineering20128206
1093Computer science and information systems reports20128207
1094Computer Science and Information Technology20128208
1095Computer Technology and Application10086954
1096Kompûternye instrumenty v obrazovanii / Computer Tools for Education10063029
1097Computers in Higher Education Economics Review20128209
1098Comunicazione Filosofica20078873
1099Concept and Communication20128210
1100Concepts and Transformation20128211
1101Concilium medii aevi10086405
1102Concrete in Australia20128213
1103Concrete Research Letters20128214
1104Conference papers / Bank for International Settlements20128215
1105Confines de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Política20128217
1106Confluências : Revista de tradução científica e técnica20128218
1107Congenital Anomalies10012240
1108Congenital Cardiology Today20128219
1109Coniectanea Biblica, New Testament Series20128220
1110CONNECT: The World of Critical Care Nursing20128221
1111Connotations : A Journal for Critical Debate10067426
1112Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil20128223
1113Construction Robotics20128224
1116Teraźniejszość - Człowiek - Edukacja / Contemporary - Learning - Society20075265
1117Contemporary Clinical Gynecology & Obstetrics10078788
1118Contemporary Educational Leadership10065730
1119Contemporary Educational Technology10043775
1120Contemporary Engineering Sciences / Contemporary Engineerng Sciences10081029
1121Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy10035259
1122Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences20128226
1123Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education20118587
1124Contemporary Journal of African Studies20128227
1125Contemporary Journal of Anthropology and Sociology20128228
1126Contemporary Review20128230
1127Contemporary Sociological Global Review (CSGR)20128231
1128Contemporary Southeastern Europe10057491
1129Contemporary Verse 220128232
1130Contents Pages in Education20128233
1134Continuing Professional Development20128234
1135Continuum. Lifelong Learning in Neurology10030999
1136Contraceptive Technology Update10075897
1137Contrastes (Málaga)20128235
1138Sapostavitelno ezikoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics10013660
1139Controlling & Management Review20103519
1140Conversations in Religion and Theology20128236
1141Copenhagen Studies in Language20128237
1142Copenhagen working papers in LSP20128238
1143Coppertales. A Journal of Rural Arts20128239
1144Coronary Health Care10078350
1145Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review20091407
1146Corporate Real Estate Journal10072504
1147Corpus Pragmatics10083127
1148Correlative neuroanatomy20128240
1149Corriere Giuridico20128241
1150Corriere Tributario20128242
1151Corrosion and Materials Degradation20083654
1152Cosmic and Subatomic Physics Report20128243
1153Counselling Psychology Review20101717
1154Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice (CFP)20063957
1155Course Material from Turku University Applied Sciences20128244
1156CPSS transactions on power electronics and applications (TPEA) / CPSS transactions on power electronics and applications20095242
1157Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction10063946
1158Creative Approaches to Research20128245
1159Creative Education10071835
1160Creative Nonfiction20128246
1161Cribles: essais de litterature20128249
1162Criminal Justice Matters10013226
1163Crisis and Critique20128250
1166Cristianesimo nella storia – Ricerche storice esegetiche teologiche / Cristianesimo nella storia – Studies in History, Theology and Exegesis10013869
1167Critica d'arte10078789
1168Critical Anthropology20128253
1169Critical Care Alert20128254
1170Critical Care and Resuscitation10022935
1171Critical Literacy20128255
1172Critical perspectives20128256
1173Critical reviews in diagnostic imaging1215
1174Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine1221
1175Critical Studies on Security20075901
1176Critical Texts. A Review of Theory and Criticism20128257
1177Critique of Political Economy20128258
1178Cross Currents10067630
1182Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies10048299
1183Crux. A Journal on the Teaching of English20128261
1184CSI Communications20128262
1185CSLI studies in computational inguistics20128263
1186CTheory: An International Journal of Theory, Technology and Culture20128264
1187Cuadernos americanos10082938
1188Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía20128265
1189Cuadernos de Arquitectura y Fortificación20128266
1190Cuadernos de Información20128268
1191Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales10028995
1192Cuadernos de Literatura20102423
1193Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil20128269
1194Cuadernos Interculturales20128270
1195Cultural Values20128271
1196Culture & History20128272
1197Kultūra ir visuomenė: socialinių tyrimų žurnalas / Culture and Society. Journal of Social Research10035289
1198Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning20128274
1199Culture, Society & Praxis20128275
1200Culture, Society and Masculinities10085941
1201Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin10056751
1202Cuneiform Digital Library Journal10089026
1205Current Addiction Reports / Current Addiction Report10051375
1206Current Aging Science10037669
1207Current Conservation10010347
1208Current Diagnostic Pathology10040518
1209Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering (CDBME)10068732
1210Current Issues in Comparative Education10050805
1211Current Issues in Emerging eLearning (CIEE)20128277
1212Current Medical Litterature - Rheumatology20128278
1213Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity10007694
1214Current Opinion in Internal Medicine20128279
1215Current opinion in molecular therapeutics (Print)27973
1216Current Opinion in Orthopaedics10016782
1217Current Opinion in Systems Biology10074911
1218Current Paediatrics10013247
1219Current Politics and Economics of Europe10089113
1220Current problems in dermatology27987
1221Current problems in pediatrics10039150
1222Current Research in Agricultural Sciences20079496
1223Current Sexual Health Reports10079469
1224Current Sleep Medicine Reports10041892
1225Current Surgery10017542
1226Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology10037064
1227Current Trends in Neurology20128280
1228Current Vascular Pharmacology10005625
1229Curriculum and Teaching10027669
1230Curriculum Review20128281
1231Cursiv [publisher: Institut for Didaktik, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet, DK]20128282
1232Cutter Benchmark Review20128283
1233CW3: Corvey Women Writers on the Web20128284
1234Cyber Humanitatis20128285
1235Cybertext Yearbook20128286
1237Cytokines, cellular & molecular therapy11877
1238Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities10020710
1239Národopisná revue / Czech Ethnological Journal10027271
1240Czech Mycology10055324
1241D.H. Lawrence Review20128287
1242DAC Journal20128288
1243D'Adventures of 'I.S.R.A.E.L.I.20128289
1244Daedong Munhwa Yeon'gu (Study of Eastern Culture)20128290
1245Daena: International Journal of Good Conscience10033443
1246Daffodil International University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences10037068
1247Dagens medisin20128291
1248Dagstuhl Follow-Ups20118759
1249Dagstuhl Reports20094151
1250Danish Journal of Management & Business20128292
1251Dansk : medlemsblad for Dansklærerforeningens folkeskolefraktion20128293
1252Dansk audiologopædi20128294
1253Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift (DVT)20074597
1254DAOL - Discourse analysis online20128295
1255Das erneuerbare Energien Magazin20128296
1256Das EthikJournal20128297
1257Das Historisch-politische Buch : ein Wegweiser durch das Schrifttum10039138
1258Das Hochschulwesen. Forum für Hochschulforschung, -praxis und -politik10017484
1259Das Münster10032197
1260Das Zeichen: Zeitschrift für Sprache und Kultur Gehörloser10022255
1261Data Envelopment Analysis Journal20128298
1262Data Science and Engineering10082317
1265Dataset Papers in Agriculture20128300
1266Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD20070019
1267De Beeldenaar20068609
1268Deaf Worlds: Deaf People, Community and Society20128302
1269Debate terminológico20128303
1270Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society20128305
1271Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada20128306
1272Defence Strategic Communications20128307
1273Defense analysis20128308
1274Degrés: Revue de synthese a orientation semiologique10000345
1275Delaware Review of Latin American Studies20128310
1277Democracy & Development: Journal of West African Affairs20128313
1278Democracy & Nature10078794
1279Democratic Communiqué20128314
1280Dental Clinics of North America10039965
1281Dental Implantology Update10075951
1283Dentistry 300020102053
1284Denver Journal of International Law and Policy10010732
1285Denver Quarterly20128317
1286Depth of Field20128318
1287Der Anschnitt10018861
1288Der Betrieb10017465
1289Der Burger im Staat10004245
1290Der Deutschunterricht: Beitrage zu Seiner Praxis und Wissenschaftlichen Grundlegung10012689
1291Der Erwerbsobstbau : Berichte aus Wissenschaft und Praxis10011467
1292Der Notarzt10011755
1293Der Nuklearmediziner10084162
1294Der Onkologe10011771
1295Der Pharma Chemica10037617
1296Der Urologe B10068152
1297Derbyshire Miscellany20128320
1298Dermatología Peruana20128321
1299Dermatology and Psychosomatics10072690
1300Desacatos - Revista de Antropologica Social10081467
1301Desarrollo Económico. Revista de Ciencias Sociales4834
1302Descant (Toronto)10000348
1303Descriptive and Applied Linguistics20128322
1305Design Management Review20128324
1306Design Research Quarterly20128325
1307Det Juridiske fakultetsbiblioteks skriftserie20128327
1308Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab. Årbok20128328
1309Det praktisk-teologiske seminars skriftserie20128329
1310Det var den´ti : årbok ...20128330
1311Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature. Yearbook20128332
1312Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung1369794
1313Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie10050915
1314Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters10016682
1315Deutsches Schiffartsarchiv20128334
1316Development Cooperation Review20128335
1317Development Dialogue10025557
1318Development Today20128336
1319Developmental Brain Research1293
1320Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries20128337
1322Diabetes & its Complications (DC)20128339
1323Diabetes Journal20128341
1324Diabetes Management20128342
1325Diabetic Hypoglycemia10080363
1326Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel10011428
1327Diagnostic molecular pathology (Print)7258
1328Diagoras: International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies / Diagoras: International Academic Journal of Olympic Studies20128343
1329Dialog (Warszawa)20062042
1330Diálogo de la Lengua10068697
1331Diálogos Latinoamericanos20124119
1332Dialogue in praxis20128344
1333Dialysis & Transplantation1314
1336Didacta Varia20128346
1337Die Friedenswarte20075633
1338Die Kunde20128347
1339Die Laute10022259
1340Die Maske, Zeitschrift für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie20128348
1341Die Neue Gesellschaft-Frankfurter Hefte10067964
1342Die Quintessenz20062743
1343Die Rehabilitation10015581
1344Die Sprache10022260
1345Die Vogelwelt : Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz10005380
1346Die Wirtschaftsprüfung10018149
1347Diesel & gas turbine worldwide10075971
1348Diggit Magazine20128349
1349Digital Literary Studies20128350
1350Digital Printing: Science and Technology20128351
1351Digital Threats: Research and Practice (DTRAP)20100677
1352digma - Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit20128352
1353Diotime - l'Agora20128353
1354Diritti Lavori Mercati10067329
1355Diritto & Pratica del Lavoro20128354
1356Disaster Advances10011435
1357Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education10068662
1358Discursos - Prácticas20128357
1359Discussion paper (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet)20128358
1360Disease management & health outcomes10000748
1361Disease Management and Clinical Outcomes10075976
1362Diskussion Musikpädagogik20128359
1363Dissertationes de mediis et communicationibus Univertatis Tartuensis20128360
1365Distances & Savoirs10080114
1366Distant Worlds Journal (DWJ)20128362
1367Distribution Business Management Journal20128363
1368DIVAN Tidsrift för kultur och psykoanalys. / DIVAN journal for culture and psychoanalysis20128364
1369Divergencias : Revista de Estudios Linguisticos y Literarios20128365
1371Diversity and equality in health and care10074068
1372Diversity in Health and Care20128367
1373Divinatio. Studia Culturologica Series10010271
1375Divulgaciones Matematicas10030734
1376Divus Thomas - Rivista dello Studio Filosofico Domenicano20128369
1377DMI Design Management Journal20128370
1378Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Ìstorìâ ta arheologìâ / Dnipropetrovsk University bulletin. History & archaeology series20128371
1380Docencia e investigación20128373
1381Doctoral series20128375
1382Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information10078563
1383Documentos Lingüísticos y literarios20128377
1384Doktoravhandling, Universitetet i Oslo20128378
1386Doping Journal20128380
1388Down beat10000372
1389Downside Review10071515
1390DQR Studies in Literature20128381
1391Dragomanen: Årsskrift utgiven av Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul20128382
1392Dreigroschenheft. Informationen zu Bertolt Brecht / Dreigroschenheft. Informations on Bertolt Brecht10022790
