# |
Folyóirat címe / nemzetközi címe (a Norvég lista szerint) |
1 | # ISOJ Journal | 20127651 |
2 | @ulaMEdieval | 20127652 |
3 | [tilt] | 20127653 |
4 | 1650-1850 : Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era | 10039891 |
5 | 2G | 20127654 |
6 | 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature. The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies | 10033303 |
7 | A + Architectuur | 20127655 |
8 | A Contracorriente: una revista de estudios latinoamericanos | 10065555 |
9 | A Current Bibliography on African Affairs | 20127656 |
10 | A mínima | 20127657 |
11 | İTÜ dergisi/a, (mimarlık, planlama, tasarım) / A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture | 10034920 |
12 | A+T | 20127658 |
13 | A10 | 10030498 |
14 | ABA Bank Marketing | 10078750 |
15 | ABB review | 10029609 |
16 | ab-Original: Journal of Indigenous Studies and First Nations and First Peoples´Cultures | 20127661 |
17 | Abstracta: Linguagem, mente e acao | 20127664 |
18 | Abstracts in Anthropology | 20073562 |
19 | Abstracts in Social Gerontology | 20127665 |
20 | Abstracts with programs (Geological Society of America) | 10033134 |
21 | ABU Technical Review | 10075345 |
22 | Academic Exchange Quarterly | 10059982 |
23 | Academic Journal of Research in Business and Accounting | 20127666 |
24 | Academic Journal of Research in Economics and Management | 20127667 |
25 | Academic Physician & Scientist | 20127668 |
26 | Academic Research International | 10034915 |
27 | Académica | 20095540 |
28 | Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal (AAFSJ) | 10035642 |
29 | Academy of Educational Leadership Journal (AELJ) | 10060279 |
30 | Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal | 10059072 |
31 | Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (AMSJ) | 10069815 |
32 | Academy of Strategic Management Journal (ASMJ) | 10031518 |
33 | Acción Pedagógica | 20127669 |
34 | Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly | 20153161 |
35 | Accountancy | 20127670 |
36 | Accounting & Taxation | 20127671 |
37 | Accounting and Finance Research | 10036262 |
38 | Acervo | 20127672 |
39 | ACM Inroads | 10074882 |
40 | ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies (JCSS) | 20125898 |
41 | ACM SIGAda Ada Letters | 20127673 |
42 | ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review | 1290264 |
43 | ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT) | 20098086 |
44 | Açoreana : revista de estudos açoreanos / Açoreana | 20127675 |
45 | ACS Nanoscience Au | 20103131 |
46 | Shengxue Xuebao / Acta Acustica | 10052333 |
47 | Acta Antiqua Ostrobotniensia | 20127677 |
48 | Acta Bibliothecae Regiae Stockholmiensis | 20127679 |
49 | Acta Biologica Universitas Daugavpiliensis | 10020763 |
50 | Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana | 15523 |
51 | Acta Byzantina Fennica | 20127680 |
52 | Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Cechoslovaca | 10010976 |
53 | Acta Chirurgica Belgica | 37 |
54 | Acta Chirurgica Italica | 39597 |
55 | Acta Comportamentalia | 10020680 |
56 | Acta Endoscopica | 1405661 |
57 | Acta Linguistica | 10012644 |
58 | Acta Logopaedica | 20153162 |
59 | Acta Marisiensis. Philologia | 20127683 |
60 | Acta Medica Nagasakiensia | 10040418 |
61 | Acta Mongolica | 2151776 |
62 | Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, Supplementum | 10005532 |
63 | Acta Odontológica Venezolana | 10063949 |
64 | Acta Ophthalmologica, Supplementum | 10079891 |
65 | Acta orthopaedica. Supplementum | 10075374 |
66 | Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum | 10005909 |
67 | Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Supplementum | 10039987 |
68 | Acta Sociologica, Supplement | 20127685 |
69 | Acta Technica Corvininesis | 10019198 |
70 | Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica | 10016653 |
71 | Action Learning and Action Research Journal (ALARj) | 20127690 |
72 | Action Research International | 20127691 |
73 | Action Researcher in Education | 20127692 |
74 | Актуальні проблеми економіки / Actual Problems of Economics | 10015043 |
75 | Acute Medicine Journal | 10036931 |
76 | Adab - Addab Journal of the Faculty of Arts | 20127693 |
77 | Addiction Abstracts | 20127694 |
78 | Adelphi Series | 20127695 |
79 | Adopsjonsforum | 20127698 |
80 | Adorno Studies | 20127699 |
81 | Adsorption Science and Technology | 15600 |
82 | Adult Education and Development | 10026959 |
83 | Advanced Dental Journal | 20127700 |
84 | Advanced Healthcare Materials | 10028278 |
85 | Advanced Materials Letters | 10044740 |
86 | Advanced Science Letters | 10012955 |
87 | Advanced Studies in Biology | 20115781 |
88 | Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics | 10014991 |
89 | Advanced Technology for Learning | 20127702 |
90 | Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (AAMSA) | 10027837 |
91 | Advances and Applications in Statistics | 20081430 |
92 | Advances in Aging Research | 20127704 |
93 | Advances in Analytical Chemistry | 20127705 |
94 | Advances in Anthropology | 10056687 |
95 | Advances in Applied Sociology | 10072200 |
96 | Advances in Cardiology | 10000023 |
97 | Advances in Chemical Research | 20122025 |
98 | Advances in Computing | 20127707 |
99 | Advances in Consumer Research | 4538 |
100 | Advances in Database Technology - EDBT | 20127708 |
101 | Advances in Early Education and Day Care | 10069286 |
102 | Advances in Economics and Business | 10035510 |
103 | Advances in Environmental Biology | 10033645 |
104 | Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems | 10049732 |
105 | Advances in Geo-Energy Research | 20068821 |
106 | Advances in Historical Studies | 20114986 |
107 | Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development (AHRMOD) | 20127710 |
108 | Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences | 10049822 |
109 | Advances in Language and Literary Studies | 10040662 |
110 | Advances in Life Sciences | 10051975 |
111 | Advances in Management | 10019300 |
112 | Advances in Management and Applied Economics | 10025787 |
113 | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | 10019415 |
114 | Advances in Mechanics | 10036356 |
115 | Advances in Medical and Dental Sciences | 10033646 |
116 | Advances in microbiology | 10030593 |
117 | Advances in Multimedia | 10032410 |
118 | Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences | 10031262 |
119 | Advances in Nephrology | 10037864 |
120 | Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities | 10050492 |
121 | Advances in Nursing | 20127712 |
122 | Advances in Nutrition and Food Science (ANFS) | 20078748 |
123 | Advances in Operator Theory | 10075253 |
124 | Advances in Physical Education | 10088416 |
125 | Advances in Politics and Economics (APE) | 20063952 |
126 | Advances in Psychiatry | 10034688 |
127 | Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine | 10000027 |
128 | Advances in Robotics & Automation | 10058276 |
129 | Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) | 10073998 |
130 | Advances in Services Marketing and Management | 10000028 |
131 | Advances in Social Science and Culture (ASSC) | 20116479 |
132 | Advances in Systems Science and Applications | 10005783 |
133 | Advances in Virus Research | 155 |
134 | Advancing Women in Leadership | 10051199 |
135 | Advertising & Society Review | 20127715 |
136 | Advertising Age | 20127716 |
137 | Aequitas: A Journal of Political Philosophy and Society | 20127717 |
138 | AeroSafety World | 20127718 |
139 | Aesthesis: International journal of art and aesthetics in management and organizational life | 20127719 |
140 | Aesthetic Pathways | 20127720 |
141 | Aesthetik und Kommunikation | 20127721 |
142 | AFFRIKA: Journal of Politics, Economics and Society / AFFRIKA | 20079543 |
143 | Africa Confidential | 20127723 |
144 | Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series | 20127724 |
145 | Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series | 20127725 |
146 | Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara | 10080068 |
147 | African Anthropologist | 20131024 |
148 | African Communication Research | 20127726 |
149 | African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance | 20111726 |
150 | African Journal of Biochemistry Research | 10033651 |
151 | African Journal of Biological Sciences (AFJBS) | 20082230 |
152 | African Journal of Business and Economic Research (AJBER) | 10087563 |
153 | African Journal of Business Management | 10009395 |
154 | African Journal of Chemical Education (AJCE) | 20117930 |
155 | African Journal of Communication | 20127727 |
156 | African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development | 20127728 |
157 | African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management | 10078756 |
158 | African Journal of Food Science | 10028693 |
159 | African journal of food science and technology | 20123921 |
160 | African Journal of Health Sciences | 10078757 |
161 | African Journal of Information Systems | 10066246 |
162 | African Journal of Microbiology Research | 10009512 |
163 | African Journal of Neurological Sciences | 10048228 |
164 | African Journal of Plant Science | 10027902 |
165 | African Journal of Political Science and International Relations | 10033655 |
166 | African Journal of Psychiatry | 10022895 |
167 | African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines | 10011269 |
168 | African Journal on Conflict Resolution | 20123265 |
169 | African Literature Today (ALT) | 20127729 |
170 | African Media Review | 10075422 |
171 | African Renaissance | 20102068 |
172 | African Review of Economics and Finance | 20074503 |
173 | African Sociological Review | 20120966 |
174 | Afrika und Übersee | 10022371 |
175 | Afrikanistik online | 20080110 |
176 | AFROEUROPA : Journal of Afroeuropean Studies | 20127730 |
177 | Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) | 20070962 |
178 | AG - About Gender | 10071173 |
179 | Agalma | 20103049 |
180 | Agder Vitenskapsakademi Årbok | 20127731 |
181 | AGH Drilling-Oil-Gas | 20074798 |
182 | Agia Sion | 20127732 |
183 | Aging | 10015147 |
184 | Agora | 20127733 |
185 | Agora (Edmonton) | 20127734 |
186 | Agora Trujillo | 20127735 |
187 | Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy | 20101999 |
188 | Agricultural Economics Research Review | 20113213 |
189 | Agricultural Sciences | 10030463 |
190 | Agrociencia | 10002893 |
191 | AIDS Alert | 10075437 |
192 | AIDS Clinical Care | 10075439 |
193 | Air & space power journal en Français / Air and Space Power Journal-Africa and Francophonie | 20127737 |
194 | Air Force Times | 20127738 |
195 | Air Power History | 20078392 |
196 | Air Power Review | 20127739 |
197 | Air, Soil and Water Research | 10061909 |
198 | AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | 10072319 |
199 | Ajudikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum | 20127742 |
200 | Akademiske sygeplejersker | 20127743 |
201 | Akadnmeia / Akadnmeia: Materials and Research in Platonism History | 20127744 |
202 | AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics | 41181 |
203 | Akershus imellom | 20127745 |
204 | Aktuell Nordisk odontologi | 20070100 |
205 | Aktuell sikkerhet : Norges største sikkerhetsmagasin | 20127746 |
206 | Aktuelle Dermatologie | 2150071 |
207 | Aktuelle Ernãhrungsmedizin | 10012140 |
208 | Aktuelle teaterproblemer | 20127747 |
209 | AL IHKAM : Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial / AL IHKAM : Journal of Law and Social Studies | 20119689 |
210 | Alasbimn Journal | 20127748 |
211 | Alauda | 10007646 |
212 | Albion | 10000036 |
213 | Alfinge | 10087023 |
214 | Алгебра и анализ / Algebra i Analiz | 10004220 |
215 | Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte | 20127750 |
216 | Algorithms Research | 20127751 |
217 | Alizés: Revue angliciste de La Réunion | 10004879 |
218 | Aljamía | 20127752 |
219 | Al-Karmil: Studies in Arabic Language and Literature | 10023921 |
220 | Alkohol & Narkotika | 20127753 |
221 | Allegoria | 20127754 |
222 | Allegorica: A Journal in Medieval and Renaissance Literature | 20127755 |
223 | Allemagne d'aujourd'hui | 20094676 |
224 | Allergy. Supplement | 10062006 |
225 | Allpanchis | 20127756 |
226 | Alluvium 21st-Century Writing 21st-Century Approaches | 20110919 |
227 | Alpha Psychiatry | 20087161 |
228 | Al-Rafidain Engineering Journal | 10073491 |
229 | al-rāfidān / al-rāfidān Journal of western Asiatic studies | 20127757 |
230 | Alt om fiske | 20127758 |
231 | Altai Hakpo | 20127759 |
232 | Alter. Revue de Phénoménologie | 20153163 |
233 | Alternative Medicine Alert | 10053867 |
234 | Alternative Therapies in Women's Health | 10079440 |
235 | Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations | 20065954 |
236 | Altrelettere | 20127761 |
237 | Aluze | 20127762 |
238 | Alzheimer's Care Quarterly | 10079441 |
239 | Alzheimer's Reports | 15719 |
240 | Amazônica - Revista de Antropologia | 20069011 |
241 | Ambulanseforum | 20127764 |
242 | Ambulatory Child Health | 10075469 |
243 | América Indígena | 20127765 |
244 | American Academic | 20127766 |
245 | American Baptist Quarterly | 20127767 |
246 | American Bee Journal | 204 |
247 | American Benedictine Review | 10014718 |
248 | American Book Collector | 20127768 |
249 | American Book Publishing Record | 20111330 |
250 | American Diplomacy | 10083571 |
251 | American Educational Research Association. Annual Meeting Program | 20127769 |
252 | American Foreign Policy Interests | 10025322 |
253 | American Indian Law Journal (AILJ / American Indian Law Journal (AILJ) | 20153164 |
254 | American Indian Quarterly | 10078077 |
255 | American Institute of Architects. Forward | 20127770 |
256 | American International Journal of Social Studies | 10035058 |
257 | American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science | 40356 |
258 | American Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 10032133 |
259 | American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences | 10044596 |
260 | American Journal of Applied Psychology | 20127771 |
261 | American Journal of Applied Sciences | 10038161 |
262 | American Journal of Biochemistry | 10086151 |
263 | American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 10019526 |
264 | American Journal of Bioinformatics Research | 10070829 |
265 | American Journal of Biomedical Engineering | 10054371 |
266 | American Journal of Business | 10048525 |
267 | American Journal of Business Education | 20123926 |
268 | American Journal of Chemistry | 20078800 |
269 | American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | 20101047 |
270 | American Journal of Condensed Matter Physics | 10074034 |
271 | American Journal of Drug Delivery | 10049438 |
272 | American Journal of Economics | 10063147 |
273 | American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 10067342 |
274 | American Journal of Engineering Education | 20127772 |
275 | American Journal of Environmental Engineering | 10075034 |
276 | American Journal of Environmental Sciences | 10019594 |
277 | American Journal of Fluid Dynamics | 20072508 |
278 | American Journal of Food Technology | 10033683 |
279 | American Journal of Geographic Information System | 20116894 |
280 | American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology | 10006465 |
281 | American Journal of Health Studies | 20087864 |
282 | American Journal of Immunology | 10042927 |
283 | American Journal of Industrial and Business Management | 10068531 |
284 | American Journal of Infectious Diseases | 10059687 |
285 | American Journal of Information Systems | 20127773 |
286 | American Journal of Intelligent Systems | 10051413 |
287 | American Journal of Management | 10031150 |
288 | American Journal of Management Development | 20127774 |
289 | American Journal of Materials Science | 10072621 |
290 | American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | 10073691 |
291 | American Journal of Media Psychology | 20127775 |
292 | American Journal of Medical and Biological Research | 10063170 |
293 | American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences | 10051603 |
294 | American Journal of Numismatics | 20127776 |
295 | American Journal of Operational Research | 10085042 |
296 | American Journal of Operations Research (AJOR) | 10032198 |
297 | American Journal of Organic Chemistry | 10056800 |
298 | American Journal of Plant Physiology | 10033693 |
299 | American Journal of Plant Sciences | 10024015 |
300 | American Journal of Police | 20127777 |
301 | American Journal of Polymer Science | 20116820 |
302 | American Journal of Recreation Therapy | 10035925 |
303 | American Journal of Signal Processing | 10072064 |
304 | American Journal of Sociological Research | 20070433 |
305 | American Journal of Sports Science | 10033698 |
306 | American Journal of Stem Cell Research | 20127778 |
307 | American Journal of Translation Studies | 20127779 |
308 | American Journalism Review | 20127780 |
309 | American Review of China Studies | 20127781 |
310 | American Review of Mathematics and Statistics | 10033712 |
311 | American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) | 10063016 |
312 | American Scientist | 280 |
313 | Americana : The Journal of American Popular Culture | 20127784 |
314 | American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | 10026762 |
315 | Amérindia. Numéro spécial | 20127785 |
316 | Amity Journal of Economics (AJECO) | 20127786 |
317 | Amministrazione & Finanza | 20127787 |
318 | Amnesia vivace | 20127788 |
319 | AmS-Nett | 20127790 |
320 | Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science : Series 2, Classics in Psycholinguistics | 20127792 |
321 | Grundtvig-Studier / An international journal for the study of Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872) | 20127794 |
322 | Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii 'A1.I. Cuza' din lasi (Serie Noua), e. Lintgvistica | 10022363 |
323 | Anales de Filologia clásica | 20061075 |
324 | Anales de Medicina Interna | 10043460 |
325 | Anales del Instituto de lingüística | 20082291 |
326 | Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición | 10054638 |
327 | Analog Game Studies (AGS) | 20127798 |
328 | Per leggere. I generi della lettura / Analysis of literary texts of diffent genres | 20088309 |
329 | Analytical Abstracts | 20127799 |
330 | Analytical chemistry: An Indian journal | 10052793 |
331 | Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS) | 10044128 |
332 | Anarchist Studies | 10025324 |
333 | Ancient Jew Review (AJR) | 20127800 |
334 | Anderseniana | 20127801 |
335 | Anestesia Pediatrica e Neonatale | 20127802 |
336 | Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina | 10036934 |
337 | Anesthesia & analgesia case reports | 10059397 |
338 | Anesthesiology Clinics of North America | 10054166 |
339 | Anglistische Forschungen | 20127803 |
340 | Anglogermanica online | 10023234 |
341 | Animal Breeding Abstracts | 10023402 |
342 | Animal Review | 20127804 |
343 | Animation Journal | 20127805 |
344 | ANIMUS (St. John's) | 20127807 |
345 | Anistoriton | 20127808 |
346 | Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae | 20153165 |
347 | Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora | 20127809 |
348 | Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes | 20127810 |
349 | Annales de Chirurgie | 334 |
350 | Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Actualités | 10051501 |
351 | Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique | 10062534 |
352 | Annales d'Oto-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale | 10028575 |
353 | Annales d'Urologie | 398 |
354 | Annales Francaise d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation | 342 |
355 | Hindemith-Jahrbuch / Annales Hindemith | 20127811 |
356 | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica | 2116091 |
357 | Annali - Istituto Universitario Orientale. Sezione Gemanica | 10063549 |
358 | Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Università di Firenze | 20127812 |
359 | Annali di archeologia e storia antica | 20119642 |
360 | Annals of British Medical Sciences (ABMS) | 20127813 |
361 | Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT) | 20127814 |
362 | Annals of Diagnostic Paediatric Pathology | 20122041 |
363 | Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) | 20093543 |
364 | Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics | 10044674 |
365 | Annals of Genealogical Research | 20127815 |
366 | Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship | 10022626 |
367 | Annals of International Occupational Therapy | 20127816 |
368 | Annals of Joint | 20064641 |
369 | Annals of Management Science | 10033126 |
370 | Annals of Medicine and Surgery | 10060538 |
371 | Annals of Ophthalmology | 370 |
372 | Annals of Palliative Medicine | 10065202 |
373 | Annals of Scholarship | 20127817 |
374 | Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research | 10031402 |
375 | Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute | 10074409 |
376 | Анали Филолошког факултета / Annals of the Faculty of Philology | 20090099 |
377 | Annals of the Pediatric Rheumatology (APR) | 10035251 |
378 | Annals of the University of Craiova for Journalism, Communication and Management (AUCJCM) | 20111969 |
379 | Annals of Translational Medicine | 10065200 |
380 | Josei shigaku / Annals of Women's History | 20127818 |
381 | Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature | 20127819 |
382 | Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie / Annual of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries | 20127821 |
383 | Annual of Urdu Studies | 20127822 |
384 | Oversigt over selskabets virksomhed (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab) / Annual report (Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters) | 20127823 |
385 | Annual Review of Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical Systems | 20099594 |
386 | Annual Review of Food Science and Technology | 10015184 |
387 | Annual Review of Language Acquisition | 20127824 |
388 | Annuario dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per l'Eta Moderna e Contemporanea | 20127825 |
389 | Antarctica Journal of Mathematics | 20127826 |
390 | Antenna | 10023340 |
391 | Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture | 20127827 |
392 | AntePodium | 20127828 |
393 | Anthropoetics | 20127829 |
394 | Anthropological Science. Japanese series | 10072487 |
395 | Anthropologist | 10022901 |
396 | Anthropology News | 20127830 |
397 | Anthropology of Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia | 20127831 |
398 | AnthroVision | 10071069 |
399 | Anti-Cancer Drug Design | 429 |
400 | Antigone. Quadrimestrale di critica del sistema penale e penitenziario / Antigone | 20127832 |
401 | Antike Welt. Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte | 10022570 |
402 | Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter | 10075526 |
403 | Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature | 10052702 |
404 | Antisemitism Studies | 20062505 |
405 | Antropo | 10019768 |
406 | Antropologia Museale | 20127834 |
407 | Antropología y Derecho | 20127835 |
408 | Antropologiske skrifter | 20127836 |
409 | Antwerp Papers in Linguistics | 20127837 |
410 | Anuari de filologia. Secció D, Studia Graeca et Latina | 20127838 |
411 | Anuario Brasileño de Estudios Hispánicos (ABEH) | 20127839 |
412 | Anuario de Estudios Filologicos | 10087660 |
413 | Anuario de Letras | 20127840 |
414 | Anuario de Lingüística Hispánica | 20127841 |
415 | Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft | 10027936 |
416 | AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology | 20062315 |
418 | Apollon : Forskningsmagasin for Universitetet i Oslo | 42353 |
419 | Applied Analysis and Optimization | 20127843 |
420 | Applied and Computational Mathematics: an international journal | 10011301 |
421 | Applied Animal Science (AAS) | 20077765 |
422 | Applied Economics and Finance | 20127845 |
423 | Applied Finance and Accounting | 10082833 |
424 | Applied Financial Economics | 10017132 |
425 | Applied Financial Economics Letters | 10020378 |
426 | Applied GIS | 10079269 |
427 | Applied Marketing Analytics | 20102449 |
428 | Applied Mathematical Sciences | 10029478 |
429 | Applied Mathematics | 10022446 |
430 | Applied Mathematics | 20127846 |
431 | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences | 10032941 |
432 | Applied Physics Research | 20075703 |
433 | Sémiotique appliquée / Applied Semiotics | 10022327 |
434 | Applied Statistics | 20127847 |
435 | Appropriate technology | 473 |
436 | APS Bulletin | 20127848 |
437 | Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur | 10010929 |
438 | Apuntes Hispanicos | 20127850 |
439 | Aquarius Poetry Magazine | 20127851 |
440 | AR : Revista de Derecho Informático | 20127852 |
441 | Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences | 10036667 |
442 | Arabeschi | 20127853 |
443 | Arabesques | 20127854 |
444 | Arabian Journal of Geosciences | 10015208 |
445 | Arbeidshesten | 20127855 |
446 | Arbeit - Bewegung - Geschichte. Zeitschrift für historische Studien | 20127857 |
447 | Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik | 10017919 |
448 | Arbeitsblätter für Restauratoren | 20127858 |
449 | Arbejderhistorie: Tidsskrift for historie, kultur og politik | 20127859 |
450 | Arbetarhistoria | 20127861 |
451 | Arborescences | 20120632 |
452 | ARCH+ : Archplus | 10020126 |
453 | Archaeological Review from Cambridge | 10055105 |
454 | Archaiologikon Deltion | 20068498 |
455 | Arche - tidskrift för psykoanalys, humaniora och arkitektur | 20127864 |
456 | Archeologia Classica | 10065089 |
457 | Archeomatica | 10085913 |
458 | Architectura | 10000100 |
459 | Architectural Research in Finland (ARF) | 20127866 |
460 | Architecture Australia | 20127867 |
461 | Architecture Research | 20127868 |
462 | Archithese (Niederteufen) : Zeitschrift und Schriftenreihe für Architektur | 10027904 |
463 | Archivar: Zeitschrift für Archivwesen | 20127869 |
465 | Archives of forensic psychology | 10086662 |
466 | Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung / Archives of Nature Conservation & Landscape Research | 40344 |
467 | Archives of Psychology | 20127870 |
468 | Archivio Storico dell' Emigrazione italiana | 20127871 |
469 | Archivo de Filología Aragonesa | 10022325 |
470 | Archivos de Medicina | 10019954 |
471 | Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria | 511 |
472 | Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal | 10050672 |
473 | Archäologie in Deutschland | 10060121 |
474 | Arctic & Antarctic: International Jurnal of Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues | 20127872 |
475 | Arctic Medical Research | 20127874 |
476 | AREA | 20127875 |
477 | ARENA report | 20127876 |
478 | Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics | 10074205 |
479 | Argos: Revista de la Asociación Argentina Estudios Clásicos | 20127878 |
480 | Argumentos | 20077573 |
481 | Ariadne | 20127879 |
482 | ARIANE: Revue d'études littéraires francaises | 20127880 |
483 | Arina - Nordisk tidskrift for kvensk forskning - Pohjoismainen kveenitutkimuksen aikakausjulkaisu | 20100275 |
484 | Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies | 20127881 |
485 | Arkansas Quarterly. A Journal of Criticism | 20127882 |
486 | Arkheion | 20127883 |
487 | Arkivmagasinet | 20127887 |
488 | Arkivråd | 20127888 |
489 | Arms Control Today | 10065678 |
490 | Army Times | 20127889 |
491 | ARPN Journal of Systems and Software | 20127890 |
492 | Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologia | 10007730 |
493 | Art & Research: A Journal of Ideas, Contexts and Methods | 20127891 |
494 | Art Bulletin of Nationalmuseum Stockholm | 20068562 |