1393Древнейшие государства Восточной Европы / Drevnejšie gosudarstva Vostočnoj Evropy : materialy i issledovanija Moskva : Nauka, 1994- .20128384
1394Drevnjaja Rus' - Voprosy medievistiki10069244
1395Drug Discovery Today : Disease Mechanisms10031930
1396Drug Discovery Today : Therapeutic Strategies2148640
1397Drug News and Perspectives17029
1398Drug Target Insights10052813
1399Dublin James Joyce Journal20128386
1400Duoda (Barcelona)20128387
1401Durham Anthropological Journal20128388
1402Dutch Birding10052452
1404Dynamic Systems and Applications10001179
1406Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems20128391
1407Dynamische Psychiatrie4847
1409Døves Tidsskrift20128393
1410E.I.A.L. : Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe10082022
1411EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning20073795
1412EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ubiquitous Environments20128394
1413Early American Studies20102040
1414Early Childhood Education -Educational Sciences20128395
1415Early Childhood Research & Practice10078118
1416Early Keyboard Journal20128396
1417Early Modern Japan : an Interdisciplinary Journal20128397
1418Early Music Performer20128398
1419Earth and Environmental Science10086503
1420Earth Observation Quarterly10076002
1421Earth Science Research10063987
1422EASST Review10070113
1423East African Journal of Public Health10079693
1424East and Central African Journal of Surgery20128400
1425East Asia Forum Quarterly20128401
1426East Asian Sport Thoughts: The international journal for the sociology of sport20128402
1427Східноєвропейський історичний вісник / East Europe Historical Bulletin20069307
1429Biuletyn EBIB / EBIB Bulletin10083516
1430EBSCO bulletin of serials changes39666
1431EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System20128404
1433Echo (Los Angeles)20128406
1434Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science20128407
1435Ecological and Environmental Anthropology20128408
1436Ecology Abstracts20128409
1438Economia & Lavoro10020569
1439Economia Internazionale / International Economics10010245
1440Economía Mexicana20128410
1441Economic: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Hukum Islam / Economic ( Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Ulum Banyuwangi)20128411
1442Economic Analysis20128412
1443Ekonomitsjeskie i sotsial'nye peremeny: Fakty, tendentsii, prognoz / Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast10071942
1444Экономические и Социальные Проблемы России / Economic and Social Problems of Russia20128413
1445Economic and Social Rights Review20128414
1446Economic Bulletin20128415
1447ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ ВІСНИК НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ТЕХНІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ УКРАЇНИ «КИЇВСЬКИЙ ПОЛІТЕХНІЧНИЙ ІНСТИТУТ» / Economic bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnical Institute20116188
1448Economic Indicators20128416
1449Economic Journal of Nepal20128417
1450Economic Self Reliance20128418
1451Economic Sociology : the European Electronic Newsletter10028092
1452Kyeongje wa Sahoe / Economy and Society20128419
1455ED Management10076017
1456ED Nursing10079475
1457Edinburgh working papers in applied linguistics20128421
1458Edith Wharton Review20068032
1460Education (Rosemead, Calif.)10064095
1461Education Daily20128423
1462Éducation et francophonie20071486
1463Éducation relative à l'environnement : Regards - Recherches - Réflexions20085385
1464Education Review10070977
1465Education Sciences and Psychology20063851
1466Education, research and perspectives10068747
1467Educational Administration Abstracts20128424
1468Educational Leadership4874
1469Educational Management Abstracts20128425
1470Educational Research and Reviews10020845
1471Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook (ESJ)10068775
1472Educational Technology Abstracts20128427
1473Educause Quarterly20128428
1474Educause Review20128429
1475E-Fabulations : e-journal of Children's Literature20128431
1476EFTA Bulletin20128432
1477Ege Academic Review10074623
1478eHealth International20128434
1479E-Health Telecommunication Systems and Networks20128435
1480Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies10000385
1482e-International relations20080835
1483EJBO - Electronic Journal of Business and Organization Ethics10028819
1484e-JEMED. Electronic journal of evolutionary modeling and economic dynamics20128438
1485e-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching10030434
1486Ejournalist - A refereed media journal20128439
1487El Catoblepas: revista critica del presente20106667
1488El Cotidiano20128440
1489El Croquis20128441
1490El Hombre y la Máquina10082289
1491Electoral Bulletins of the European Union (BLUE)20128442
1492Electric Utility Week20128443
1493Electrical and Electronic Engineering20081032
1494Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Electromyography and motor control12016
1496Electronic antiquity20128445
1497Electronic Business Law20128446
1498Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education20128447
1499Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography20128448
1500Electronic journal of Australian and New Zealand history20128449
1501Electronic Journal of Biomedicine10082619
1502Electronic Journal of Communication20128450
1503Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies10073305
1504Electronic Journal of e-Learning10082594
1505Electronic Journal of Literacy through Science20128451
1506Electronic Journal of Organizational Virtualness20128452
1507Electronic journal of oriental studies20128453
1508Electronic Journal of Radical Organisation Theory20128454
1509Electronic Journal of Sociology20128455
1510Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development20128456
1511Èlektronnoe modelirovanie / Electronic Modeling10016319
1512Electronic Musicological Review20128457
1513Electronic Transactions on Artifical Intelligence20128458
1514Electronical journal of communicative psychoanalysis20128459
1515Elektronikk : tidsskrift for IT og telekom20128460
1516Elementa : tidskrift för matematik, fysik och kemi20128461
1517Elementos : Ciencia y cultura20128462
1519Em Debate20128463
1520Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies10009740
1521e-Mémoires de l'Académie Nationale de Chirurgie10059161
1522E-mental: elektronický časopis o mentálnom zdraví / E-mental: Electronic Journal of Mental Health20128464
1523Emergency Medicine Alert20128465
1524Emergency Medicine News20128466
1525Emergency Medicine Reports20105025
1526Emergency Nurse10076035
1527Emerging Economy Studies20096265
1528Emerging Markets Case Studies (EEMCS)10072128
1529Emory International Law Review10014201
1530Employment Relations Record20063223
1531Employment Relations Today10076037
1532Empowerment in Organizations20128467
1533EMS Newsletter41203
1536Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture20128469
1538Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics20128471
1539Endocrinologia y Nutricion10025537
1540Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome10033601
1541Endodontic Topics10012680
1544Energy and Environment Research20128474
1545Energy and Environmental Engineering20128475
1546Energy and Power20128476
1547Energy Economics Letters10040876
1548Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research10051318
1549Energy Engineering28203
1550Energy Law Journal (ELJ)10025161
1551Energy Prices and Taxes20128477
1552Energy Review20128478
1553Energy Science and Technology10062854
1554Energy Technology & Policy20076657
1555Energy Trends20128479
1556Engineering / Engineering (Irvine, Calif.)10047134
1557Engineering and Process Economics2147359
1558Engineering Structures and Technologies10051827
1559English Education10068790
1560English in Africa20123359
1561English Language Research Journal10083265
1562English Language Teaching10042027
1563English Linguistics10022273
1564English Linguistics Research10042365
1565English Literary Studies20128481
1566English Miscellany. A Symposium of History, Literature and the Arts20128482
1567English teaching forum20128484
1568Enlightenment and Dissent20128485
1569entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography20128486
1570Entelequia. Revista interdisciplinar20128487
1571Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies10028156
1572Entertainment design10000399
1573Entomology Abstracts20128488
1574Entretextos : Revista Electronica Semestral de Estudios Semióticos de la Cultura20128489
1575Environment and Ecology Research20102093
1576Warasan Singwaetlom lae Sappayakon Tammachat / Environment and Natural Resources Journal10083339
1577Environment and Natural Resources Research10032498
1578Environmental & Energy Law & Policy Journal10025174
1579Environmental and Planning Law Journal (EPLJ)10025175
1580Environmental Disease20077012
1581Environmental Law Reporter (ELR)10025178
1582Environmental Quality Management10048527
1583Environmental Research and Technology20067146
1584Environmental Research Forum20128491
1585Environmental Systems Research10055002
1586Epea pteroenta10032117
1587Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations10079167
1588Epidemiology Research International10063535
1589Epilepsi nytt20128493
1590Episteme NS - Revista del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela20128494
1591ePlasty: Open Access Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery10031475
1592ERA Forum10025585
1594ERCES : Online Quarterly Review20128495
1595ERCIM News39676
1596Erdöl Erdgas Kohle1341896
1597Erfurt Electronic Studies in English20128496
1599Eritrean Studies Review20128498
1600Ernährungs-Umschau (1977)1469
1601Erziehung & Unterricht10017477
1602Erziehung, Unterricht, Bildung20128499
1603Esfera: Revista filológica y cultural hispana20128500
1605Espace Géographique10008671
1606Espacio Abierto20121187
1607Español actualRevista de español vivo10017158
1608Espéculo : Revista de Estudios Literarios20123363
1609Essays in Education10078812
1610Essays In Medieval Studies10071534
1611Essays in Poetics10000412
1612Essays in Romanticism20128501
1613Estoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca / ESTOAEstoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca20112339
1614Eesti Arheoloogiaajakiri / Estonian Journal of Archaeology10073815
1615Estudios clásicos10084397
1616Estudios de la antigüedad20128502
1617Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada20069255
1618Estudios de Lingüística Chibcha20128503
1619Estudios en Antropología Social20128504
1620Estudios Filologicos Alemanes10012687
1621Estudios Humanisticos: Filologia10058476
1622Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporaneas10020555
1623Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo10062395
1624Estudos internacionais: revista de relações internacionais da PUC Minas / Estudos internacionais: PUC Minas International Relations Journal20074072
1625Età Evolutiva20128505
1626ETH Learning and Teaching Journal20082120
1627Ethics & Medics10076078
1628Ethiopian journal of applied sciences and technology20128506
1629Ethiopian Journal of Development Research20128507
1630Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management10035518
1631Éthique, politique, religions20128508
1632Ethnographic Studies20128509
1633Ethnographica Journal on Culture and Disability20128510
1634Ethnopolitics Papers20128512
1637E-topia : Revista Electrónica de Estudos sobre a Utopia20128514
1638Etter Lemkin: Tidsskrift for studier av folkemord og politisk massevold20128515
1639Etudes Caribéennes20077780
1640Études cinématographiques10000421
1641Études grégoriennes20128516
1642Études internationales42090
1643Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics10076084
1644Eurasia Antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens10072323
1646EU-ret & Menneskeret20128521
1647Euro Observer - Newsletter of the European Observatory on Health Care Systems10016225
1650EuroFM Journal - International Journal of Facilities Management20128522
1651Euroheat & Power10076087
1653Europace, Supplements20128526
1654European Accounting and Management Review20128527
1655European Biotechnology Newsletter20128528
1656European Bulletin of Adapted Physical Activity10028080
1657European Bulletin of Social Psychology10030511
1658European Chemical News10078125
1659European Cultural Heritage20128529
1660European cybersecurity journal20128530
1661European Economic Review Plus20128531
1662European Infectious Disease10073750
1663European Instructional Course Lectures10042359
1664European Integration Online Papers10011999
1665European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health (EHMH)20113508
1666European Journal of Anatomy (EJA)1209679
1667European Journal of Business and Economics20128533
1668European Journal of Business Research10032598
1669European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management10035458
1670European Journal of Economic and Social Systems10020609
1671European Journal of Economics, Law and Politics20066620
1672European Journal of Ecopsychology (EJE)20108527
1673European Journal of Education (EJED)20072534
1674European Journal of Educational & Social Sciences20128534
1675European Journal of Educational Sciences20128535
1676European Journal of Endocrinology. Supplement10041936
1677European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)20128536
1678European Journal of ePractice20128537
1679European Journal of General Dentistry10082837
1680European Journal of General Medicine10036400
1681European Journal of Heart Failure. Supplements10022677
1682European Journal of Medicinal Plants10032305
1683European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM)20072431