495 | Art Education Research | 20127892 |
496 | Art, Antiquity and Law | 10024331 |
497 | Arte documento | 20068576 |
498 | Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging (AIMI) | 20153166 |
499 | Artificial intelligence research | 10024576 |
500 | Artl@s Bulletin | 10058401 |
501 | Arts | 10088048 |
502 | Arts and International Affairs | 20127894 |
503 | Arts and Social Sciences Journal | 10040699 |
504 | Arts and the Market | 20093127 |
505 | ASA Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology | 20127895 |
506 | ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry | 10069439 |
507 | ASEAN Journal on Hospitality & Tourism | 20076050 |
508 | ASEE Prism | 10068495 |
509 | Asia in Focus | 20085471 |
510 | Asia Marketing Journal | 20127896 |
511 | Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management | 20127897 |
512 | Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business | 10020383 |
513 | Asia Pacific Journal of Linguistics | 20127898 |
514 | Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter | 10069313 |
515 | Asian Affairs | 10060260 |
516 | Asian Business Review (ABR) | 20083449 |
517 | Asian Culture and History | 10067056 |
518 | Asian Development Policy Review | 10040703 |
519 | Asian Economic and Financial Review (AEFR) | 10040704 |
520 | Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology | 10066096 |
521 | Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (AJARD) | 10040707 |
522 | Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances | 10015385 |
523 | Asian Journal of Biochemistry | 10033715 |
524 | Asian Journal of Business Ethics | 10067741 |
525 | Asian Journal of Business Research | 20101358 |
526 | Asian Journal of Distance Education | 20082343 |
527 | Asian Journal of Economic Modelling | 10040714 |
528 | Asian Journal of Empirical Research | 10040717 |
529 | Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management | 20127899 |
530 | Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies | 10032806 |
531 | Asian Journal of Management Research | 10028937 |
532 | Asian Journal of Marketing | 10032518 |
533 | Asian Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Researches | 20127900 |
534 | Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research | 20127901 |
535 | Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy | 20127902 |
536 | Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management | 10040723 |
537 | Asian Journal of Sports Medicine | 10039194 |
538 | Asian Journal of Traditional Medicine | 10084646 |
539 | Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy | 10011958 |
540 | Asian Libraries | 20127903 |
541 | Asian Profile | 10025397 |
542 | Asian Social Science | 10018334 |
543 | Asian Spine Journal | 10053490 |
544 | Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies | 10057518 |
545 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance | 10035511 |
546 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development | 10075586 |
547 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology | 10059320 |
548 | Asia-Pacific management accounting journal | 10061701 |
549 | Asia-Pacific Psychiatry | 10015080 |
550 | Assaph. Section C, Studies in the Theatre | 20127905 |
551 | Assessment Update | 20127906 |
552 | AstmaAllergi | 20127908 |
553 | Astro rapport | 20127909 |
554 | Astronomi | 20127911 |
555 | ATB Métallurgie | 20127912 |
556 | Ateneo Leonés | 20127913 |
557 | Athena Intelligence Journal | 20127914 |
558 | Athens Journal of Business & Economics (AJBE) | 10085937 |
559 | Athens Journal of Social Sciences | 10040739 |
560 | Athens University Review of Archaeology (AURA) | 20097587 |
561 | Athletic Insight: The Online Journal of Sport Psychology | 10018781 |
562 | Atlantic Monthly | 10070668 |
563 | Atmospheric and Climate Sciences | 10047172 |
564 | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (ACPD) | 10007753 |
565 | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT) | 40880 |
566 | Augmented Human Research | 20127916 |
567 | Augustan Reprint Society. Publications | 20127917 |
568 | Aunnuario | 10010711 |
569 | Auriga (Zpravy Jednoty klasickych filologu) / Auriga (Proceedings of the Union of classical philologists) | 20120983 |
570 | Aust-Agder-arv | 20127918 |
571 | Austin Journal of Forensic Science & Criminology | 10040787 |
572 | Austin Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders | 10040799 |
573 | Austin Journal of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry | 20153167 |
574 | Austin Therapeutics | 20127919 |
575 | Australasian Drama Studies | 10078774 |
576 | Australasian Journal of Technology Education | 20127920 |
577 | Australasian Victorian Studies Journal | 20127921 |
578 | Australian Academic and Research Libraries | 10023074 |
579 | Australian Book Review | 10050174 |
580 | Australian Cultural History | 10078085 |
581 | Australian e-Journal of Theology | 20127922 |
582 | Australian Family Physician | 10011324 |
583 | Australian Folklore. A Yearly Journal of Folklore Studies | 20127923 |
584 | Australian Geomechanics Journal | 10078323 |
585 | Australian Journal of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine | 10080560 |
586 | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | 10019683 |
587 | Australian Journal of Business & Management Research | 10051148 |
588 | Australian Journal of Communication | 20127925 |
589 | Australian Journal of Cultural Studies | 20127926 |
590 | Australian New Crops | 20095083 |
591 | Australian Review of Public Affairs | 10025434 |
592 | Australian Women's Book Review | 20127928 |
593 | Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology | 20111025 |
594 | Aut Aut | 10000146 |
595 | Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archaeology and Art | 20127929 |
596 | Autism Advocate | 20127930 |
597 | Autisme i dag | 20127931 |
598 | Automatisierungstechnik (AT) / Automation Technology (AT) | 10011321 |
599 | Automatisering | 20127932 |
600 | Automotive Engineer | 10075628 |
601 | Autonomie locali e servizi sociali | 10070105 |
602 | Autrepart | 20124080 |
603 | Avain - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti | 20070940 |
604 | Avalon to Camelot | 20127933 |
605 | AVN Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten | 2149384 |
606 | Arab World English Journal / AWEJ Journal | 10057120 |
607 | Axess | 20127934 |
608 | Axioms | 10068373 |
609 | Azure. Ideas for the Jewish nation | 20127935 |
610 | B Quest: Business Quest | 20127936 |
611 | Baker Street Journal: An Irregular Quarterly of Sherlockiana | 20127937 |
612 | Balans : tidskrift för redovisning och revision | 20127938 |
613 | Balint Journal | 10071623 |
614 | Балканско научно обозрение / Balkan Scientific Review | 20127939 |
615 | Balkan Society of Geometers Proceedings (BGS Proceedings) | 10071330 |
616 | Bambini | 20127942 |
617 | Banasthali Patrika | 20127943 |
618 | Banca Impresa Società | 20127944 |
619 | Bandung: Journal of the Global South | 20070628 |
620 | Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology | 20127945 |
621 | Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin | 10020396 |
622 | Bankhistorisches Archiv: Zeitschrift zur Bankengeschichte | 10026503 |
623 | Banks in Insurance Report | 20127946 |
624 | BANTAO Journal | 10054928 |
625 | Baptist : tidsskrift for baptistisk historie, teologi og praksis | 20127947 |
626 | Barcelona Respiratory Network Reviews (BRN Reviews) | 20070613 |
627 | Barnehagefolk | 20127948 |
628 | BASE - Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Unisinos | 20101470 |
629 | Basic Sciences of Medicine | 20127949 |
630 | Bauen mit Holz | 10030208 |
631 | Bauhinia | 20127950 |
632 | Bauwelt | 10020106 |
633 | Bavinck Review (TBR) | 20127952 |
634 | BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management | 10069214 |
635 | BC Studies | 20068377 |
636 | Beaux Arts Magazine | 10022723 |
637 | Bedre bedrift | 20127954 |
638 | Bedre gardsdrift | 20127955 |
639 | Bedre Skole | 20127956 |
640 | Beijing Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 20153168 |
641 | Beijing Law Review | 10014405 |
642 | Beitrage zur Deutschen Philologie | 20127958 |
643 | Beiträge zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis | 10017843 |
644 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung | 10000158 |
645 | Beiträge zur Gregorianik | 10069153 |
646 | Beiträge zur Sudanforschung | 2006821 |
647 | Belfast Working Papers in Language and Linguistics | 20127961 |
648 | Beliefs and Values: Understanding the Global Implications of Human Nature | 20127962 |
649 | Benegal Past and Present : Journal of The Calcutta Historical Society | 20127963 |
650 | Berkeley Journal of International Law | 10024396 |
651 | Berkeley Review of Education | 10082322 |
652 | Berlin Journal of Critical Theory (BJCT) | 20082618 |
653 | Berliner Debatte INITIAL: Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaflichen Diskurs | 2151185 |
654 | Best Practice | 20127969 |
655 | Bibliografija (Bibliography) | 20127972 |
656 | Bibliosphere | 20127973 |
657 | Bibliotek for læger | 20127976 |
658 | Bibliotekaren (Oslo) | 20127977 |
659 | Bibliotheca Historica | 20127978 |
660 | Bibliotheca psychiatrica | 10000157 |
661 | Bibliotheck. A Scottish Journal of Bibliography and Allied Topics | 20127980 |
662 | Bibliothek und Wissenschaft (BuW) | 10018985 |
663 | Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes | 10000168 |
664 | Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance | 10000167 |
665 | Bibliotime Rivista Elettronica per le Biblioteche | 20127982 |
666 | Biblis | 20068622 |
667 | Bienestar | 20127984 |
668 | Bifurcaciones | 20127985 |
669 | Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies | 20127986 |
670 | Bildungsforschung | 20127987 |
671 | BILTOKI | 20127989 |
672 | Bioanalysis & Biomedicine | 10044664 |
673 | Biochimica Clinica | 10014420 |
674 | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. MR. Reviews on Biomembranes | 27250 |
675 | Biodiversity Journal | 10044735 |
676 | Biodiversity, biogeography and nature conserbation in Wallacea and New Guinea | 20127990 |
677 | Bioenergi : fagtidsskrift | 20127991 |
678 | Bioengineered | 10042100 |
679 | Bioethics Bulletin | 20127992 |
680 | BioFactors | 702 |
681 | Biofizika | 10000694 |
682 | Biogenic amines | 705 |
683 | Biogeosciences | 10007738 |
684 | BIOINFO Financial Management | 20127993 |
685 | Biolog | 20127994 |
686 | Biological Therapies in Psychiatry | 20127995 |
687 | Biologie in unserer Zeit | 10027888 |
688 | Biology of Exercise | 20127996 |
689 | Biomatter | 10080564 |
690 | BioMed Research International | 10025728 |
691 | Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy | 732 |
692 | Bioquimia | 10086182 |
693 | Bioquímica y Patología Clínica | 20065219 |
694 | Bioscience Journal | 10015506 |
695 | Biosensors & Bioelectronics | 752 |
696 | Bioseparation (Dordrecht) | 16323 |
697 | Biospectroscopy (New York, N.Y. Print) | 6683 |
698 | Biotech Software & Internet Report:The Computer Software Journal for Scientists | 20127997 |
699 | Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews | 10033724 |
700 | Biotechnology techniques | 761 |
701 | Biotherapy (Dordrecht) | 762 |
702 | Bird Census News | 10029744 |
703 | Birth Issues | 20127998 |
704 | Bistandsaktuelt | 20127999 |
705 | BJA CEPD Reviews | 20128000 |
706 | Black American Literature Forum | 20128001 |
707 | Black Collegian | 20128002 |
708 | Bladder Cancer | 10088299 |
709 | Blickpunkt der Mann | 20128003 |
710 | Blogdroiteuropéen / Blogdroiteuropeen | 20128004 |
711 | Bloomberg Businessweek | 10000199 |
712 | Blues News | 20128005 |
713 | Biomed Central Rheumatology / BMC Rheumatology | 20062280 |
714 | BMJ Public Health | 20140931 |
715 | Board Game Studies Journal | 20104441 |
716 | Bob : Bok og bibliotek | 20128007 |
717 | Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter / Bochum Philosophical Yearbook on the Antiquity and Middle Ages | 20073810 |
718 | Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung | 20067017 |
719 | Bogmarkedet : Det danske bogmarked | 20128009 |
720 | Bogoslovskie Trudy | 20128010 |
721 | Bokvennen | 20128011 |
722 | Boletim SOCED | 20128012 |
723 | Boletin Antartico Chileno. | 20128013 |
724 | Boletin chileno de parasitologia | 10075679 |
725 | Boletín de Antropología | 20083650 |
726 | Boletín de la AGE | 20128014 |
727 | Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios | 20128015 |
728 | Boletín de la Sociedad Entomològica Aragonesa (Boletín de la S.E.A.) | 10048400 |
729 | Boletín de Lingüística | 10079670 |
730 | Boletin de Matematicas. Nueva Serie | 10072847 |
731 | Boletín de Pediatría | 10049532 |
732 | Bollettino d'Arte - Ministero per i Beni culturali e ambientali | 20068347 |
733 | Bollettino dei classici | 20128016 |
734 | Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata | 20128017 |
735 | Bollettino di Studi Latini | 10027456 |
736 | BoneKEy-Osteovision Virtual Journal | 20128018 |
737 | Book Trade History Group Newsletter | 20128020 |
738 | Books in Canada | 20128021 |
739 | Boon | 20128022 |
740 | Borderlines. Studies in American Culture | 20128023 |
741 | Boreas. Münstersche Beiträge zur Archäologie | 20128024 |
742 | Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences | 10011363 |
743 | Botswana Notes & Records | 20082319 |
744 | Boundaries · International Architectural Magazine | 20128026 |
745 | Bradleya | 10015513 |
746 | Brain Research Protocols | 16373 |
747 | Brain Research Reviews | 797 |
748 | Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research | 3254 |
749 | Brain Sciences | 10045893 |
750 | Brains | 20128027 |
751 | Brathair - Revista de Estudos Celtas e Germânicos / Brathair - Celtic and Germanic Study Group | 20128028 |
752 | Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity | 20106507 |
753 | Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research | 798 |
754 | Brazilian Journal of Oceanography | 10006503 |
755 | Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Populacao / Brazilian Journal of Population Studies | 10062249 |
756 | Revista de Administração Pública (RAP) / Brazilian Journal of Public Administration | 10027831 |
757 | Breastfeeding Review | 10049370 |
758 | Brick. A literary journal | 20128030 |
759 | Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention | 10072273 |
760 | Bright Lights Film Journal | 20128032 |
761 | British Academy Review | 20128036 |
762 | British Catholic History | 10087678 |
763 | British Humanities Index | 20128037 |
764 | British Journal of Anaestetic and Recovery Nursing | 10078326 |
765 | British Journal of Audiology | 807 |
766 | British Journal of Cardiac Nursing | 10040508 |
767 | British Journal of Clinical Governance | 20128038 |
768 | British Journal of Dermatology, Supplement | 10075696 |
769 | British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade | 10054987 |
770 | British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science | 10054355 |
771 | British Journal of English Linguistics (BJEL) | 20071823 |
772 | British Journal of Environment and Climate Change | 10051397 |
773 | British Journal of Medical & Health Sciences | 10027564 |
774 | British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing | 10050657 |
775 | British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy (BJTEP) | 20128039 |
776 | British Journal of Urology, Supplement | 10005898 |
777 | British Postgraduate Musicology | 20128041 |
778 | British Tax Review | 10017466 |
779 | Broadcasting and Cable | 20128042 |
780 | Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching | 20128043 |
781 | Brookings Trade Forum | 20128044 |
782 | Brown Journal of World Affairs | 41388 |
783 | Brussel Economic Review | 20128045 |
784 | Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature | 20128046 |
785 | Brytpunkt | 20128047 |
786 | Budkavlen Tidskrift för etnologi och folkloristik | 20128048 |
787 | Bulk Solids Handling | 10030273 |
788 | Bulletin (Association of Concerned Africa Scholars) | 20128049 |
789 | Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale | 10022212 |
790 | Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique du Limousin | 20068675 |
791 | Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des lettres de Łódź, Série: Recherches sur les déformations | 10005314 |
792 | Mitteilungen der Schweizserischen entomologischen Gesellschaft / Bulletin de la Societé entomologique Suisse | 10005819 |
793 | Bulletin de la Société internationale des amis de Montaigne | 20128050 |
794 | Bulletin de la Société toulousaine d'études classiques | 20128051 |
795 | Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur | 622 |
796 | Bulletin d'histoire politique | 20153169 |
797 | Bulletin Flaubert-Maupassant | 20128052 |
798 | Bulletin for the Society of Renaissance Studies | 10044280 |
799 | Bulletin Marcel Proust | 20128053 |
800 | Bulletin Monumental | 10000187 |
801 | Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology | 20082637 |
802 | Bulletin of Biblical Studies - Artos Zoes | 20128054 |
803 | Bulletin of Cleveland Museum of Art | 20128055 |
804 | Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology - Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni | 10009667 |
805 | Bulletin of Geophysics and Oceanography | 20104072 |
806 | 技術教育学の探究 / Bulletin of Institute of Technology and Vocational Education | 20128056 |
807 | Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications | 20128057 |
808 | Bulletin of Philadelphia Museum of Art | 20068669 |
809 | Bulletin of Rheumatic Diseases | 631 |
810 | Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society | 10008406 |
811 | Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books | 20128058 |
812 | Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern People | 20069562 |
813 | Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications | 10018013 |
814 | Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation | 10062879 |
815 | Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia / Bulletin of the National History Museum of Venice | 20125079 |
816 | Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society | 20128059 |
817 | Bulletin of the West Virginia Association of College English Teachers | 20128060 |
818 | Bulletin on Constitutional Case Law | 20128061 |
819 | Biuletyn polskiego towarzystwa ekonomicznego / Bulletin Polish Economic Society | 20100744 |
820 | Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz | 10011368 |
821 | Bungaku | 20128063 |
822 | Bunt : bulletin för nordiska teaterforskare | 20128064 |
823 | Bunyan Studies | 20068745 |
824 | Business and Economics Journal | 10040863 |
825 | Business and Management Quarterly Review | 20128065 |
826 | Business and Management Research (BMR) | 10051014 |
827 | Business Aviation | 20128066 |
828 | Business education forum | 20128067 |
829 | Business Ethics Journal Review (BEJR) | 20118815 |
830 | Business Information Review | 10075740 |
831 | Business Intelligence Journal | 20128068 |
832 | Business Law Review | 10035536 |
833 | Business Management Dynamics | 10084128 |
834 | Business Research | 10071381 |
835 | Business Strategy and Development | 20067436 |
836 | Business Strategy Review | 10020429 |
837 | Business Studies Journal | 10082901 |
838 | Business Valuation Review | 20128069 |
839 | Business, Management and Economics | 20153170 |
840 | Byggeindustrien | 20128071 |
841 | Byggnadskultur | 20068748 |
842 | Byminner | 20128072 |
843 | Βυζαντινά Σύμμεικτα / Byzantina Symmeikta | 10072461 |
844 | Bøygen: Organ for nordisk språk og litteratur | 20128073 |
845 | Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor” / C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor - Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities Yearbook (CSNIPSSH Yearbook) | 20128074 |
846 | CADDET energy efficiency newsletter | 20128075 |
847 | Cadernos de Educação | 20128076 |
848 | Cadernos de Estudos Africanos | 10081332 |
849 | Cadernos Discursivos (CADIS) | 20128077 |
850 | Cahiers Chronos | 20128078 |
851 | Cahiers de la sécurité | 20128079 |
852 | Cahiers de Linguistique Theorique et Appliquee | 10022224 |
853 | Cahiers de l'Ocha | 20128080 |
854 | Cahiers d'Etudes Germaniques. Universite de Provence. Centre d'Aix | 20128081 |
855 | Cahiers du cinéma | 20128082 |
856 | Cahiers du Genre | 10029431 |
857 | Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure | 10022229 |
858 | Calcutta Review | 20128084 |
859 | California history (San Francisco) | 10000572 |
860 | California Journal of Politics and Policy (CJPP) | 20128085 |
861 | Call center magazine | 39642 |
862 | Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology | 20128086 |
863 | Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England | 20128087 |
864 | Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Thought | 20128088 |
865 | Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature | 20128089 |
866 | Camden History Review | 20128091 |
867 | Camenzind | 20128092 |
868 | Camões | 10061608 |
869 | Campos – Revista de Antropologia | 20128093 |
870 | Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies | 20067381 |
871 | Canada Communicable Disease Report | 10075752 |
872 | Canadian Diversity | 20128094 |
873 | Canadian Gas Price Reporter | 20128095 |
874 | Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy | 10085357 |
875 | Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE) | 20128096 |
876 | Canadian Journal of Human Rights | 20128097 |
877 | Canadian Journal of Regional Science | 20128098 |
878 | Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education | 20128099 |
879 | Canadian Political Science Review | 10032310 |
880 | Canadian Tax Journal | 10020432 |
881 | Canadian Women Studies - Les cahiers de la femme | 10079920 |
882 | Cancer Care Research Online | 20128100 |
883 | Cancer Gene Therapy | 905 |
884 | Cancer Immunity | 10052247 |
885 | Cancer Practice | 37936 |
886 | Cancer Reports and Reviews | 20070254 |
887 | Cancer Surveys | 913 |
888 | Cancers Review | 20128101 |
889 | Capillarity | 20102586 |
890 | Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics | 20115346 |
891 | Kapadokya Tarih ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Cappadocia Journal of History and Social Sciences | 10084366 |
892 | Captures | 20128102 |
893 | Cardiac Electrophysiology Review | 10024815 |
894 | Cardiovascular Device Update | 20128103 |
895 | Cardiovascular Drug Reviews | 923 |
896 | Cardiovascular Endocrinology | 10060000 |
897 | Cardiovascular Engineering: An International Journal | 10015552 |
898 | Caribbean Writer | 20128105 |
899 | Caring for the Ages | 20128106 |
900 | Carlyle Studies Annual | 20128107 |
901 | Casabella | 20128108 |
902 | Case Management Advisor | 20128109 |
903 | Case Reports in Medicine | 10019918 |
904 | Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics (CSBIGS) | 20128110 |
905 | Cassiodorus | 20128112 |
906 | Catedral Tomada.Journal of Latin American Literary Criticism | 20119739 |
907 | Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA) | 20066254 |
908 | Caucasus Analytical Digest | 20128113 |
909 | Cauce. Revista de Filología y su Didáctica | 10082943 |
910 | Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism | 42294 |
911 | Cayapa | 20128114 |
912 | CCAMLR Science | 10000589 |
913 | ce/papers - Proceedings in Civil Engineering | 20062816 |
914 | Cell Cycle | 10005439 |
915 | Cell Medicine | 10088403 |
916 | Cellular and Molecular Biology | 944 |
917 | Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry | 6880 |
918 | Cement and Its Applications | 20128115 |
919 | Central African Journal of Medicine | 20128116 |
920 | Central Asia and the Caucasus | 10081019 |
921 | Central Asian Affairs | 10086394 |
922 | Ceramics Art and Perception | 10063857 |
923 | Cervantes | 20128118 |
924 | Cervantes. Revista del Instituto Cervantes de El Cairo | 20128119 |
925 | Ceræ: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies | 20114974 |
926 | CESifo DICE Report | 10068457 |
927 | CESifo Forum | 41807 |
928 | CFO | 39643 |
929 | Challenge magazine | 10017989 |
930 | Change: The magazine of higher learning | 10068613 |
931 | Chapman. Scotland's quality literary magazine | 20128123 |
932 | Chapter & Verse | 20128124 |
933 | Charles Lamb Bulletin | 20128125 |
934 | Charleston Advisor | 20095324 |
935 | Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación / Chasqui. Latin American Journal of Communication | 20123617 |
936 | Chemical Data Collections | 10068375 |
937 | Chemical Educator | 40048 |
938 | Chemical Engineering and Science | 20128126 |
939 | Chemical Engineering World | 10005691 |
940 | Chemistry International | 10006322 |
941 | CHEMKON | 20092760 |
942 | Chesterton Review | 20128127 |
943 | Chiasmi International | 20128128 |
944 | Child Protection and Practice | 20153171 |
945 | Child welfare | 4757 |
946 | Childhoods Today | 20128131 |
947 | Children and Teenagers (CT) | 20128132 |
948 | Deti v informacionnom obŝestve / Children in the information society | 20128133 |
949 | Children in War | 20128134 |
950 | Children's Literature | 20123319 |
951 | Children's Services | 20128135 |
952 | Chilean Journal of Statistics | 20077988 |
953 | Chilufim: Zeitschrift für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte | 20061510 |
954 | China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly | 20128136 |
955 | China Business Review | 10025480 |
956 | China City Planning Review (CCPR) | 20128137 |
957 | Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue / China Environmental Science | 10044640 |
958 | China Review International | 10067978 |
959 | China-USA Business Review | 10051048 |
960 | Chinese Business Review | 10020096 |
961 | Daqi kexue / Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences | 10050563 |
962 | Chinese Journal of Endemiology | 10048022 |
963 | Zhongguo Xunzheng Yixue Zazhi / Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine | 10038046 |
964 | Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao / Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering | 10045043 |
965 | Zhongguo gan ran kong zhi za zhi / Chinese journal of infection control | 20120201 |
966 | Chinese Journal of Materials Research | 10049970 |
967 | Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology | 10010965 |
968 | Chinese Linguistics in Europe | 20128139 |
969 | Chinese Literature Essays Articles Reviews (CLEAR) | 20128140 |
970 | Chinese Mental Health Journal | 10046104 |
971 | Ching Feng | 20128141 |
972 | Chip | 20128142 |
973 | Chirurgie | 10061136 |
974 | Chloe | 20128143 |
975 | ChoiceReviews | 10042787 |
976 | Christian Scholar's Review | 20128144 |
977 | Christian-Jewish Relations | 20128145 |
978 | Chronic Diseases in Canada | 10015584 |
979 | Chronica Mundi | 20128146 |
980 | Chronique féministe | 20128147 |
981 | Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal | 20128148 |
982 | CiberLetras | 20128149 |
983 | Ciencia Ecuador | 20128150 |
984 | Ciencia UANL | 20128151 |
985 | Ciencias Sociales Online | 20128152 |
986 | Cigre Science & Engineering | 10032425 |
987 | CIM Journal | 10084232 |
988 | Cinema e Storia. Rivista di studi interdisciplinari / Cinema e Storia.Rivista di studi interdisciplinari | 20106734 |
989 | Cinémas - Revue d'Études Cinématographiques | 20062614 |
990 | Cinetext: Film and Philosophy | 20128153 |
991 | Circuits and Systems | 10082048 |
992 | Circulation Control | 20128154 |
993 | Circunstancia | 20125095 |
994 | CIRED Seminar | 20128156 |
995 | CIRED Workshop | 20128157 |
996 | Cithara: Essays in Judaeo-Christian Tradition | 10000613 |
997 | City & Time | 20128158 |
998 | Civil Engineering and Architecture | 20073176 |
999 | CLARA Architecture/Recherche | 20128159 |
1000 | Claroscuro | 20110437 |