1684European Journal of Morphology1509
1685European Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety20067676
1686European Journal of Physical & Health Education10057748
1687European Journal of Physics Education (EJPE)10019869
1688European Journal of Science and Theology10022955
1689European Journal of Scientific Research10024844
1690European Journal of Social Education10024134
1691European Journal of Social Sciences10022418
1692European Journal of Sports and Exercise Science20107454
1693European journal of sports traumatology and related research (Testo stampato)10000435
1694European Journal of Surgery1525
1695European Journal of Sustainable Development10033509
1696European Journal of Sustainable Development Research (EJOSDR)10083991
1697European Journal of Turfgrass Science20128538
1698European Journal of Ultrasound2152189
1699European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine20128539
1700European meetings in ethnomusicology10023387
1701European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences10070724
1702European Papers on the New Welfare : Quaderni Europei sul Nuovo Welfare20128540
1703European Pharmaceutical Review10050267
1704European Property Law Journal20095256
1705European Psychiatric Review10022182
1706European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences10010896
1707European Review of Energy Markets10085573
1708European Review of Native American Studies20078997
1709European Scientific Journal10014354
1710Европейская Безопасность: События, Оценки, Прогнозы / European Security: Events, Evaluations, Forecasts20128541
1711European Social Work Research (ESWR)20128542
1712European Sports History Review10078126
1713European Taxation10014411
1714European transport law20128543
1715European Workshop on Visual Information Processing20128544
1716European Yearbook in the Sociology of Law20128545
1718Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 6, Psychologie20128547
1719Europäisches Rundschau10004408
1720Evangelical Studies Bulletin20128550
1721Evental Aesthetics20128551
1722Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM)10006977
1723Evidence-Based Eye Care10078572
1724Evidence-Based Gastroenterology10078818
1725Evidence-based Healthcare10076101
1726Evidence-based Oncology10078372
1727Evolution of Communication10016999
1728ew - das magazin für die energie wirtschaft10029970
1729Excellence in Higher Education20128552
1730Exceptionality Education International (EEI)10069945
1731Executive Development20128554
1732Exilforschung : Ein Internationales Jahrbuch20128555
1733Existential Analysis20128556
1735Exogenous Dermatology10050910
1736Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics1547
1737Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine10015706
1738Experimental Biomedical Research20112850
1739Expert Evidence20128557
1740Expert Opinion in Medical Diagnostics10028198
1741Exploit Interactive - The Exploit Project's Pan-European Web Magazine20128559
1742Export America20128560
1743Extravío: revista electrónica de literatura comparada20128561
1745Facility Management Journal20128564
1746Fagbladet Allergi i praksis20128566
1747Faits de Langues / Faits de Langues: Journal of Language Diversity10022297
1748Faktablad om växtskydd, Jordbruk20128567
1749Family Science10072574
1750Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics10061719
1751Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications10081041
1752Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS)10019934
1753Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics20128568
1754Farbe und Lack2075151
1756Fascinating Life Sciences (FLS)20128569
1757Fast Capitalism20128570
1758Fast Grunn20128571
1760Fauna och flora : populär tidskrift för biologi20128572
1761FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin20128573
1762Federal Facilities Environmental Journal20128574
1763Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review10006878
1764Federal Times20128575
1765Feed International20128576
1766Feedstuffs - The Weekly Newspaper for Agribusiness10023867
1768Feldherpetologisches Magazin20128578
1769Femina Politica10070614
1770Feminist Collections. A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources20128579
1771Feminist Teacher (FT)10068832
1772Fênix : Revista de História e Estudos Culturais20128581
1773Fenno-Ugrica Suecana - Nova Series20128582
1774Fernand Braudel Center's Review10026082
1775Festival management and event tourism : An international journal20128583
1777Feuillets de Radiologie10011482
1778Fiction International20128585
1780Film and Philosophy : Journal of the Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts (SPSCVA)20128587
1781Kwartalnik Filmowy / Film Quarterly20062313
1784Filologia antica e moderna20073602
1785Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions10087732
1786Filosofisk supplement20128590
1787Filosofisk Tidskrift20128591
1788Filter - for fotografi20128592
1789Filter - Tijdschrift over vertalen20128593
1790Финансы и бизнес / Finance and Business20128594
1791Financial Management (CIMA)20128595
1792Financial Risk and Management Reviews20084480
1793Financial Services Review10020748
1794Financial times10023968
1795Finnish economic papers10020750
1796Finsk Tidskrift (FT)20128596
1797Firat Tip Dergisi10054131
1799Fire Engineering10076131
1800First Peoples Child & Family Review20128598
1801First Things10019600
1802Fish Veterinary Journal20128599
1803Fisken og Havet20128600
1804Fisken og Havet, Særnummer20128601
1805Five Points. A Journal of Literature and Art20128603
1808Fleischwirtschaft international10007459
1809Flight International10017479
1810Florida Tax Review (FTR)10025604
1812Fluid Scandinavia20128606
1813Flusser Studies20128607
1815FOAF Tale News20128609
1816Focus Journal20128610
1817Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies (FACT)10012970
1818Fokus Europa20128611
1819Fokus på språk20128612
1820Folk och musik20128613
1821Folkedansforskning i Norden20128614
1824Food Additives and Contaminants1610
1825Food and Nutrition Sciences10027884
1826Food and Public Health10086222
1827Food protection trends10070238
1828Food Science and Technology20101829
1830Forbes and Fifth20128619
1831Udenrigs / Foreign Affairs20128620
1833Form - the making of design20128622
1834Forma Civitatis20128623
1835Formacion Medica Continuada En Atencion Primaria10036172
1836Formulary (Cleveland, Ohio)12297
1837Formules. Revue des littératures à contraintes20128624
1838Foro Pediátrico20128625
1842Forskning om utbildning20128631
1845Forsvarets forum20128637
1846Forsvarets Forum20128636
1850Fortuna. Tidsskrift for historie, teknologi og kultur med tilknytning til de gamle jernverkene20128642
1851Forum for Idræt (Idrætshistorisk Årbog)20128643
1852Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte42013
1853Fosterhjemskontakt : tidsskrift om fosterhjemsarbeid20128644
1855Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages20077469
1856Foundations and Trends® in Human-Computer Interaction10079708
1857Foundations of Management (FoM)10071940
1858Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering20128646
1859Fountainwell Drama Texts20128647
1860Fra Fysikkens Verden20128648
1861Frá haug ok heiðni20128649
1862Fractional Differential Calculus20090809
1863Frame Journal of Literary Studies20128650
1864Franciscan Studies10049052
1865Fraser Economic commentary20128651
1866Frecuencia L20128652
1867Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien10088497
1868Fremdsprachen und Hochschule10017667
1870Frontiers for Young Minds20079358
1871Frontiers in Analytical Science20128655
1872Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare20097615
1873Frontiers in Digital Humanities10087346
1874Frontiers in Drug Delivery20104040
1875Frontiers in Health Policy Research20128656
1876Frontiers in Neuroenergetics10018948
1877Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral Science (FPBS)20128657
1878Frontiers in Science20128658
1879Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Policy20128659
1880Frontiers in Systems Biology20128660
1881Frontiers of Medical and Biological Engineering10076169
1882Frontiers of oral biology20128663
1883Frontiers of radiation therapy and oncology10000475
1884Frühes Deutsch10062836
1885Fu Jen Studies. Literature and Linguistics20128665
1886Fuel Communications20088313
1887Fukushima Journal of Medical Science20128666
1889FUMS rapport20128668
1890Functional Materials1374787
1891Fund og Forskning i Det Kongelige Biblioteks samlinger20068838
1892Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences20086643
1893Fundamentos en Humanidades20128669
1894Furniture History20068840
1895FUTURA / Futura (Finnish)20062254
1896Future - Aventis Magazine20128670
1898Første steg20128673
1899Gaceta Laboral20128674
1900Gamle Bergen Årbok20128676
1901Gandhi Marg10067523
1902Garden history / Garden history society42525
1903Gastroenterological Endoscopy10037006
1904Gastroenterology Research10051016
1906Gender Medicine10011490
1907Gendernye issledovaniâ / Gendernye Issledovaniya / Gender Studies20128679
1909Gene Function and Disease10078833
1910Gene Regulation and Systems Biology10040070
1911Gene Therapy and Regulation10053264
1912Genealogists' Magazine20128680
1913Genel Tip Dergisi20128681
1914General and Professional Education20125300
1915General Music Today (GMT)20128682
1916Genes and Function10076188
1917GeneScreen: An International Journal of Medical Genomics20128683
1918Genetic Analysis, Techniques and Applications (GATA)12353
1919Genetic Counseling17465
1920Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Monitor20128684
1921Genetics Abstracts20128685
1922Gengo Bunka Kenkyu. Studies in language and culture20128686
1924Genij Ortopedii10057378
1925Genomics-based Drug Data Report20128688
1926Genre & Histoire20128689
1928Geografiska Notiser10072899
1929Papeles de Geografía / Geography Papers20128690
1930Geomatik / Geomatic20109602
1931Geofizicheskiy zhurnal / Geophysical journal 10083855
1932Geopolitics under Globalization20128691
1934George Borrow Bulletin20128692
1935George Herbert Journal20128693
1936Georgetown Immigration Law Journal10026772
1937Georgetown International Environmental Law Review10019787
1938Georgetown journal of international affairs20128694
1939Georgetown Security Studies Review (GSSR)20128695
1940Georgia Journal International Comparative Law10026780
1942Geoscience Research20128696
1943Geosciences (El Monte, Calif)20068018
1944Geotechnical News10076216
1947Gerer et Comprendre10020270
1948Geriatrics & Aging10038035
1949Zeitschrift für Katalanistik / German Journal for Catalan Studies10021865
1950German Journal of Psychiatry10039499
1951German Journal of Urban Studies20128698
1952German Research20128699
1953German Risk and Insurance Review20128700
1955Gerontologia Polska10084469
1956Gerontology & Geriatrics Education10069947
1957Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht10027386
1958Geschichte Lernen20128702
1959Gestalt Theory20089771
1961Gestion Hospitalaria20128704
1963Ghana Journal of Development Studies20087779
1964Ghana Journal of Linguistics20062865
1965Ghanaian Journal of Economics (GJE)20128706
1966GI Cancer12402
1967Giornale di Neuropsicofarmacologia17518
1968GIS. Science : die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik / GIS.Science10079492
1970Glasnost : med Gateavisa nyhetsseksjon20128708
1971Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A10006999
1972Gli spazi della musica20123586
1973Global Asia20128710
1974Global Built Environment Review10040634
1975Global Business & Economics Anthology (GBEA)10018598
1976Global Chinese20102393
1977Global Commons Review20128711
1978Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (GCYILJ)20128712
1979Global Development Finance20128714
1980Global health research and policy20077196
1981Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics10088372
1982Global Journal of Business & Social Science Review (GJBSSR)20100376
1983Global Journal of Business Research10021202
1984Global Journal of Engineering Research10047994
1985Global journal of health education and promotion20128717
1986Global Journal of Health Science10047755
1987Global Journal of Human-Social Science (GJHSS)10035737
1988Global Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (GJIDD)10087600
1989Global Journal of Medical Research10031068
1990Global Journal of Research Engineering10051799
1991Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues (GJS)10033764
1992Global Journal of Strategies and Governance20128718
1993Global Media Journal10034696
1994Global Media Journal - German Edition (GMJ-DE)10083722
1995Global Media Journal : Mediterranean Edition20128719
1996Global Media Journal: African edition20128720
1997Global Military Studies Review20128721
1998Global Nineteenth-Century Studies (GNCS)20128722
1999Global Public Policy and Governance (GPPG)20123816
2000Global Review: A Biannual Special Topics Journal20128723
2001Global Security20128724
2002Global Telecoms Business39710
2003Global Tourism20128726
2004Global Veterinaria10022687
2005Glocal Times20128727
2011GMS Thoracic Surgical Science20128730
2012Gnist- Marxistisk tidsskrift20128731
2013Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft10000496
2015Goppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik20128733
2016Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics20089279
2017Gotländskt arkiv20128737
2018Government Publications Review (1973)20128738
2019Government Publications Review: Part A2148152
2020Government Publications Review: Part B2148153
2021GPS World10078587
2022Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies10035528
2023Graduate Journal of Social Science10055412