1001 | Classics Ireland | 20128160 |
1002 | Classroom Notes Plus | 20128161 |
1003 | CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education | 20077289 |
1004 | Clinica – Medical Device and Diagnostic News | 20128164 |
1005 | Clinica veterinaria de pequeños animales | 10011411 |
1006 | Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews | 10064089 |
1007 | Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine | 10078105 |
1008 | Clinical Advances in Periodontics | 20102463 |
1009 | Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews | 2150549 |
1010 | Clinical and Diagnostic Virology | 11625 |
1011 | Clinical Audit | 20128165 |
1012 | Clinical Cardiology Alert | 20128166 |
1013 | Clinical Case Reports and Reviews | 20066447 |
1014 | Clinical Chiropractic | 10079014 |
1015 | Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing | 10068903 |
1016 | Clinical Eye and Vision Care | 10044200 |
1017 | Clinical Geriatrics | 10006323 |
1018 | Clinical Investigation (OACLI) | 10022081 |
1019 | Clinical leadership & management review | 39647 |
1020 | Clinical Medicine and Diagnostics | 10085618 |
1021 | Clinical Microbiology: Open Access | 10071078 |
1022 | Clinical neuroscience (New York, N.Y.) | 10010058 |
1023 | Clinical Neuroscience Research | 10001154 |
1024 | Clinical Nurse Specialist™ | 10006936 |
1025 | Clinical Nursing Studies | 10084525 |
1026 | Clinical Nutrition Supplements | 10022617 |
1027 | Clinical Oncology Alert | 20128167 |
1028 | Clinical Orthodontics and Research | 10075838 |
1029 | Clinical Positron Imaging | 20128168 |
1030 | Clinical Practice | 10039373 |
1031 | Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health | 10037039 |
1032 | Clinical Radiology Extra | 10079281 |
1033 | Clinical transplants | 10005904 |
1034 | Clinician in Management | 10078107 |
1035 | Clio Medica | 10010440 |
1036 | CMI Brief | 20128170 |
1037 | Coatings | 10055482 |
1038 | Cogent Food & Agriculture | 10055396 |
1039 | Kogito / Cogito | 20128171 |
1040 | Cogito (Lillehammer) / Cogito | 20128172 |
1041 | Coleridge Bulletin | 10022574 |
1042 | Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci / Collected Papers of the Law Faculty of the University of Rijeka | 10013447 |
1043 | Collection Building | 10071467 |
1044 | Collection Management | 10079283 |
1045 | College & Undergraduate Libraries | 10079458 |
1046 | Collegium : Studies across disciplines in the humanities and social sciences | 10059784 |
1047 | Colloquium Helveticum: Cahiers suisses de littérature générale et comparée / Colloquium Helveticum: Swiss Review of General and Comparative Literature | 20128183 |
1048 | Colloquy: Text, Theory, Critique | 20062231 |
1049 | Colonial Latin American historical review | 10000639 |
1050 | Colorado Research in Linguistics (CRIL) | 20128184 |
1051 | Columbia Business Law Review | 10024986 |
1052 | Columbia Human Rights Law Review | 10024831 |
1053 | Columbia Journal of Asian Law | 10024987 |
1054 | Columbia Journal of Environmental Law | 10024988 |
1055 | Columbia Journalism Review | 20128185 |
1056 | Combating Terrorism Exchange (CTX) | 10067890 |
1057 | Commentary (New York) | 4781 |
1058 | Comments on Theoretical Biology | 10072169 |
1059 | Common Ground Journal | 20128188 |
1060 | Commonweal | 10038107 |
1061 | Commonwealth Essays and Studies | 10027288 |
1062 | Communal Plural | 20128189 |
1063 | Communicable Diseases Intelligence | 20078222 |
1064 | Communicare | 20068564 |
1065 | Communicare - et fagdidaktisk tidsskrift fra Fremmedspråksenteret / Communicare - a teaching methodology journal from the Norwegian National Centre for Foreign Languages in Education | 20128190 |
1066 | Communicatio Socialis – Zeitschrift für Medienethik und Kommunikation in Kirche und Gesellschaft | 10028248 |
1067 | Communication Abstracts | 20128191 |
1068 | Communication and Cognition | 10018396 |
1069 | Communication and Language at Work - Bridging Theory and Practice | 20128192 |
1070 | Communication Arts | 20085818 |
1071 | Communication Booknotes Quarterly | 10074179 |
1072 | Communication Design. Interdisciplinary and Graphic Research Design / Communication Design. | 20128193 |
1073 | Communication Research Trends | 10086530 |
1074 | Communication Systems and Networks and Workshops. Proceedings | 10044668 |
1075 | Communications | 20128194 |
1076 | Komunikácie - vedecké listy Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline / Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina | 40629 |
1077 | Communications and Network | 10069805 |
1078 | Communications in Applied Analysis | 10008327 |
1079 | Numismatiska Meddelanden / Communications numismatiques | 20130040 |
1080 | Communications of the American Mathematical Society | 20128195 |
1081 | Communications of the IBIMA | 10063284 |
1082 | Communio Viatorum | 10028646 |
1083 | Community & Junior College Libraries | 10079460 |
1084 | Community Practitioner | 10043868 |
1085 | Compar(a)ison: An International Journal of Comparative Literature | 10019352 |
1086 | Comparative and General Pharmacology | 10017493 |
1087 | Comparative Civilizations Review | 20094358 |
1088 | Comparative Criticism | 20128196 |
1089 | Comparative Drama Conference Papers | 20128197 |
1090 | Compensation and Benefits Review | 10067737 |
1091 | Competency & Emotional Intelligence Quarterly | 20128198 |
1092 | Competition Forum | 10060290 |
1093 | Competitive Intelligence Review | 20128199 |
1094 | Complementary Health Practice Review | 20128200 |
1095 | Complexity | 10002648 |
1096 | Complicity : An International Journal of Complexity and Education | 20128203 |
1097 | Composites business analysis | 20128204 |
1098 | Comprehensive therapy | 10000646 |
1099 | Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine | 10015605 |
1100 | Computational Intelligence | 11747 |
1101 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | 10036666 |
1102 | Computational Social Sciences | 20128205 |
1103 | Computer Law Review International | 10025018 |
1104 | Computer Personnel | 10017632 |
1105 | Computer Science and Engineering | 20128206 |
1106 | Computer science and information systems reports | 20128207 |
1107 | Computer Science and Information Technology | 20128208 |
1108 | Computer Technology and Application | 10086954 |
1109 | Kompûternye instrumenty v obrazovanii / Computer Tools for Education | 10063029 |
1110 | Computers in Higher Education Economics Review | 20128209 |
1111 | Comunicazione Filosofica | 20078873 |
1112 | Concept and Communication | 20128210 |
1113 | Concepts and Transformation | 20128211 |
1114 | Concilium medii aevi | 10086405 |
1115 | Concrete in Australia | 20128213 |
1116 | Concrete Research Letters | 20128214 |
1117 | Conference papers / Bank for International Settlements | 20128215 |
1118 | Confines de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Política | 20128217 |
1119 | Confluências : Revista de tradução científica e técnica | 20128218 |
1120 | Congenital Anomalies | 10012240 |
1121 | Congenital Cardiology Today | 20128219 |
1122 | Coniectanea Biblica, New Testament Series | 20128220 |
1123 | CONNECT: The World of Critical Care Nursing | 20128221 |
1124 | Connotations : A Journal for Critical Debate | 10067426 |
1125 | Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil | 20128223 |
1126 | Construction Robotics | 20128224 |
1127 | Constructions | 10022247 |
1128 | Contacts | 20128225 |
1129 | Teraźniejszość - Człowiek - Edukacja / Contemporary - Learning - Society | 20075265 |
1130 | Contemporary Clinical Gynecology & Obstetrics | 10078788 |
1131 | Contemporary Educational Leadership | 10065730 |
1132 | Contemporary Educational Technology | 10043775 |
1133 | Contemporary Engineering Sciences / Contemporary Engineerng Sciences | 10081029 |
1134 | Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy | 10035259 |
1135 | Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences | 20128226 |
1136 | Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education | 20118587 |
1137 | Contemporary Journal of African Studies | 20128227 |
1138 | Contemporary Journal of African Studies (CJAS) | 20153172 |
1139 | Contemporary Journal of Anthropology and Sociology | 20128228 |
1140 | Contemporary Review | 20128230 |
1141 | Contemporary Sociological Global Review (CSGR) | 20128231 |
1142 | Contemporary Southeastern Europe | 10057491 |
1143 | Contemporary Verse 2 | 20128232 |
1144 | Contents Pages in Education | 20128233 |
1145 | Contexto | 20123329 |
1146 | Contexts | 20087409 |
1147 | Contexts: The Systemic Design Journal | 20153173 |
1148 | Contingentia | 10020152 |
1149 | Continuing Professional Development | 20128234 |
1150 | Continuum. Lifelong Learning in Neurology | 10030999 |
1151 | Contraceptive Technology Update | 10075897 |
1152 | Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging | 10006948 |
1153 | Contrastes (Málaga) | 20128235 |
1154 | Sapostavitelno ezikoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics | 10013660 |
1155 | Controlling & Management Review | 20103519 |
1156 | Conversations in Religion and Theology | 20128236 |
1157 | Copenhagen Studies in Language | 20128237 |
1158 | Copenhagen working papers in LSP | 20128238 |
1159 | Coppertales. A Journal of Rural Arts | 20128239 |
1160 | Coronary Health Care | 10078350 |
1161 | Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review | 20091407 |
1162 | Corporate Real Estate Journal | 10072504 |
1163 | Corpus Pragmatics | 10083127 |
1164 | Correlative neuroanatomy | 20128240 |
1165 | Corriere Giuridico | 20128241 |
1166 | Corriere Tributario | 20128242 |
1167 | Corrosion and Materials Degradation | 20083654 |
1168 | Cosmic and Subatomic Physics Report | 20128243 |
1169 | Counselling Psychology Review | 20101717 |
1170 | Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice (CFP) | 20063957 |
1171 | Course Material from Turku University Applied Sciences | 20128244 |
1172 | CPSS transactions on power electronics and applications (TPEA) / CPSS transactions on power electronics and applications | 20095242 |
1173 | Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction | 10063946 |
1174 | Creative Approaches to Research | 20128245 |
1175 | Creative Education | 10071835 |
1176 | Creative Nonfiction | 20128246 |
1177 | Cribles: essais de litterature | 20128249 |
1178 | Kriminalističke teme / Criminal Justice Issues | 20095010 |
1179 | Criminal Justice Matters | 10013226 |
1180 | Crisis and Critique | 20128250 |
1181 | Crisol | 20128251 |
1182 | Crisolenguas | 20128252 |
1183 | Cristianesimo nella storia – Ricerche storice esegetiche teologiche / Cristianesimo nella storia – Studies in History, Theology and Exegesis | 10013869 |
1184 | Critica d'arte | 10078789 |
1185 | Critical Anthropology | 20128253 |
1186 | Critical Care Alert | 20128254 |
1187 | Critical Care and Resuscitation | 10022935 |
1188 | Critical Literacy | 20128255 |
1189 | Critical perspectives | 20128256 |
1190 | Critical reviews in diagnostic imaging | 1215 |
1191 | Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine | 1221 |
1192 | Critical Texts. A Review of Theory and Criticism | 20128257 |
1193 | Critique of Political Economy | 20128258 |
1194 | Cross Currents | 10067630 |
1195 | Bi´gyo munhwa yeon´gu (Gylonghui daehag´gyo) / Cross-Cultural Studies (CCS) | 20127971 |
1196 | Crossings | 20128260 |
1197 | Crossroads | 10018231 |
1198 | Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies | 10048299 |
1199 | Crux. A Journal on the Teaching of English | 20128261 |
1200 | Crystal Research & Technology | 1236 |
1201 | CSI Communications | 20128262 |
1202 | CSLI studies in computational inguistics | 20128263 |
1203 | CTheory: An International Journal of Theory, Technology and Culture | 20128264 |
1204 | Cuadernos americanos | 10082938 |
1205 | Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía | 20128265 |
1206 | Cuadernos de Arquitectura y Fortificación | 20128266 |
1207 | Cuadernos de Información | 20128268 |
1208 | Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales | 10028995 |
1209 | Cuadernos de Literatura | 20102423 |
1210 | Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil | 20128269 |
1211 | Cuadernos del Cendes | 10025810 |
1212 | Cuadernos Interculturales | 20128270 |
1213 | Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry - CPI / Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry | 20153174 |
1214 | Cultural Values | 20128271 |
1215 | Culture & History | 20128272 |
1216 | Kultūra ir visuomenė: socialinių tyrimų žurnalas / Culture and Society. Journal of Social Research | 10035289 |
1217 | Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning | 20128274 |
1218 | Culture, Society & Praxis | 20128275 |
1219 | Culture, Society and Masculinities | 10085941 |
1220 | Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin | 10056751 |
1221 | Cuneiform Digital Library Journal | 10089026 |
1222 | Cureus - Journal of Medical Science | 10027600 |
1223 | Current | 10079018 |
1224 | Current Addiction Reports / Current Addiction Report | 10051375 |
1225 | Current Aging Science | 10037669 |
1226 | Current Conservation | 10010347 |
1227 | Current Diagnostic Pathology | 10040518 |
1228 | Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering (CDBME) | 10068732 |
1229 | Current Issues in Comparative Education | 10050805 |
1230 | Current Issues in Emerging eLearning (CIEE) | 20128277 |
1231 | Current Medical Imaging | 20091608 |
1232 | Current Medical Litterature - Rheumatology | 20128278 |
1233 | Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity | 10007694 |
1234 | Current Opinion in Internal Medicine | 20128279 |
1235 | Current opinion in molecular therapeutics (Print) | 27973 |
1236 | Current Opinion in Orthopaedics | 10016782 |
1237 | Current Opinion in Systems Biology | 10074911 |
1238 | Current Paediatrics | 10013247 |
1239 | Current Politics and Economics of Europe | 10089113 |
1240 | Current problems in dermatology | 27987 |