2024Graduate Journal of Sport, Exercise & Physical Education Research20128739
2026Graecolatina et Orientalia20128742
2028Graft - Organ and Cell Transplantation10010937
2029Gramsciana. Rivista Internazionale di Studi su Antonio Gramsci20128745
2031Grazer Linguistische Studien10007620
2032Green and Sustainable Chemistry10084490
2033Green Materials10062153
2034Gregorios ho Palamas : dimeniaion theologikon kai ekklesiastikon periodikon, organon tes Hieras Metropoleos Thessalonikes20128747
2035Greyfriar. Siena Studies in Literature20128748
2036Gråsteinen : et geofaglig tidsskrift for alle20128750
2037GSA Today10049436
2038GSTF International Journal on Computing10042477
2039GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET)10074376
2040GSTF JOURNAL of Nursing and Health Care20128751
2041GSTF Journal on Education10067039
2042Gulustan-Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic Research20128752
2044Gymnadenia : medlemsblad for Sigrid Undset selskapet20128753
2046Gynäkologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau12428
2047Hagar: Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities20128759
2048Hakirah: The Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought20128760
2049Hallym International Journal of Aging10028013
2050Hamline Law Review10026796
2051Handbook of Practice Management20128764
2052Han'gug minjog undongsa yeon'gu20128768
2053Hardanger - Tidsskrift for Hardanger historielag20128769
2054Hardy-Ramanujan Journal20128770
2055Harrington Gay Men's Fiction Quarterly10088154
2056Harvard Asia Quarterly10060528
2057Harvard Business Law Review20128771
2058Harvard Deusto business review20128772
2059Harvard Human Rights Journal10026810
2060Harvard Library Bulletin10000510
2061Harvard Review20128773
2062Hastings West-Northwest journal of environmental law and policy10027111
2063Hayden Ferry Review20128774
2064He Kupu20095945
2065Head & Neck Oncology10022970
2066Health (Irvine, Calif.)10028679
2067Health Aging & Clinical Care in the Elderly20128775
2068Health and Primary Care (HPC)20128776
2069Health and Society20128777
2070Health behavior and policy review10086361
2071Health Care and Informatics Review Online10079502
2072Health Information on the Internet20128778
2073Health Manpower Management10076287
2074Health Policy and Development20128779
2075Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada10064169
2076Health Psychological Research20128780
2077Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (HSAG)10080617
2078Health Science Journal20093183
2079Health Statistics Quarterly10079182
2080Healthcare Review Online20128781
2081Healthcare Risk Management20128782
2084Heart Drug10036297
2085Heart Failure Clinics10005104
2087helden. heroes. héros. E-Journal zu Kulturen des Heroischen10088810
2090Hellas. A Journal of Poetry and the Humanities20128785
2091Hellenic Orthodontic Review10060451
2092Helsingin yliopiston historian laitoksen julkaisuja20128786
2093Hematology & Medical Oncology20128787
2094Henry Bradshaw Society20128788
2095Hepatitis Monthly10011510
2098Herald of the International Academy of Science. Russian Section10053374
2099Hereditary Genetics: Current Research10036210
2100Hermès. Revue Critique20128789
2101HERO skriftserie / Working paper20128790
2102Heroism Science20128791
2103Herpetology Notes10023922
2104Hesperia Culturas del Mediterráneo20128792
2105Hessische Blätter für Volks- und Kulturforschung10004501
2107High School Journal10068840
2108Gaodianya Jishu / High Voltage Engineering10069894
2109Higher Education in Review20128798
2110Higher Education Perspectives20128799
2111Higher Education Review20128800
2112Higher Education Studies10028582
2114Himalayan Geology10011513
2117Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature20128806
2118História & Perspectivas20128808
2119Historia (Three Rivers)20095391
2120Historia Hermeneutica. Series Studies20128809
2121Historia religionum20128810
2122Historiallinen Arkisto10078146
2123Historiallisia Tutkimuksia20128811
2125Historical and Cultural Problems of Northern Countries and Regions20128813
2127Historische Archäologie10045603
2128Historische Literatur10005687
2129Historisches Forum20128815
2130Historiske meddelelser om København20128816
2131Historie a vojenství / History & Warfare10026659
2132History of Intellectual Culture20128817
2133HiT notat20128819
2134HIV Clinical Trials10003207
2136HMT - Helsetjenesten Medisinsk Teknikk : helse, medisin, teknikk20128821
2137Hollins Critic20128822
2139Home Care Provider10076332
2140Home Healthcare Now10076333
2141Home Healthcare Nurse20128824
2142Homeland Security20128825
2143Homily Service10088138
2144Homo Oeconomicus (HOEC)10033350
2145Hong lou meng xue kan20128826
2148Horisont : næringspolitisk skriftserie20128829
2149افق توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی / Horizon of Medical Education Development20128830
2151Horizons: Seoul Journal of Humanities20128832
2152Hors Champ20128833
2153Hortus semioticus20128834
2154Hospice Management Advisor20128835
2155Hospital Access Management20128836
2156Hospital Case Management10076337
2157Hospital Employee Health20128837
2158Hospital Peer Review10076344
2159Hotell, restaurant & reiseliv (Reiseliv Publishing)20128838
2160Housman Society Journal20128839
2162HSOA Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine20125885
2163H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften / H-Soz-Kult. Communication and information services for historical research10054047
2164Čelovek: obraz i suŝnostʹ / Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects20128840
2165Hyuman fakutazu / Human Factors in Japan20128841
2166Human Resource Management International Digest10078853
2167Human Resources Abstracts10017621
2168Human Resources Management & Ergonomics10031301
2169Human Rights & Human Welfare20128842
2170Human Rights Case Digest20128843
2171Human Rights in Development20128844
2173Human-animal interaction bulletin20128845
2174Humanimalia - a journal of human/animal interface studies20109325
2175Humanist : tidsskrift for livssynsdebatt20128846
2176Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания / Humanitarian Balkan Research20126727
2177Humanitarian Exchange Magazine20128848
2178Gumanitarnyj vektor. Seriâ Pedagogika, psihologiâ / Humanitarian Vector. Series Pedagogy, Psychology20128849
2179Гуманитарный вектор. Серия Филология. Востоковедение. Gumanitarnyi Vektor. Seriya Filologiya, Vostokovedenie / Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies20128850
2180Гуманитарный вектор. Серия Философия. Культурология. Gumanitarnyi Vektor. Seriya Filosophiya, Kul’turologiya / Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy, Cultural Studies20128851
2181Humanities and Social Sciences20128852
2182Humanities and Social Sciences Letters20078033
2183Human-Machine Communication20128853
2184Hvem, hva, hvor (ordinær utg.)20128854
2185Hvor hender det?20128855
2186Hydro International10076361
2187Hydro Review Worldwide10030260
2188Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions (HESSD)10028222
2189Häften för Kritiska Studier20128857
2190Høgskolen i Harstad skriftserie20128858
2191Høgskolen i Nesnas skriftserie20128859
2192HØit : tidsskrift for Avdeling for informasjonsteknologi, Høgskolen i Østfold20128860
2193Haaløygminne : Håløygminne20128861
2194I.A.P. rapporten20128862
2195i.e.: inquiry in education20081374
2196IABLIS. Jahrbuch für europäische Prozesse20128863
2197IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems20119688
2198IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship20102386
2200IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review (IJSSR)20096955
2201Ianua: Revista Philologica Romanica20128866
2202IAS Think Pieces20128867
2204IASSIST Quarterly10010126
2205Iberia: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics10054824
2206Iberoamérica Global10020302
2207IBIMA Business Review20090260
2208IBS Journal of Science20128869
2210ICES cooperative research report20128871
2211ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision, and Image Processing20067719
2212ICMR Bulletin20128872
2213Icomos Canada Bulletin20128873
2215IDEA: A Journal of Social Issues10086655
2218Idéias - Revista do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UNICAMP20086191 - Nordic Sport Studies Forum10083986
2220Idrottsjuridisk skriftserie20128878
2221IDrugs. The Investigational Drugs Journal10003208
2222IEEE Communications Standards Magazine10085441
2223IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine10048490
2224IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)10074926
2225IEEE Journal of Microwaves20112006
2226IEEE Xplore Digital Library20128882
2227IES Bulletin20128883
2228Iglesia y Misian20128885
2229Ignaziana : Rivista di Ricerca Teologica10035562
2230International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry / ijghc10054968
2231IJIES (International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System)20071507
2232Il Confronto Letterario10018937
2233Il Fallimento e Altre Procedure Concorsuali20128886
2234Il Farmaco1568
2235il Mulino10019381
2236Il Ponte10001857
2237Il Risorgimento (Milano)10001965
2238Il verri10018754
2239Ilbon Pip'yeong (Japan Review)20128887
2241Image Processing On Line10071471
2242ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies20100553
2243Immuno analyse & biologie specialisee10011527
2244Immunology & Infectious Diseases10076383
2245Immunome Research40845
2247Immunopathologia Persa20064614
2249Impact Printmaking journal20128890
2251imprimatur : Nachrichten und kritische Meinungen aus der katholischen Kirche20128892
2252Imprimatur: Ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde20128893
2253Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi10024138
2254In vitro & Molecular Toxicology17803
2255Inc.: The magazine for growing companies20128894
2256INCAE Business Review20128895
2257Incelências Revista do Núcleo de Programas de Pesquisa20128896
2259Independent Filmmakers Journal20128897
2260Index Islamicus20128898
2261Index of Middle English Prose20128899
2262Indian Development Review10021035
2263Indian Folklife10027231
2264Indian folklore Research Journal20128900
2265Indian Forester10054816
2266Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics10020121
2267Indian journal of chest diseases & allied sciences10077766
2268Indian Journal of Finance10081057
2269Indian Journal of Fisheries10022986
2270Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing10066115
2271Indian Journal of Human Genetics43038
2272Indian Journal of Medical Sciences10036288
2273Indian Journal of Neurotrauma10069668
2274Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (IJPER)10011534
2275Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences10015972
2276Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy10085814
2277Indian Journal of Political Science10025640
2278Indian Journal of Positive Psychology20081236
2279Indian Journal of Weed Science10063039
2280Indian Literature: Sahitya Akademi's Bi-Monthly Journal20128902
2281Indicators of Industry and Services20128903
2282Indigenous Affairs20128904
2284Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems20084609
2285Človek a spoločnosť / Individual and Society10008808
2286Indivisa : Boletin de Estudios e Investigación20128906
2287Indo-European Linguistics10085961
2288Indologica taurinensia10022132
2289Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies20067291
2291Industria Avicola20128908
2292Industrial Management (Des Plaines)10076412
2293Industrial Relations Law Bulletin20128909
2294Infectious Disease Alert20128910
2295Inflexions: A journal for research creation20128911
2296InfoDaF. Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache10008690
2298Informação em Pauta20128914
2299Informasjonsblad (Senter for grunnforskning ved Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi)20128915
2301Information från Läkemedelsverket10073656
2302Information Management and Business Review20114454
2303Information Philosophie10013422
2304Information Services and Use10076426
2305Information Storage and Retrieval20128916
2306Information Technology, Education and Society10052425
2307Information Theory and Applications10005636
2308Information Visualisation10046305
2309Information Week20128917
2310Information, Knowledge, Systems Management10005859
2311Informationen aus Orthodontie und Kieferorthopädie10081224
2312Informationen zur Raumentwicklung39736
2313Informationes Theologiae Europae : Internationales ökumenisches Jahrbuch für Theologie20128919
2314Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren10048115
2315Informing Science10017035
2316Informing Science + IT Education Conference20128920
2318Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin1970
2319Ingegneria ambientale. Inquinamento e depurazione. Quaderni20128922
2320INICIACOM : Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica em Comunicação Social20128924
2321Injuria : tidsskrift for juridiske studenter i Bergen20128925
2322Injury control and safety promotion20128926
2323Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur and Ästhetik20128927
2324INNER MAGAZINE20128928
2325Innovation Journalism20128929
2326Innovative Marketing10067826
2327Innsyn : tidsskrift for misjonsstrategisk informasjon og debatt20128930
2328Inovcom : Revista Brasileira de Inovação Científica em Comunicação20128931
2329Inpharma weekly10001467
2330Inquire: Journal of Comparative Literature10062565
2331Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines20128932
2332Insects Review20128934
2334Inside FERC20128936
2335Inside FERC's Gas Market Report20128937
2336Inside Indonesia : bulletin of the Indonesia resources and inform 198320128938
2337Inside the Internet20128939