1241 | Current problems in pediatrics | 10039150 |
1242 | Current Research in Agricultural Sciences | 20079496 |
1243 | Current Sexual Health Reports | 10079469 |
1244 | Current Sleep Medicine Reports | 10041892 |
1245 | Current Surgery | 10017542 |
1246 | Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology | 10037064 |
1247 | Current Trends in Neurology | 20128280 |
1248 | Current Vascular Pharmacology | 10005625 |
1249 | Curriculum and Teaching | 10027669 |
1250 | Curriculum Review | 20128281 |
1251 | Cursiv [publisher: Institut for Didaktik, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet, DK] | 20128282 |
1252 | Cutter Benchmark Review | 20128283 |
1253 | CW3: Corvey Women Writers on the Web | 20128284 |
1254 | Cyber Humanitatis | 20128285 |
1255 | CytoJournal | 10023216 |
1256 | Cytokines, cellular & molecular therapy | 11877 |
1257 | Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities | 10020710 |
1258 | Národopisná revue / Czech Ethnological Journal | 10027271 |
1259 | Czech Journal of International Relations (CJIR) | 20132071 |
1260 | Czech Mycology | 10055324 |
1261 | D.H. Lawrence Review | 20128287 |
1262 | DAC Journal | 20128288 |
1263 | D'Adventures of 'I.S.R.A.E.L.I. | 20128289 |
1264 | Daedong Munhwa Yeon'gu (Study of Eastern Culture) | 20128290 |
1265 | Daena: International Journal of Good Conscience | 10033443 |
1266 | Daffodil International University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences | 10037068 |
1267 | Dagens medisin | 20128291 |
1268 | Dagstuhl Follow-Ups | 20118759 |
1269 | Dagstuhl Reports | 20094151 |
1270 | Tidsskrift for Uddannelsesvidenskab / Danish Journal of Education Studies (DJES) | 20153175 |
1271 | Danish Journal of Management & Business | 20128292 |
1272 | Dansk : medlemsblad for Dansklærerforeningens folkeskolefraktion | 20128293 |
1273 | Dansk audiologopædi | 20128294 |
1274 | Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift (DVT) | 20074597 |
1275 | Dansknoter | 20153176 |
1276 | DAOL - Discourse analysis online | 20128295 |
1277 | Das erneuerbare Energien Magazin | 20128296 |
1278 | Das EthikJournal | 20128297 |
1279 | Das Historisch-politische Buch : ein Wegweiser durch das Schrifttum | 10039138 |
1280 | Das Hochschulwesen. Forum für Hochschulforschung, -praxis und -politik | 10017484 |
1281 | Das Münster | 10032197 |
1282 | Das Zeichen: Zeitschrift für Sprache und Kultur Gehörloser | 10022255 |
1283 | Data Envelopment Analysis Journal | 20128298 |
1284 | Data Science and Engineering | 10082317 |
1285 | Datagramazero | 20085553 |
1286 | Datagrundjournalen | 20128299 |
1287 | Dataset Papers in Agriculture | 20128300 |
1288 | Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD | 20070019 |
1289 | De Beeldenaar | 20068609 |
1290 | Deaf Worlds: Deaf People, Community and Society | 20128302 |
1291 | Debate terminológico | 20128303 |
1292 | Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society | 20128305 |
1293 | Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada | 20128306 |
1294 | Defence Strategic Communications | 20128307 |
1295 | Defense analysis | 20128308 |
1296 | Degrés: Revue de synthese a orientation semiologique | 10000345 |
1297 | Delaware Review of Latin American Studies | 20128310 |
1298 | Deméter | 20128312 |
1299 | Democracy & Development: Journal of West African Affairs | 20128313 |
1300 | Democracy & Nature | 10078794 |
1301 | Democratic Communiqué | 20128314 |
1302 | Dental Clinics of North America | 10039965 |
1303 | Dental Implantology Update | 10075951 |
1304 | Dentistry | 10052752 |
1305 | Dentistry 3000 | 20102053 |
1306 | Denver Journal of International Law and Policy | 10010732 |
1307 | Denver Quarterly | 20128317 |
1308 | Depth of Field | 20128318 |
1309 | Der Anschnitt | 10018861 |
1310 | Der Betrieb | 10017465 |
1311 | Der Burger im Staat | 10004245 |
1312 | Der Deutschunterricht: Beitrage zu Seiner Praxis und Wissenschaftlichen Grundlegung | 10012689 |
1313 | Der Erwerbsobstbau : Berichte aus Wissenschaft und Praxis | 10011467 |
1314 | Der Notarzt | 10011755 |
1315 | Der Nuklearmediziner | 10084162 |
1316 | Der Onkologe | 10011771 |
1317 | Der Pharma Chemica | 10037617 |
1318 | Der Urologe B | 10068152 |
1319 | Derbyshire Miscellany | 20128320 |
1320 | Dermatología Peruana | 20128321 |
1321 | Dermatology and Psychosomatics | 10072690 |
1322 | Desacatos - Revista de Antropologica Social | 10081467 |
1323 | Desarrollo Económico. Revista de Ciencias Sociales | 4834 |
1324 | Descant (Toronto) | 10000348 |
1325 | Descriptive and Applied Linguistics | 20128322 |
1326 | Desenredo | 20128323 |
1327 | Design Management Review | 20128324 |
1328 | Design Research Quarterly | 20128325 |
1329 | Det Juridiske fakultetsbiblioteks skriftserie | 20128327 |
1330 | Det praktisk-teologiske seminars skriftserie | 20128329 |
1331 | Det var den´ti : årbok | 20128330 |
1332 | Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung | 1369794 |
1333 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie | 10050915 |
1334 | Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters | 10016682 |
1335 | Development Cooperation Review | 20128335 |
1336 | Development Dialogue | 10025557 |
1337 | Development Today | 20128336 |
1338 | Developmental Brain Research | 1293 |
1339 | Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries | 20128337 |
1340 | DF-revy | 20128338 |
1341 | Diabetes & its Complications (DC) | 20128339 |
1342 | Diabetes Journal | 20128341 |
1343 | Diabetes Management | 20128342 |
1344 | Diabetic Hypoglycemia | 10080363 |
1345 | Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel | 10011428 |
1346 | Diagnostic molecular pathology (Print) | 7258 |
1347 | Diagoras: International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies / Diagoras: International Academic Journal of Olympic Studies | 20128343 |
1348 | Dialog (Warszawa) | 20062042 |
1349 | Diálogo de la Lengua | 10068697 |
1350 | Latin American Dialogues / Diálogos Latinoamericanos | 20124119 |
1351 | Dialogue in praxis | 20128344 |
1352 | Dialogues on Digital Society | 20153177 |
1353 | Dialysis & Transplantation | 1314 |
1354 | Diaspora | 10032162 |
1355 | Dichtung-Digital | 20111334 |
1356 | Didacta Varia | 20128346 |
1357 | Die Friedenswarte | 20075633 |
1358 | Die Kunde | 20128347 |
1359 | Die Laute | 10022259 |
1360 | Die Maske, Zeitschrift für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie | 20128348 |
1361 | Die Neue Gesellschaft-Frankfurter Hefte | 10067964 |
1362 | Die Quintessenz | 20062743 |
1363 | Die Rehabilitation | 10015581 |
1364 | Die Sprache | 10022260 |
1365 | Die Vogelwelt : Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz | 10005380 |
1366 | Die Wirtschaftsprüfung | 10018149 |
1367 | Diesel & gas turbine worldwide | 10075971 |
1368 | Diggit Magazine | 20128349 |
1369 | Digital Classics Online | 20153178 |
1370 | Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications (DHNB Publications) | 20127383 |
1371 | Digital Library Perspectives | 10087714 |
1372 | Digital Literary Studies | 20128350 |
1373 | Digital Printing: Science and Technology | 20128351 |
1374 | digma - Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit | 20128352 |
1375 | Diotime - l'Agora | 20128353 |
1376 | Diritti Lavori Mercati | 10067329 |
1377 | Diritto & Pratica del Lavoro | 20128354 |
1378 | Disaster Advances | 10011435 |
1379 | Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education | 10068662 |
1380 | Discursos - Prácticas | 20128357 |
1381 | Discussion paper (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet) | 20128358 |
1382 | Disease management & health outcomes | 10000748 |
1383 | Disease Management and Clinical Outcomes | 10075976 |
1384 | Disease Markers | 1324 |
1385 | Diskussion Musikpädagogik | 20128359 |
1386 | Dissertationes de mediis et communicationibus Univertatis Tartuensis | 20128360 |
1387 | Dissidences | 20128361 |
1388 | Distances & Savoirs | 10080114 |
1389 | Distant Worlds Journal (DWJ) | 20128362 |
1390 | Distribution Business Management Journal | 20128363 |
1391 | DIVAN Tidsrift för kultur och psykoanalys. / DIVAN journal for culture and psychoanalysis | 20128364 |
1392 | Divergencias : Revista de Estudios Linguisticos y Literarios | 20128365 |
1393 | Diversities | 20128366 |
1394 | Diversity and equality in health and care | 10074068 |
1395 | Diversity in Health and Care | 20128367 |
1396 | Divinatio. Studia Culturologica Series | 10010271 |
1397 | Division/Review | 20128368 |
1398 | Divulgaciones Matematicas | 10030734 |
1399 | Divus Thomas - Rivista dello Studio Filosofico Domenicano | 20128369 |
1400 | DMI Design Management Journal | 20128370 |
1401 | Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Ìstorìâ ta arheologìâ / Dnipropetrovsk University bulletin. History & archaeology series | 20128371 |
1402 | DN-notat | 20128372 |
1403 | Docencia e investigación | 20128373 |
1404 | Doctoral series | 20128375 |
1405 | Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information | 10078563 |
1406 | Documentos Lingüísticos y literarios | 20128377 |
1407 | Doktoravhandling, Universitetet i Oslo | 20128378 |
1408 | Domus | 10020105 |
1409 | Doping Journal | 20128380 |
1410 | Douleurs | 10042297 |
1411 | Down beat | 10000372 |
1412 | Downside Review | 10071515 |
1413 | Dragomanen: Årsskrift utgiven av Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul | 20128382 |
1414 | Dreigroschenheft. Informationen zu Bertolt Brecht / Dreigroschenheft. Informations on Bertolt Brecht | 10022790 |
1415 | Древнейшие государства Восточной Европы / Drevnejšie gosudarstva Vostočnoj Evropy : materialy i issledovanija Moskva : Nauka, 1994- . | 20128384 |
1416 | Drevnjaja Rus' - Voprosy medievistiki | 10069244 |
1417 | Drug Delivery | 22501 |
1418 | Drug Discovery Today : Disease Mechanisms | 10031930 |
1419 | Drug Discovery Today : Therapeutic Strategies | 2148640 |
1420 | Drug News and Perspectives | 17029 |
1421 | Drug Target Insights | 10052813 |
1422 | Dublin James Joyce Journal | 20128386 |
1423 | Duoda (Barcelona) | 20128387 |
1424 | Durham Anthropological Journal | 20128388 |
1425 | Dutch Birding | 10052452 |
1426 | Dyade | 20128390 |
1427 | Dynamic Systems and Applications | 10001179 |
1428 | Dynamics | 20124947 |
1429 | Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems | 20128391 |
1430 | Dynamische Psychiatrie | 4847 |
1431 | Dyslexi | 20128392 |
1432 | Døves Tidsskrift | 20128393 |
1433 | E.I.A.L. : Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | 10082022 |
1434 | EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning | 20073795 |
1435 | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ubiquitous Environments | 20128394 |
1436 | Early American Studies | 20102040 |
1437 | Early Childhood Education -Educational Sciences | 20128395 |
1438 | Early Childhood Research & Practice | 10078118 |
1439 | Early Keyboard Journal | 20128396 |
1440 | Early Modern Japan : an Interdisciplinary Journal | 20128397 |
1441 | Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal | 10072687 |
1442 | Early Music Performer | 20128398 |
1443 | Earth and Environmental Science | 10086503 |
1444 | Earth Observation Quarterly | 10076002 |
1445 | Earth Science Research | 10063987 |
1446 | EASST Review | 10070113 |
1447 | East African Journal of Public Health | 10079693 |
1448 | East and Central African Journal of Surgery | 20128400 |
1449 | East Asia Forum Quarterly | 20128401 |
1450 | East Asian Sport Thoughts: The international journal for the sociology of sport | 20128402 |
1451 | Східноєвропейський історичний вісник / East Europe Historical Bulletin | 20069307 |
1452 | e-beratungsjournal | 20128403 |
1453 | Biuletyn EBIB / EBIB Bulletin | 10083516 |
1454 | EBSCO bulletin of serials changes | 39666 |
1455 | EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System | 20128404 |
1456 | Ecclectica | 20128405 |
1457 | Echo (Los Angeles) | 20128406 |
1458 | Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science | 20128407 |
1459 | Ecological and Environmental Anthropology | 20128408 |
1460 | Ecology Abstracts | 20128409 |
1461 | Economia | 10021131 |
1462 | Economia & Lavoro | 10020569 |
1463 | Economia Internazionale / International Economics | 10010245 |
1464 | Economía Mexicana | 20128410 |
1465 | Economic: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Hukum Islam / Economic ( Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Ulum Banyuwangi) | 20128411 |
1466 | Economic Analysis | 20128412 |
1467 | Ekonomitsjeskie i sotsial'nye peremeny: Fakty, tendentsii, prognoz / Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast | 10071942 |
1468 | Экономические и Социальные Проблемы России / Economic and Social Problems of Russia | 20128413 |
1469 | Economic and Social Rights Review | 20128414 |
1470 | Economic Bulletin | 20128415 |
1471 | ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ ВІСНИК НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ТЕХНІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ УКРАЇНИ «КИЇВСЬКИЙ ПОЛІТЕХНІЧНИЙ ІНСТИТУТ» / Economic bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnical Institute | 20116188 |
1472 | Economic Indicators | 20128416 |
1473 | Economic Journal of Nepal | 20128417 |
1474 | Ekonomska Istrazivanja / Economic Research | 10011994 |
1475 | Economic Self Reliance | 20128418 |
1476 | Economic Sociology : the European Electronic Newsletter | 10028092 |
1477 | Kyeongje wa Sahoe / Economy and Society | 20128419 |
1478 | e-conservation | 10031849 |
1480 | ED Management | 10076017 |
1481 | ED Nursing | 10079475 |
1482 | Edinburgh working papers in applied linguistics | 20128421 |
1483 | Edith Wharton Review | 20068032 |
1484 | Educar | 20128422 |
1485 | Education (Rosemead, Calif.) | 10064095 |
1486 | Education Daily | 20128423 |
1487 | Éducation et francophonie | 20071486 |
1488 | Éducation relative à l'environnement : Regards - Recherches - Réflexions | 20085385 |
1489 | Education Research International | 10043824 |
1490 | Education Review | 10070977 |
1491 | Education Sciences and Psychology | 20063851 |
1492 | Education, research and perspectives | 10068747 |
1493 | Educational Administration Abstracts | 20128424 |
1494 | Educational Leadership | 4874 |
1495 | Educational Management Abstracts | 20128425 |
1496 | Educational Research and Reviews | 10020845 |
1497 | Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook (ESJ) | 10068775 |
1498 | Educational Technology Abstracts | 20128427 |
1499 | Educause Quarterly | 20128428 |
1500 | Educause Review | 20128429 |
1501 | E-Fabulations : e-journal of Children's Literature | 20128431 |
1502 | EFTA Bulletin | 20128432 |
1503 | Ege Academic Review | 10074623 |
1504 | eHealth International | 20128434 |
1505 | E-Health Telecommunication Systems and Networks | 20128435 |
1506 | Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies | 10000385 |
1507 | Eikon | 20128437 |
1508 | e-International relations | 20080835 |
1509 | EJBO - Electronic Journal of Business and Organization Ethics | 10028819 |
1510 | e-JEMED. Electronic journal of evolutionary modeling and economic dynamics | 20128438 |
1511 | e-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching | 10030434 |
1512 | eJournal of Tax Research | 10020592 |
1513 | Ejournalist - A refereed media journal | 20128439 |
1514 | El Arco y la Lira Tensiones y Debates | 20153179 |
1515 | El Catoblepas: revista critica del presente | 20106667 |
1516 | El Cotidiano | 20128440 |
1517 | El Croquis | 20128441 |
1518 | El Hombre y la Máquina | 10082289 |
1519 | Electoral Bulletins of the European Union (BLUE) | 20128442 |
1520 | Electric Utility Week | 20128443 |
1521 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 20081032 |
1522 | Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Electromyography and motor control | 12016 |
1523 | Electroneurobiología | 20128444 |
1524 | Electronic antiquity | 20128445 |
1525 | Electronic Business Law | 20128446 |
1526 | Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education | 20128447 |
1527 | Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography | 20128448 |
1528 | Electronic journal of Australian and New Zealand history | 20128449 |
1529 | Electronic Journal of Biomedicine | 10082619 |
1530 | Electronic Journal of Communication | 20128450 |
1531 | Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies | 10073305 |
1532 | Electronic Journal of Literacy through Science | 20128451 |
1533 | Electronic Journal of Organizational Virtualness | 20128452 |
1534 | Electronic journal of oriental studies | 20128453 |
1535 | Electronic Journal of Radical Organisation Theory | 20128454 |
1536 | Electronic Journal of Sociology | 20128455 |
1537 | Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development | 20128456 |
1538 | Èlektronnoe modelirovanie / Electronic Modeling | 10016319 |
1539 | Electronic Transactions on Artifical Intelligence | 20128458 |
1540 | Electronical journal of communicative psychoanalysis | 20128459 |
1541 | Elektronikk : tidsskrift for IT og telekom | 20128460 |
1542 | Elementa : tidskrift för matematik, fysik och kemi | 20128461 |
1543 | Elementos : Ciencia y cultura | 20128462 |
1544 | eLyra | 20079284 |
1545 | Em Debate | 20128463 |
1546 | Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies | 10009740 |
1547 | e-Mémoires de l'Académie Nationale de Chirurgie | 10059161 |
1548 | E-mental: elektronický časopis o mentálnom zdraví / E-mental: Electronic Journal of Mental Health | 20128464 |
1549 | Emergency Medicine Alert | 20128465 |
1550 | Emergency Medicine News | 20128466 |
1551 | Emergency Medicine Reports | 20105025 |
1552 | Emergency Nurse | 10076035 |
1553 | Emerging Economy Studies | 20096265 |
1554 | Emerging Markets Case Studies (EEMCS) | 10072128 |
1555 | Emory International Law Review | 10014201 |
1556 | Employment Relations Record | 20063223 |
1557 | Employment Relations Today | 10076037 |
1558 | Empowerment in Organizations | 20128467 |
1559 | EMS Newsletter | 41203 |
1560 | Encounters | 20128468 |
1561 | Rencontres en Traduction / Encounters in Translation | 20153180 |
1562 | Encuentros | 10081541 |
1563 | Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture | 20128469 |
1564 | Encyclopedia | 20091978 |
1565 | Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics | 20128471 |
1566 | Endocrinologia y Nutricion | 10025537 |
1567 | Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome | 10033601 |
1568 | Endodontic Topics | 10012680 |
1569 | Endothelium | 22601 |
1570 | Endotrends | 20128473 |
1571 | Energy and Environment Research | 20128474 |
1572 | Energy and Environmental Engineering | 20128475 |
1573 | Energy and Power | 20128476 |
1574 | Energy Economics Letters | 10040876 |
1575 | Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research | 10051318 |
1576 | Energy Engineering | 28203 |
1577 | Energy Law Journal (ELJ) | 10025161 |
1578 | Energy Prices and Taxes | 20128477 |
1579 | Energy Review | 20128478 |
1580 | Energy Science and Technology | 10062854 |
1581 | Energy Technology & Policy | 20076657 |
1582 | Energy Trends | 20128479 |
1583 | Engineering / Engineering (Irvine, Calif.) | 10047134 |
1584 | Engineering and Process Economics | 2147359 |
1585 | Engineering Structures and Technologies | 10051827 |
1586 | English Education | 10068790 |
1587 | English in Africa | 20123359 |
1588 | English Language Research Journal | 10083265 |
1589 | English Language Teaching | 10042027 |
1590 | English Linguistics | 10022273 |
1591 | English Linguistics Research | 10042365 |
1592 | English Literary Studies | 20128481 |
1593 | English Miscellany. A Symposium of History, Literature and the Arts | 20128482 |
1594 | English teaching forum | 20128484 |
1595 | Enlightenment and Dissent | 20128485 |
1596 | entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography | 20128486 |
1597 | Entelequia. Revista interdisciplinar | 20128487 |
1598 | Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies | 10028156 |
1599 | Entertainment design | 10000399 |
1600 | Entomology Abstracts | 20128488 |
1601 | Entretextos : Revista Electronica Semestral de Estudios Semióticos de la Cultura | 20128489 |
1602 | Environment and Ecology Research | 20102093 |
1603 | Warasan Singwaetlom lae Sappayakon Tammachat / Environment and Natural Resources Journal | 10083339 |
1604 | Environment and Natural Resources Research | 10032498 |
1605 | Environment and Security | 20153181 |
1606 | Environmental & Energy Law & Policy Journal | 10025174 |
1607 | Environmental and Planning Law Journal (EPLJ) | 10025175 |
1608 | Environmental Disease | 20077012 |
1609 | Environmental Law Reporter (ELR) | 10025178 |
1610 | Environmental Quality Management | 10048527 |
1611 | Environmental Research and Technology | 20067146 |
1612 | Environmental Research: Climate | 20109980 |
1613 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 12083 |
1614 | Environmental Systems Research | 10055002 |
1615 | Epea pteroenta | 10032117 |
1616 | Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations | 10079167 |
1617 | Epidemiology Research International | 10063535 |
1618 | Epilepsi nytt | 20128493 |
1619 | Episteme NS - Revista del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela | 20128494 |
1620 | ePlasty: Open Access Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 10031475 |
1621 | ERA Forum | 10025585 |
1622 | Eras | 20123360 |
1623 | ERCES : Online Quarterly Review | 20128495 |
1624 | ERCIM News | 39676 |
1625 | Erdöl Erdgas Kohle | 1341896 |
1626 | Erfurt Electronic Studies in English | 20128496 |
1627 | Erhvervspsykologi | 20128497 |
1628 | Eritrean Studies Review | 20128498 |
1629 | Ernährungs-Umschau (1977) | 1469 |
1630 | Erziehung & Unterricht | 10017477 |
1631 | Erziehung, Unterricht, Bildung | 20128499 |
1632 | Esfera: Revista filológica y cultural hispana | 20128500 |
1633 | E-Sharp | 10033384 |
1634 | Espace Géographique | 10008671 |
1635 | Espacio Abierto | 20121187 |
1636 | Español actualRevista de español vivo | 10017158 |
1637 | Espéculo : Revista de Estudios Literarios | 20123363 |
1638 | Essays in Education | 10078812 |
1639 | Essays In Medieval Studies | 10071534 |
1640 | Essays in Poetics | 10000412 |
1641 | Essays in Romanticism | 20128501 |
1642 | Estoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca / ESTOAEstoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca | 20112339 |
1643 | Eesti Arheoloogiaajakiri / Estonian Journal of Archaeology | 10073815 |
1644 | Estudios clásicos | 10084397 |
1645 | Estudios de la antigüedad | 20128502 |
1646 | Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada | 20069255 |
1647 | Estudios de Lingüística Chibcha | 20128503 |
1648 | Estudios en Antropología Social | 20128504 |
1649 | Estudios Filologicos Alemanes | 10012687 |
1650 | Estudios Humanisticos: Filologia | 10058476 |
1651 | Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporaneas | 10020555 |
1652 | Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo | 10062395 |
1653 | Estudos internacionais: revista de relações internacionais da PUC Minas / Estudos internacionais: PUC Minas International Relations Journal | 20074072 |
1654 | Età Evolutiva | 20128505 |
1655 | ETH Learning and Teaching Journal | 20082120 |
1656 | Ethics & Medics | 10076078 |
1657 | Ethiopian journal of applied sciences and technology | 20128506 |
1658 | Ethiopian Journal of Development Research | 20128507 |
1659 | Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management | 10035518 |
1660 | Éthique, politique, religions | 20128508 |
1661 | Ethnographic Studies | 20128509 |
1662 | Ethnographica Journal on Culture and Disability | 20128510 |
1663 | Ethnopolitics Papers | 20128512 |
1664 | Ethnoscripts | 10029524 |
1665 | Etnolore | 20128513 |
1666 | E-topia : Revista Electrónica de Estudos sobre a Utopia | 20128514 |
1667 | Etter Lemkin: Tidsskrift for studier av folkemord og politisk massevold | 20128515 |
1668 | Etudes Caribéennes | 20077780 |
1669 | Études cinématographiques | 10000421 |
1670 | Études internationales | 42090 |
1671 | Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics | 10076084 |
1672 | Eurasia Antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens | 10072323 |
1673 | Euresis | 20063199 |
1674 | EU-ret & Menneskeret | 20128521 |
1675 | EuroCriminology | 1364890 |
1676 | EuroEconomica | 10035958 |
1677 | EuroFM Journal - International Journal of Facilities Management | 20128522 |
1678 | Eurohealth | 10013690 |
1679 | Euroheat & Power | 10076087 |
1680 | Euromoney | 20128525 |
1681 | Europace, Supplements | 20128526 |
1682 | European Accounting and Management Review | 20128527 |
1683 | European Biotechnology Newsletter | 20128528 |
1684 | European Bulletin of Adapted Physical Activity | 10028080 |
1685 | European Bulletin of Social Psychology | 10030511 |
1686 | European Chemical News | 10078125 |
1687 | European Cultural Heritage | 20128529 |
1688 | European cybersecurity journal | 20128530 |
1689 | European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Conference Proceedings | 20087413 |
1690 | European Economic Review Plus | 20128531 |
1691 | European Infectious Disease | 10073750 |
1692 | European Instructional Course Lectures | 10042359 |
1693 | European Integration Online Papers | 10011999 |
1694 | European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health (EHMH) | 20113508 |
1695 | European Journal of Anatomy (EJA) | 1209679 |
1696 | European Journal of Business and Economics | 20128533 |
1697 | European Journal of Business Research | 10032598 |
1698 | European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management | 10035458 |
1699 | European Journal of Economic and Social Systems | 10020609 |
1700 | European Journal of Economics, Law and Politics | 20066620 |
1701 | European Journal of Ecopsychology (EJE) | 20108527 |
1702 | European Journal of Education (EJED) | 20072534 |
1703 | European Journal of Educational & Social Sciences | 20128534 |
1704 | European Journal of Educational Research | 10024905 |
1705 | European Journal of Educational Sciences | 20128535 |
1706 | European Journal of Endocrinology. Supplement | 10041936 |
1707 | European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS) | 20128536 |
1708 | European Journal of ePractice | 20128537 |
1709 | European Journal of General Dentistry | 10082837 |
1710 | European Journal of General Medicine | 10036400 |
1711 | European Journal of Heart Failure. Supplements | 10022677 |
1712 | European Journal of Medicinal Plants | 10032305 |
1713 | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM) | 20072431 |
1714 | European Journal of Morphology | 1509 |
1715 | European Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety | 20067676 |
1716 | European Journal of Physical & Health Education | 10057748 |
1717 | European Journal of Physics Education (EJPE) | 10019869 |
1718 | European Journal of Science and Theology | 10022955 |
1719 | European Journal of Scientific Research | 10024844 |
1720 | European Journal of Social Education | 10024134 |
1721 | European Journal of Social Sciences | 10022418 |
1722 | European Journal of Sports and Exercise Science | 20107454 |
1723 | European journal of sports traumatology and related research (Testo stampato) | 10000435 |
1724 | European Journal of Surgery | 1525 |
1725 | European Journal of Sustainable Development | 10033509 |
1726 | European Journal of Sustainable Development Research (EJOSDR) | 10083991 |
1727 | European Journal of Turfgrass Science | 20128538 |
1728 | European Journal of Ultrasound | 2152189 |
1729 | European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine | 20128539 |
1730 | European meetings in ethnomusicology | 10023387 |
1731 | European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences | 10070724 |
1732 | European Papers on the New Welfare : Quaderni Europei sul Nuovo Welfare | 20128540 |