2338Insight: The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses10076430
2339Institut de Papyrologie et d'Egyptologie de Lille. Cahiers de Recherche10089023
2340Institutional Investor International Edition20128940
2341Institutions and Economies10055661
2342Instructional Course Lectures10039581
2343Insurance Markets and Companies20078422
2345Integración & Comercio20128943
2346Integral Leadership Review20128944
2347Integrated Manufacturing Systems10050509
2348Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports10079512
2349Integrative Biology: Issues, News, and Reviews20128945
2350Integrative Journal of Veterinary Biosciences (IJVB)20128946
2351Integrative Medicine10007595
2352Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal20128947
2353Intelligent Control and Automation10029533
2354Intelligent Information Management20128948
2357Intensivmedizin und Notfallsmedizin10036869
2358Inter collegas20077379
2359Inter Medicos20128950
2360InterActions : UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies20090199
2361Interactive Marketing20128951
2362InterCulture: An Interdisciplinary Journal20128953
2363Interdisciplinary Environmental Review10019570
2364Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM)10072192
2365Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business10023598
2366InterDisciplines. Journal of History and Sociology10058714
2367Interface: a journal for and about social movements10023738
2368Interfacehs : Journal on Integrated Management of Occupational Health and the Environment20128956
2369Interfaces (Paris)10037208
2370Intergrams: Studies in Languages and Literatures20128957
2371Intergraph: Journal of Dialogic Anthropology20128958
2372Interjuli: Internationale Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung20128959
2373Interkulturelle Theologie. Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft20064495
2374Interlending & document supply5101
2376Interlink (London : 1989)20128961
2377Interlink : Journal of Research in Music20128963
2378Interlink : the Nigerian-American Quarterly Magazine20128964
2380International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling / InternaInternational Journal of 3-D Information Modeling20128966
2381Internal and Emergency Medicine10011572
2382Internal Medicine Alert20128967
2383Internal Medicine Review10073756
2384International journal of nuclear safety and simulation20128968
2385International Abstracts in Operations Research20128969
2386International Academy of Business and Economics20128970
2387International Aerospace Abstracts20128971
2388International Archives Of health sciences / International Archives Of Health Sciences20076609
2389Archives Internationales d'histoire des sciences / International Archives on the History of Science10029922
2390International Business Research10018534
2391International cement review20128972
2392International Circular of Graphic Education and Research10028607
2393International Communication of Chinese Culture20123407
2394International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications10049283
2395International Contact Lens Clinic10076442
2396International Critical Childhood Policy Studies Journal20128979
2397International Digest of Health Legislation10076443
2398International education research20128980
2399International Education Studies (IES)10023755
2400International e-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education10068847
2401International Financing Review20128981
2402International Frontier Science Letters20128983
2403International Gestalt Journal20128984
2404International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC)20069725
2405International Higher Education10008499
2406International Insolvency Review10023119
2407International Journal about Parents in Education20128985
2408International Journal for Co-operative Management20128986
2409International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS)20071579
2410International Journal for Information Security Research20128987
2411International Journal for Research on Extended Education (IJREE)10072503
2412International Journal in IT & Engineering20128988
2413International Journal In Management & Social Science20128989
2414International Journal of Academic Research10031818
2415International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences10030678
2416International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences10028595
2417International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review10033782
2418International Journal of Accounting20111217
2419International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation20128990
2420International Journal of Ad Hoc, Sensor and Ubiquitous Computing10033784
2421International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems20081151
2422International Journal of Advanced Research10029467
2423International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IJARAI)10020952
2424International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science10027507
2425International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology10062990
2426International Journal of Advanced Research in Mathematics (IJARM)20128991
2427International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology10027429
2428International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies, Engineering and Management Sciences10075241
2429International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology10050064
2430International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology20128992
2431International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics10024801
2432International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities10032848
2433International Journal of Aerospace Sciences20128993
2434International Journal of Agricultural and Life sciences20128994
2435International Journal of Agricultural Sciences20128995
2436International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry10087317
2437International Journal of Agriculture and Plant Science20128996
2438International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research10047475
2439International Journal of Algebra10017204
2440International Journal of Analytical Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography20128997
2441International Journal of Anatomical Variations20061886
2442International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies10021062
2443International Journal of Applied Logistics20095050
2444International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences20128998
2445International Journal of Applied Psychology10045108
2446International Journal of Applied Quality Management20128999
2447International Journal of Applied Science10067883
2448International Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology20129000
2449International Journal of Applied Sociology10063642
2450International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies10079737
2451International Journal of Aquaculture10049880
2452International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development20086625
2453International Journal of Aromatherapy10067403
2454International Journal of Art and Art History20129001
2455International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications10033810
2456International Journal of Artificial Organs2000
2457International Journal of Arts20129002
2458International Journal of Arts and Sciences10016367
2459International Journal of Asian Management20129003
2460International Journal of Asian Social Science10040902
2461International Journal of Astronomy20118750
2462International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics10053888
2463International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance10051659
2464International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education10074235
2465International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review10033620
2466International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation10033818
2467International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences20129004
2468International Journal of Biological Engineering20129005
2469International Journal of Biomedical Science10041973
2470International Journal of Biophysics20129006
2471International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)10047451
2472International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences20129007
2473International Journal of Business & Economics20129008
2474International Journal of Business & Management (IJOBM)10035710
2475International Journal of Business Administration10062402
2476International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science (IJBASS)20082209
2477International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives20129009
2478International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM)10018533
2479International Journal of Business and Management Studies10063980
2480International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow20129010
2481International Journal of Business and Public Administration20129011
2482International Journal of Business and Social Science10024028
2483International Journal of Business Anthropology (IJBA)20129012
2485International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research10067743
2486International Journal of Business Research and Management10016752
2487International Journal of Business Strategy10030758
2488International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance20129014
2489International Journal of Business, Economics and Management20091786
2490International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works20129015
2491International Journal of Business, Marketing, and Decision Sciences20076396
2492International Journal of Cancer Research10033827
2493International Journal of Career Management20129016
2494International Journal of Caring Sciences (IJCS)20129017
2495International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20129018
2496International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering10065141
2497International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research20129019
2498International Journal of Chemical Engineering10030414
2499International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications (IJCEA)10047787
2500International Journal of Chemistry20063210
2501International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research20129020
2502International Journal of Child & Family Welfare20129021
2503International Journal of Child Health and Human Development10070128
2504International Journal of Chronic Diseases20129022
2505International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IJCEM)10033007
2506International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology (IJCEP)10022993
2507International journal of clinical medicine10029603
2508International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing2012
2509International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics2014
2510International Journal of Clinical Research & Trials20074259
2511International Journal of Clinical Trials (IJCT)20124140
2512International Journal of Coaching in Organzations20129023
2513International Journal of Cognitive Linguistics20129024
2514International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE)10081061
2515International Journal of Communication and Research20129025
2516International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences10052928
2517International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management20129026
2518International Journal of Composite Materials10024795
2519International Journal of Computational Intelligence10029622
2520International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control (IJCIC)20123978
2521International Journal of Computational Methods & Experimental Measurements10029626
2522International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering10086403
2523International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering10048697
2524International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering20129027
2525International Journal of Computer Applications10040526
2526International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages20129028
2527International Journal of Computer Science10004915
2528International Journal of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (IJCSAI)20129029
2529International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering20129030
2530International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security10029663
2531International Journal of Computer Science and Technology10035488
2532International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering10029632
2533International journal of computer, consumer and control20129031
2534International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies10033865
2536International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences10030730
2537International Journal of Contemporary Sociology20129033
2538International Journal of Control and Automation (IJCA)10046057
2539International Journal of Control Science and Engineering10029664
2540International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA)10067208
2541International Journal of Core Engineering and Management10050557
2542International Journal of Corporate Governance20129034
2543International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology10078398
2544International Journal of Criminology and Sociology20079245
2545International Journal of Critical Accounting (IJCA)10042567
2546International Journal of Culture and History (IJCH)20129035
2547International journal of current research10019255
2548International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence and Cybercrime (IJCIC)10089060
2549International Journal of Database Management Systems10033870
2550International Journal of Database Theory and Application10037438
2551International Journal of Dental Anthropology20129036
2552International Journal of Dental Clinics10083133
2553International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health20069887
2554International Journal of Design and Innovation Research20129037
2555International Journal of Diabetes Research10086194
2556International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications10042438
2557International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC)20078162
2558International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy10088494
2559International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation20129038
2560International Journal of Disaster Medicine20126290
2561International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations10016477
2562International Journal of Doctoral Studies (IJDS)10067309
2563International Journal of E-Adoption (IJEA)10080159
2564International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education20129039
2565International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)10069969
2566International Journal of E-Business development10029435
2567International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics10021212
2568International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences40286
2569International Journal of Economic Perspectives10021213
2570International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories10059487
2571International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research10028962
2572International Journal of Economics and Accounting20129040
2573International Journal of Economics and Finance10034706
2574International journal of economics and management engineering10031423
2575International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences10019258
2576International Journal of Ecosystem10087127
2577International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES)10061147
2578International Journal of Education10050806
2579International Journal of Education and Management Studies (IJEM)10088367
2580International Journal of Education and Practice20067741
2581International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (IJEAPS)10033883
2583International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning10059529
2584International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)10049432
2585International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems10016202
2586International Journal of Electrical Energy20072974
2587International Journal of Electrical Systems Science and Engineering20129041
2588International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications20129042
2589International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies10053298
2590International Journal of Electronics20129043
2591International Journal of Emergency Mental Health10040034
2592International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering10035350
2593International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (IJETER)20072971
2594International Journal of Empirical Economics (IJEE)20129044
2595International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (IJEM)10023310
2596International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering20129045
2597International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy10070296
2598International Journal of Energy Engineering10031661
2599International Journal of Energy Science10086821
2600International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research20094259
2601International Journal of Engineering ,Science and Innovative Technology10051388
2602International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology20066006
2603International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences20067905
2604International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology10025454
2605International Journal of Engineering and Technology20070519
2606International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics (IJEME)10048146
2607International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)10028869
2608International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology10053496
2609International Journal of Engineering Works (IJEW)20129046
2610International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics10085712
2611International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies10040910
2612International Journal of English Linguistics (IJEL)10022351
2613International Journal of Entrepreneurship10031070
2614International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy10083864
2615International Journal of Environmental Impacts10086889
2616International Journal of Environmental Protection10024808
2617International Journal of Environmental Science and Development10022162
2618International Journal of Environmental Sciences10088673
2619International Journal of Ethics20129047
2620International Journal of Ethics Education10072938
2621International Journal of Ethiopian Studies20129048
2622Uluslararası Avrasya Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EURASIA SOCIAL SCIENCES10086412
2623International Journal of Export Marketing20062344
2624International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics10033010
2625International Journal of Finance and Accounting10018532
2626International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking20129050
2627International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives20100670
2628International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies10044723
2629International Journal of Fluid Engineering20129051
2630International Journal of Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Business Models (IJFBMBM)10089212
2631International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering20129052
2632International Journal of Genetic Engineering20129053
2633International Journal of Geography and Geology20066021
2634International journal of geosciences10025858
2635International Journal of Governance10027324
2636International Journal of Government Financial Management10013133
2637International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing10043836
2638International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR)10060693
2639International Journal of Happiness and Development10035236
2640International Journal of Health Research and Innovation20129054
2641International Journal of Health Sciences and Research10087323
2642International Journal of Health, Safety and Environment (IJHSE)20129055
2643International Journal of Healthcare Simulation - Advances in Theory & Practice (IJoHS)20129056
2644International Journal of Heritage and Sustainable Development20084530
2645International Journal of Higher Education10061655
2646International Journal of Homiletics20129057
2647International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management10087012
2648International Journal of Human and Social Sciences10016643
2649International Journal of Human Genetics1318608
2650International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research20129058
2651International Journal of Human Resource Studies10083911
2652International Journal of Humanities & Applied Social Sciences (IJHASS)20129059
2653International Journal of Humanities and Social Science10088847
2654International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology10049636
2655International Journal of Hydraulic Engineering20129060
2656International Journal of Image Processing10085284
2657International Journal of Inclusive Democracy20129061
2658International journal of industrial engineering and technology20129062
2659International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations10050100
2660International Journal of Infection Control10019612
2661International Journal of Information and Education Technology10032455
2662International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering10051415
2663International Journal of Information and Management Sciences10046678
2664International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business10066139
2665International Journal of Information Processing and Management10034712
2666International Journal of Information Research and Review10073840
2667International Journal of Information Science20129063
2668International Journal of Information Systems and Computer Sciences20108732
2669International Journal of Information Systems and Engineering20129064
2670International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT)20079451
2671International Journal of Information, Business and Management10031491
2672International Journal of Innovative Research & Development10031763
2673International Journal of Instructional Technology and Educational Studies20112074
2674International journal of instrumentation science20129065
2675International Journal of Integrative Biology10025836
2676International Journal of Intelligence Science10070226
2677International Journal of Intelligent Technology20129066
2678International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management10032703
2679International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding20075612
2680International Journal of Language and Linguistics20065257
2681International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics20078036
2682International Journal of Lean Enterprise Research10068950
2683International Journal of Learning and Development10066491
2684International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (ILJTER) / International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER)10044786
2685International Journal of Legal Information (IJLI)10027538
2686International Journal of Library Science20129067
2687International Journal of Linguistics10053266
2688International Journal of Linguistics & Communication (IJLC)10033964
2689International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture20129068
2690International Journal of Literature and Art (IJLA)20129069
2691International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing10049328
2692International Journal of Management (IJM)20076403
2693International Journal of Management Accounting Research20129070
2694International Journal of Management and Business20129071
2695International Journal of Management and Human Resources20076395
2696International Journal of Management and Marketing Research10031451
2697International Journal of Management and Network Economics20096801
2698International Journal of Management and Sustainability10051070
2699International Journal of Management Development20129072
2700International Journal of Management Innovation Systems20120069
2701International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering10056860
2702International Journal of Management, Sciences, Innovation, and Technology (IJMSIT)20129073
2703International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR)10040921
2704International Journal of Marine Science20129074
2706International Journal of Marketing and Technology10061539
2707International Journal of Marketing Studies10039112
2708International Journal of Markets and Business Systems10085706
2709International Journal of Materials and Chemistry20077614
2710International Journal of Materials Engineering20087576
2711International Journal of Mathematical20129076
2712International Journal of Mathematical Analysis10057140
2713International Journal of Mathematical Research20129077
2714International Journal of Mathematics and Physics20091993
2715International Journal of Mathematics Sciences20129078
2716International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology10036861
2717International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)10074627
2718International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering20129079
2719International Journal of Mechanics and Applications20091389
2720International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research10067600
2721International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering10062071
2722International Journal of Migration and Border Studies20129080
2723International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing20129081
2724International Journal of Modeling and Optimization10032454
2725International Journal of Modern Botany20078913
2726International Journal of Molecular Medicine17988
2727International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering10032617
2728International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management20093712
2729International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy20129082
2730International Journal of Music and Performing Arts20129083
2731International Journal of Natural Sciences and Engineering20129084
2732International Journal of Natural Sciences Research10067932
2733International Journal of Naval History20129085
2734International Journal of Network Science20129086
2735International Journal of Networks and Communications20129087
2736International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling10029120
2737International Journal of Nurse Practitioner Educators20129088
2738International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices20129089
2739International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery10034007
2740International Journal of Nursing Science20129090
2741International Journal of Ocean Systems Management (IJOSM)20129091
2742International Journal of Oncology2075
2743International Journal of Open Problems in Complex Analysis20129092
2744International Journal of Optics and Applications20127359
2745International Journal of Optoelectronic Engineering20129093
2746International Journal of Organisational Behaviour10044782
2747International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering (IJODE)10087032
2748International Journal of Organizational Learning and Change20129094
2749International Journal of Paramedicine (IJOP)20118702
2750International Journal of Peace Studies10067982
2751International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning10043781
2752International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies / International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies (IJPINT)10057094
2753International Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology12849
2754International Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care20129095
2755International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Scientific Research (IJPSR)20129096
2756International Journal of Pharmacology, Phytochemistry and Ethnomedicine20129097
2757International Journal of Philosophical Practice20129098
2758International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences10062345
2759International Journal of Physical Education : A Review Publication10018867
2760International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation10053825
2761International Journal of Physical Sciences10011562
2762International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation20129099
2763International Journal of Plant Research10084286
2764International Journal of Population Geography10053657
2765International Journal of Power and Energy Systems10030119
2766International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)10062797
2767International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM)10011563
2768International Journal of Prevention and Treatment10049187
2769International Journal of Probability and Statistics20129100
2770International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research10077770
2771International Journal of Psycho-Educational Sciences10070340
2772International Journal of Psychological Studies10034975
2773International Journal of Psychology and Behavior Analysis (IJPBA)10073928
2774International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences20083001
2775International Journal of psychology: A biopsychosocial approach20129101
2776International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology20129102
2777International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research20069716
2778International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology10033179
2779International Journal of Pure Mathematical Sciences20129103
2780International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education20081583
2781International Journal of Quantum Foundations20129104
2782International Journal of Radiology & Radiation Therapy (IJRRT)10085657
2783International Journal of Radiology and Imaging Techniques20129105
2784International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)10063607
2785International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health10076464
2786International Journal of Reliability and Quality Performance20129106
2787International Journal of Religion20096712
2788International Journal of Research in Education and Science10068889
2789International Journal of Research in Health Sciences20129107
2790International Journal of Research in Linguistics and Lexicography20129108
2791International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences20129109
2792International Journal of Research in Social Sciences20071495
2793International Journal of Research In Social Sciences (IJRSS)10052715
2794International Journal of Research Reviews in Applied Sciences10023726
2795International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB)10040932
2797International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning10047428
2798International Journal of Research Studies in Management10066172
2799International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management20094498
2800International Journal of Security and Its Applications10057234
2801International journal of self help & self care10013425
2802International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology10081677
2803International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies20129110
2804International Journal of Signal Processing Systems20073639
2805International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition10050876
2806International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy10054017
2807International Journal of Smart Home10059908
2808International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation20129111
2809International Journal of Social Science Studies10036771
2810International Journal of Social Sciences20129112
2811International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (IJSSH)20129113
2812International Journal of Social Sciences and Education (IJSSE)10047474
2813International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice20129114
2814International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering10061299
2815International Journal of Soft Computing10034130
2816International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications10053723
2817International Journal of Spatio-Temporal Data Science (IJSTDS)20129115
2818International Journal of Speech Technology39741
2819International Journal of Sport and Exercise Science20129116
2820International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism20129117
2821International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine10082485
2822International Journal of Sports Science10064981
2823International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering20129118
2824International Journal of Statistics and Applications10051838
2825International Journal of Statistics and Probability10050321
2826International Journal of Stem Cells10049352
2827International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances10087615
2828International Journal of Strategic Technology and Applications20129119
2829International Journal of Structural Analysis and Design20129120
2830International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER)10067667
2831International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience10082025
2832International Journal of Supply Chain Management10065659
2833International Journal of Surgery Case Reports (IJSCR)10047683
2834International Journal of Surgical Investigation10078167
2835International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research20087388
2836International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy20094765
2837International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research20129121
2838International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (IJSSM)10030780
2839International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Applications10080167
2840International Journal of Technology and Development Studies10080407
2841International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education20129122
2842International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education (IJTIE) / International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education (IJTIE)20129123
2843International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE)20093499
2844International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation10016786
2845International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society20120378
2846International Journal of Technology, Modeling and Management10016145
2847International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices20085763
2848International journal of textile science10084011
2849International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest20129124
2850International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics20074692
2851International Journal of Tourism Management10017628
2852International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance10051004
2853International journal of traffic and transportation engineering20129125
2854International Journal of Transport Management10078860
2855International Journal of Transportation10043572
2856International Journal of Trauma Nursing10076472
2857International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development10083238
2858International Journal of Tumor Therapy20129126
2859International Journal of Turkish Studies10049567
2860International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology10029289
2861International Journal of UbiComp10034105
2862International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves20129127
2863International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare20129128
2864International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research20129129
2865International Journal of Virology and Molecular Biology10086286
2866International Journal of Virtual Technology and Multimedia (IJVTM)10029794
2867International Journal of Visual Design (IJVD)10081084
2868International Journal of Volleyball Research20129130
2869International Journal of Web Services Practices (IJWSP)20129131
2870International Journal of Welsh Writing in English20129132
2871International Journal of Zoological Research10034118
2872International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences10049625
2873International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare20129133
2874International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation10054907
2875International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON)20066031
2876International Journal on Governmental Financial Management20129134
2877International Journal on Grey Literature20129135
2878International Journal on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia20129136
2879International Journal on Social and Education Sciences20125566
2880International Journal on Transport Development and Integration20094687
2881International Journal Quality and innovation10088021
2882International Labor Rights Case Law10051845
2883International Letters of Natural Sciences (ILNS)10059141
2884International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences10047023
2885Management International (MI) / International Management (IM)10050406
2886International Mathematical Forum10022773
2887International Newsletter on Rock Art20129139
2888International NGO Journal10033453
2889International Ocean Systems10076475
2890International Politics Reviews10069883
2891International Polymer Science and Technology1142769
2892International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal20129140
2893Uluslararası Hakemli Beşeri ve Akademik Bilimler Dergisi (UHBAB) / International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences (UHBAB)20131280
2894Akademik Bakys / International Refereed Journal of Social Sciences Academic Sight10086562
2895Stosunki Miedzynarodowe / International Relations10072499
2896International Relations and Diplomacy10035841
2897International Research Journal of Business Studies20079226
2898International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences10034817
2899International Research Journal of Finance and Economics10021297
2900International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health20111195
2901International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE)10030052
2902International Review of Automatic Control10030146
2903International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE)10081382
2904International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE)42241
2905International Review of Management20129145
2906International Review of Management and Business Research (IRMBR)10034199
2907International Review of Modern Sociology20129146
2908International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities10084442
2909Revue Internationale des Services de Santé des Forces Armées / International Review of the Armed Forces Medical Services10024276
2910International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS)10017251
2911International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS)10039828
2912International Seminars in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition20129147
2913International Socialism10050135
2914International Sportmed Journal10007048
2915International Sports Studies (ISS)10072917
2916International Studies10089087
2917International Studies in Educational Administration10068894
2918International studies in philosophy10001483
2919International Tax Review10063612
2920International Trade by Commodities Statistics20129149
2921International Transfer Pricing Journal10063393
2922International Transport Forum (ITF) Discussion Papers20129150
2923International Voices in Biblical Studies (IVBS)20129151
2924International Water Power and Dam Construction10030054
2925International yearbook of nephrology10001484
2926Internationella Studier20129154
2927Internet Banking & Commerce10024510
2928Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy10020895
2929Internet Gaming International20129155
2930Internet Journal of Medical Update (IJMU)10068062
2931Internet journal of orthopedic surgery and related subjects20129156
2932Internet Reference Services Quarterly10076485
2936Interventional Cardiology10036141
2937Interventional Cardiology Newsletter20129159
2938Interventionen. Zeitschrift für Verantwortungspädagogik20129160
2939Interventions and Adaptive Reuse20129161
2940INTI: Revista de literatura hispánica10078864
2941Invasion and Metastasis2142
2943Invertebrate Zoology10065507
2944Investigación Clínica y Farmacéutica20129166
2945Investigationes Linguisticae10070378
2946Invisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture20129167
2947In-VIVO - The Business and Medicine Report20129168
2948Involve. A Journal of Mathematics10020068
2949IOSR Journal of Engineering10069929
2950IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science10068739
2951Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies20129169
2952Iowa Review : literary quarterly20129170
2953Ippologia (Cremona)10000834
2954Iranian journal of clinical infectious diseases20081529
2955Iranian journal of health, safety and environment10062085
2956Iranian Journal of Language Studies20129171
2957Iranian Journal of Pediatrics20095492
2958Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics10063643
2960Irish Accounting Review20113479
2961Irish Communications Review20129173
2962Irish Literary Supplement: A Review of Irish Books10012402
2963Irish Migration Studies in Latin America20126711
2964IRS Management Review20129174
2965ISIMU: Revista sobre Oriente Próximo y Egipto en la antigüedad10065943
2966Iskusstvo kino20129175
2967Isla Flotante20129176
2968Islam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara20129177
2971Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics10065276
2972ISRN Applied Mathematics10031980
2973ISRN Artificial Intelligence20129179
2974ISRN Chromatography20129181
2975ISRN Civil Engineering10081090
2976ISRN Education20129182
2977ISRN Family Medicine20129183
2978ISRN Geometry20120606
2979ISRN Machine Vision20129184
2980ISRN Neurology10061498
2981ISRN Nursing20129186
2982ISRN Pediatrics20129188
2983ISRN Public Health20129190
2984ISRN Software Engineering20116332
2985ISRN surgery10082857
2986Issues in Applied Linguistics10043779
2987Issues in applied linguistics (Coventry)20129191
2988Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing20129192
2989Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (IISIT)10050188
2990Issues in Interdisciplinary Care20129194
2991ISYP Journal on Science and World Affairs20129196
2993Italian Journal of Biochemistry2168
2994Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCoL)20078620
2995Italian Journal of Disability Studies20129198
2996Italian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene20129199
2997Annali d’italianistica / Italian Studies Journal10022345
2999ITBM-RBM News (RBM News)20129200
3000ITBM-RBM, Recherche et Ingénierie Biomédicale10039149
3001IUCr Newsletter40682
3002IUFRO occasional paper20129202
3003IUP Journal of Bank Management10017169
3004I-WAYS: Digest of Electronic Commerce Policy and Regulation20129204
3005IWGIA document20129205
3006IZA Discussion Papers10059814
3007Nauchnyj zhurnal Izvestia: Herzen University Journal of Humanities & Sciences / Izvestia: Herzen University Journal of Humanities & Sciences10084656
3008Izvestiia vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Matematika (Izvestija Vuzov. Mathematics)10059967
3009Izvestija Russkogo Severa20129206
3010Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Fizika2031840
3011J — Open Access Journal of Multidisciplinary Science20091349
3013JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology10055629
3015Jacobs Journal of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine20129209
3016Jacobs Journal of Sports Medicine20063719
3017Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature10062895
3018Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen10001490
3019Jahrbuch der Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung20129210
3020Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie10060456
3021Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie20129211
3022Jahrbuch für europäische Überseegeschichte20129212
3023Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseums Mainz / Jahrbuch RGZM10047467
3024Jakt og fiske20129214
3025James Joyce Broadsheet10027642
3026James Joyce Literary Supplement20129216
3027JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies (JAMK-JHSS)20129217
3028Supōtsu shakaigaku kenkyū / Japan Journal of Sport Sociology20129218
3029Japanese journal of American studies20129219
3030RPG 学研究 / Japanese Journal of Analog Role-Playing Game Studies (JARPS)20129220
3031Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine20070228
3032Japanese Journal of Northern European Studies20129221
3033Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology10078916
3034Tokushu kyōikugaku kenkyū / Japanese Journal of Special Education Research20066083
3035Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine20129222
3037Jazykovedné aktuality10039326
3038JBI Reports20129224
3039Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences / JCBPSC10018496
3040Journal of Environmental Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology / jecet10065450
3041JELE (Journal Of English Language and Education)20129225
3042Jenda : A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies10078611
3043Jewish Studies20129226
3044Journal Of Gender, Information and Development In Africa / JGIDA20129227
3045JITTA: Journal of Information Technology Theory & Application10017240
3046John Gower Newsletter20129228
3047Jonathan Edwards Studies20129230
3048JOP. Journal of the Pancreas10017951
3049Jord og gjerning: Årbok for Norsk landbruksmuseum20129231
3050Jordens Folk20129232
3051Journal - Oklahoma Dental Association10076552
3052Journal de Réadaptation Médicale10068997
3053Revista Decifrar / Journal Decifrar20129233
3054Journal des Africanistes10027242
3055Journal des JEC10014929
3056Journal des Maladies Vasculaires2618
3057Journal Européen des Urgences10048445
3058Journal EXIT-Deutschland20064015
3059Journal for a Just and Caring Education20129234
3060Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (JIBS)20129235
3061Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics10087013
3062Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS)20093619
3063Journal for Nurses in Staff Development10076560
3064Journal for Quality and Participation20129236
3065Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement10023424
3066Časopis za kritiko znanosti / Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology10051720
3067Journal for the Study of British Cultures20129237
3068Journal für Ernährungsmedizin10039733
3069Journal für Hypertonie10032084
3070Journal für Menopause10005071
3071Journal Genetika1682
3072Journal of Academy for Advancement of Business Research20129238
3073Journal of Academy of Business and Economics10028786
3074Journal of Accountancy10017200
3075Journal of Accounting Case Research20129239
3076Journal of Accounting, Business and Management20129240
3077Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy10081096
3078Journal of Actuarial Practice20129241
3079Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy10036728
3080Journal of Administration & Governance20129242
3081Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Bioengineering20129243
3082Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology10020318
3083Journal of Advanced Management Science10027673
3084Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics20121375
3085Journal of Advanced Research in Differential Equations20129244
3086Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems10080184
3087Journal of Advanced Research in Management20065787
3088Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics10066464
3089Journal of Advanced Research in Scientific Computing10030693
3090Journal of Advanced Research in Statistics and Probability20129245
3091Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance10033399
3092Journal of Advances in Information Technology10059362
3093Journal of African History, Politics, and Society20129246
3094Journal of African Union Studies (JoAUS)20079237
3095Journal of Aging Science20129248
3096Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts10079759
3097Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment10032202
3098Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development10024744
3099Journal of Agricultural Science10050361
3100Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology10014200
3101Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology: A20067679
3102Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology: B10032443
3103Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (JANR)20086652
3104Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research10051412
3105Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence10055690
3106Journal of Algebra and Computational Applications10019647
3107Journal of Algebraic Statistics10063080
3108Journal of Allergy & Therapy10045216
3109Journal of Alternative Medicine Research20063053
3110Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons20129249
3111Mi'gug'hag nonjib / Journal of American Studies10034829
3112Journal of American Studies of Turkey20129250
3113Journal of Ancient Civilizations20129251
3114Journal of Ancient Diseases & Preventive Remedies10068412
3115Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research10020709
3116Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies20129253
3117Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances10011589
3118Journal of anthropology and archaeology10034279
3119Journal of Appalachian Studies20129254
3120Journal of Applied Business Research10017208
3121Journal of Applied Christian Leadership20129255
3122Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy20129256
3123Journal of Applied Finance10021352
3124Journal of Applied Finance and Banking10057253
3125Journal of Applied Linguistics (JAL)10035258
3126Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship10060090
3127Journal of Applied Management and Investments (JAMI)20062258
3128Journal of Applied Management Studies20129257
3129Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics10070911
3130Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics10031095
3131Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering10083392
3132Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics10018889
3133Journal of applied sport management20066228
3134Journal of Applied Superconducivity and Electromagnetics20129258
3135Journal of Aquaculture Feed Science and Nutrition20093664
3136Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development10032837
3137Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History20129260
3138Journal of Architecture and Urbanism10029881
3139Journal of Art Crime (JAC)20116482
3140Journal of Artistic and Creative Education20129261
3141Journal of Arts and Humanities10031196
3142Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability10029889
3143Journal of Asian American studies20129262
3144Journal of Asian Business20129263
3145Journal of asynchronous learning networks10012925
3146Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues10025706
3147Journal of Australian Literature20129264
3148Journal of Authentic Learning20129265
3149Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology10057093
3150Journal of Baltic Science Education10015467
3151Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management10067804
3152Journal of behavioral health20129266
3153Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems (BESS)20129267
3154Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (JBIT)10067499
3155Beijing Huagong Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban) / Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology10043114
3156Journal of Biblical Studies20129268
3157Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy (JBMB)10007064
3158Journal of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics10018880
3159Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry (JBMF)20079497
3160Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability10035162
3161Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents2297
3162Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (JBT)10028392
3163Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration10079529
3164Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology10011601
3165Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering10020521
3166Journal of Biophysical Chemistry10084331
3167Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials10027806
3168Journal of Bone Metabolism10084308
3169Journal of Brief Therapy20129269
3170Journal of Business & Economics Research10027626
3171Journal of Business Administration Research10032245
3172Journal of Business and Economics10034289
3173Journal of Business and Economics Review (JBER)20062020
3174Journal of Business and Management20066237
3175Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS)20129270
3176Journal of Business Chemistry20129271
3177Journal of Business Diversity20129272
3178Journal of Business Market Management20078670
3179Journal of Business Strategy (JBS)10021364
3180Journal of Business Systems20129273
3181Journal of Business Venturing Design (JBVD)20129274
3182Journal of Canadian Fiction20129275
3183Journal of Canadian Poetry10027918
3184Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention10078877
3185Journal of Cancer Therapy10018548
3186Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics10062243
3187Journal of Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis10033309
3188Journal of Cardiovascular Disease10034621
3189Journal of Care Services Management20129276
3190Journal of Caribbean Archaeology20129277
3191Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership (JCEL)20129278