1733 | European Pharmaceutical Review | 10050267 |
1734 | European Property Law Journal | 20095256 |
1735 | European Psychiatric Review | 10022182 |
1736 | European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences | 10010896 |
1737 | European Review of Energy Markets | 10085573 |
1738 | European Review of Native American Studies | 20078997 |
1739 | European Scientific Journal | 10014354 |
1740 | Европейская Безопасность: События, Оценки, Прогнозы / European Security: Events, Evaluations, Forecasts | 20128541 |
1741 | European Social Work Research (ESWR) | 20128542 |
1742 | European Sports History Review | 10078126 |
1743 | European Taxation | 10014411 |
1744 | European transport law | 20128543 |
1745 | European Workshop on Visual Information Processing | 20128544 |
1746 | EurophysicsNews | 10002743 |
1747 | Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 6, Psychologie | 20128547 |
1748 | Europäisches Rundschau | 10004408 |
1749 | Evangelical Studies Bulletin | 20128550 |
1750 | Evental Aesthetics | 20128551 |
1751 | Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) | 10006977 |
1752 | Evidence-Based Eye Care | 10078572 |
1753 | Evidence-Based Gastroenterology | 10078818 |
1754 | Evidence-based Healthcare | 10076101 |
1755 | Evidence-based Oncology | 10078372 |
1756 | Evolution of Communication | 10016999 |
1757 | ew - das magazin für die energie wirtschaft | 10029970 |
1758 | Excellence in Higher Education | 20128552 |
1759 | Exceptionality Education International (EEI) | 10069945 |
1760 | Executive Development | 20128554 |
1761 | Exilforschung : Ein Internationales Jahrbuch | 20128555 |
1762 | Existential Analysis | 20128556 |
1763 | Existenz | 20067776 |
1764 | Exogenous Dermatology | 10050910 |
1765 | Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics | 1547 |
1766 | Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine | 10015706 |
1767 | Experimental Biomedical Research | 20112850 |
1768 | Expert Evidence | 20128557 |
1769 | Expert Opinion in Medical Diagnostics | 10028198 |
1770 | Exploit Interactive - The Exploit Project's Pan-European Web Magazine | 20128559 |
1771 | Export America | 20128560 |
1772 | Extravío: revista electrónica de literatura comparada | 20128561 |
1773 | EyesReg | 20128562 |
1774 | Facility Management Journal | 20128564 |
1775 | Fagbladet Allergi i praksis | 20128566 |
1776 | Faits de Langues / Faits de Langues: Journal of Language Diversity | 10022297 |
1777 | Faktablad om växtskydd, Jordbruk | 20128567 |
1778 | Family Science | 10072574 |
1779 | Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics | 10061719 |
1780 | Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications | 10081041 |
1781 | Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) | 10019934 |
1782 | Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics | 20128568 |
1783 | Farbe und Lack | 2075151 |
1784 | Farmacia | 10009575 |
1785 | Fascinating Life Sciences (FLS) | 20128569 |
1786 | Fast Capitalism | 20128570 |
1787 | Fast Grunn | 20128571 |
1788 | Fauna | 20095901 |
1789 | Fauna och flora : populär tidskrift för biologi | 20128572 |
1790 | FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin | 20128573 |
1791 | Federal Facilities Environmental Journal | 20128574 |
1792 | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review | 10006878 |
1793 | Federal Times | 20128575 |
1794 | Feed International | 20128576 |
1795 | Feedstuffs - The Weekly Newspaper for Agribusiness | 10023867 |
1796 | Féeries | 20128577 |
1797 | Feldherpetologisches Magazin | 20128578 |
1798 | Femina Politica | 10070614 |
1799 | Feminist Collections. A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources | 20128579 |
1800 | Feminist Teacher (FT) | 10068832 |
1801 | Fênix : Revista de História e Estudos Culturais | 20128581 |
1802 | Fenno-Ugrica Suecana - Nova Series | 20128582 |
1803 | Fernand Braudel Center's Review | 10026082 |
1804 | Festival management and event tourism : An international journal | 20128583 |
1805 | Fett | 20128584 |
1806 | Feuillets de Radiologie | 10011482 |
1807 | Fiction International | 20128585 |
1808 | Fiddlehead | 10000448 |
1809 | Field Actions Science Report (FACTS Reports) | 10080834 |
1810 | Film and Philosophy : Journal of the Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts (SPSCVA) | 20128587 |
1811 | Film Comment | 10000449 |
1812 | Kwartalnik Filmowy / Film Quarterly | 20062313 |
1813 | Film-Historia | 10027599 |
1814 | Filologen | 20128588 |
1815 | Filologia antica e moderna | 20073602 |
1816 | Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions | 10087732 |
1817 | Filosofisk supplement | 20128590 |
1818 | Filosofisk Tidskrift | 20128591 |
1819 | Filter - for fotografi | 20128592 |
1820 | Filter - Tijdschrift over vertalen | 20128593 |
1821 | Финансы и бизнес / Finance and Business | 20128594 |
1822 | Financial Management (CIMA) | 20128595 |
1823 | Financial Risk and Management Reviews | 20084480 |
1824 | Financial Services Review (FSR) | 10020748 |
1825 | Financial times | 10023968 |
1826 | Finnish economic papers | 10020750 |
1827 | Finsk Tidskrift (FT) | 20128596 |
1828 | Firat Tip Dergisi | 10054131 |
1829 | Firbladet | 20128597 |
1830 | Fire Engineering | 10076131 |
1831 | First Peoples Child & Family Review | 20128598 |
1832 | First Things | 10019600 |
1833 | Fish Veterinary Journal | 20128599 |
1834 | Fisken og Havet | 20128600 |
1835 | Fisken og Havet, Særnummer | 20128601 |
1836 | Five Points. A Journal of Literature and Art | 20128603 |
1837 | Fjell-folk | 20128604 |
1838 | Fjørfe | 20128605 |
1839 | Fleischwirtschaft international | 10007459 |
1840 | Flight International | 10017479 |
1841 | Florida Tax Review (FTR) | 10025604 |
1842 | Florilegium | 10074791 |
1843 | Fluid Scandinavia | 20128606 |
1844 | Flusser Studies | 20128607 |
1845 | Flyhistorie | 20128608 |
1846 | FOAF Tale News | 20128609 |
1847 | Focus Journal | 20128610 |
1848 | Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies (FACT) | 10012970 |
1849 | Fokus Europa | 20128611 |
1850 | Fokus på språk | 20128612 |
1851 | Folia linguistica et litteraria: Časopis za nauku o jeziku i književnosti / Folia linguistica et litteraria: Journal of Language and Literary Studies | 10086034 |
1852 | Folk och musik | 20128613 |
1853 | Folkedansforskning i Norden | 20128614 |
1854 | Follominne | 20128616 |
1855 | Fontene | 20128617 |
1856 | Food Additives and Contaminants | 1610 |
1857 | Food and Nutrition Sciences | 10027884 |
1858 | Food and Public Health | 10086222 |
1859 | Food Bioscience | 10056845 |
1860 | Food protection trends | 10070238 |
1861 | Food Science and Technology | 20101829 |
1862 | Foods | 10046482 |
1863 | Forbes | 38398 |
1864 | Forbes and Fifth | 20128619 |
1865 | Udenrigs / Foreign Affairs | 20128620 |
1866 | FORM | 20128621 |
1867 | Form - the making of design | 20128622 |
1868 | Forma Civitatis | 20128623 |
1869 | Formacion Medica Continuada En Atencion Primaria | 10036172 |
1870 | Formulary (Cleveland, Ohio) | 12297 |
1871 | Formules. Revue des littératures à contraintes | 20128624 |
1872 | Foro Pediátrico | 20128625 |
1873 | Forschung | 10084405 |
1874 | Forskerforum | 20128626 |
1875 | Forskning | 20128627 |
1876 | Forskning om utbildning | 20128631 |
1877 | Forskning.no | 20128632 |
1878 | Forskningspolitikk | 20128633 |
1879 | Forsvarets forum | 20128637 |
1880 | Forsvarets Forum | 20128636 |
1881 | Forsyning | 20128639 |
1882 | Fortid | 20128640 |
1883 | Fortidsvern | 20128641 |
1884 | Fortuna. Tidsskrift for historie, teknologi og kultur med tilknytning til de gamle jernverkene | 20128642 |
1885 | Forum for Idræt (Idrætshistorisk Årbog) | 20128643 |
1886 | Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte | 42013 |
1887 | Fosterhjemskontakt : tidsskrift om fosterhjemsarbeid | 20128644 |
1888 | Fotballtreneren | 20128645 |
1889 | Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages | 20077469 |
1890 | Foundations and Trends® in Human-Computer Interaction | 10079708 |
1891 | Foundations of Management | 10071940 |
1892 | Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering | 20128646 |
1893 | Fountainwell Drama Texts | 20128647 |
1894 | Fra Fysikkens Verden | 20128648 |
1895 | Frá haug ok heiðni | 20128649 |
1896 | Fractional Differential Calculus | 20090809 |
1897 | Frame Journal of Literary Studies | 20128650 |
1898 | Franciscan Studies | 10049052 |
1899 | Fraser Economic commentary | 20128651 |
1900 | Frecuencia L | 20128652 |
1901 | Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien | 10088497 |
1902 | Fremdsprachen und Hochschule | 10017667 |
1903 | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB) | 12309 |
1904 | Fronesis | 20128654 |
1905 | Frontiers for Young Minds | 20079358 |
1906 | Frontiers in Analytical Science | 20128655 |
1907 | Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | 10042019 |
1908 | Frontiers in Digital Humanities | 10087346 |
1909 | Frontiers in Drug Delivery | 20104040 |
1910 | Frontiers in Health Policy Research | 20128656 |
1911 | Frontiers in Neuroenergetics | 10018948 |
1912 | Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral Science (FPBS) | 20128657 |
1913 | Frontiers in Science | 20128658 |
1914 | Frontiers in Sociology | 10081462 |
1915 | Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Policy | 20128659 |
1916 | Frontiers in Systems Biology | 20128660 |
1917 | Frontiers of Medical and Biological Engineering | 10076169 |
1918 | Frontiers of oral biology | 20128663 |
1919 | Frontiers of radiation therapy and oncology | 10000475 |
1920 | Frühes Deutsch | 10062836 |
1921 | Fu Jen Studies. Literature and Linguistics | 20128665 |
1922 | Fuel Communications | 20088313 |
1923 | Fukushima Journal of Medical Science | 10063168 |
1924 | FULGOR | 20128667 |
1925 | FUMS rapport | 20128668 |
1926 | Functional Materials | 1374787 |
1927 | Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | 20086643 |
1928 | Fundamentos en Humanidades | 20128669 |
1929 | Furniture History | 20068840 |
1930 | FUTURA / Futura (Finnish) | 20062254 |
1931 | Future - Aventis Magazine | 20128670 |
1932 | Fysioterapi | 20128671 |
1933 | Første steg | 20128673 |
1934 | Gaceta Laboral | 20128674 |
1935 | Gandhi Marg | 10067523 |
1936 | Garden history / Garden history society | 42525 |
1937 | Gastroenterological Endoscopy | 10037006 |
1938 | Gastroenterology Research | 10051016 |
1939 | GEFAME | 20128678 |
1940 | Gender Medicine | 10011490 |
1941 | Gendernye issledovaniâ / Gendernye Issledovaniya / Gender Studies | 20128679 |
1942 | Genders | 20068852 |
1943 | Gene Function and Disease | 10078833 |
1944 | Gene Regulation and Systems Biology | 10040070 |
1945 | Gene Therapy and Regulation | 10053264 |
1946 | Genealogists' Magazine | 20128680 |
1947 | Genel Tip Dergisi | 20128681 |
1948 | General and Professional Education | 20125300 |
1949 | Genes and Function | 10076188 |
1950 | GeneScreen: An International Journal of Medical Genomics | 20128683 |
1951 | Genetic Analysis, Techniques and Applications (GATA) | 12353 |
1952 | Genetic Counseling | 17465 |
1953 | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Monitor | 20128684 |
1954 | Genetics Abstracts | 20128685 |
1955 | Gengo Bunka Kenkyu. Studies in language and culture | 20128686 |
1956 | Genialt | 20128687 |
1957 | Genij Ortopedii | 10057378 |
1958 | Genomics-based Drug Data Report | 20128688 |
1959 | Genre & Histoire | 20128689 |
1960 | Geogaceta | 40470 |
1961 | Geografiska Notiser | 10072899 |
1962 | Papeles de Geografía / Geography Papers | 20128690 |
1963 | Geomatik / Geomatic | 20109602 |
1964 | Geofizicheskiy zhurnal / Geophysical journal | 10083855 |
1965 | Geopolitics under Globalization | 20128691 |
1966 | GeoResJ | 10052522 |
1967 | George Borrow Bulletin | 20128692 |
1968 | George Herbert Journal | 20128693 |
1969 | Georgetown Immigration Law Journal | 10026772 |
1970 | Georgetown International Environmental Law Review | 10019787 |
1971 | Georgetown journal of international affairs | 20128694 |
1972 | Georgetown Security Studies Review (GSSR) | 20128695 |
1973 | Georgia Journal International Comparative Law | 10026780 |
1974 | GeoScape | 10011134 |
1975 | Geoscience Research | 20128696 |
1976 | Geosciences (El Monte, Calif) | 20068018 |
1977 | Geotechnical News | 10076216 |
1978 | Geotechnics | 20120839 |
1979 | GeoTropico | 20128697 |
1980 | Gerer et Comprendre | 10020270 |
1981 | Geriatrics & Aging | 10038035 |
1982 | Zeitschrift für Katalanistik / German Journal for Catalan Studies | 10021865 |
1983 | German Journal of Psychiatry | 10039499 |
1984 | German Journal of Urban Studies | 20128698 |
1985 | German Research | 20128699 |
1986 | German Risk and Insurance Review | 20128700 |
1987 | Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie / German Society for General and Applied Entomology. Proceedings | 40309 |
1988 | Geronius | 20128701 |
1989 | Gerontologia Polska | 10084469 |
1990 | Gerontology & Geriatrics Education | 10069947 |
1991 | Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht | 10027386 |
1992 | Geschichte Lernen | 20128702 |
1993 | Gestalt Theory | 20089771 |
1994 | Gestalt! | 20128703 |
1995 | Gestion Hospitalaria | 20128704 |
1996 | GetMobile | 20115320 |
1997 | Ghana Journal of Development Studies | 20087779 |
1998 | Ghana Journal of Linguistics | 20062865 |
1999 | Ghanaian Journal of Economics (GJE) | 20128706 |
2000 | GI Cancer | 12402 |
2001 | Giornale di Neuropsicofarmacologia | 17518 |
2002 | GIS. Science : die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik / GIS.Science | 10079492 |
2003 | Gladius | 10046338 |
2004 | Glasnost : med Gateavisa nyhetsseksjon | 20128708 |
2005 | Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A | 10006999 |
2006 | Gli spazi della musica | 20123586 |
2007 | Global Asia | 20128710 |
2008 | Global Built Environment Review | 10040634 |
2009 | Global Business & Economics Anthology (GBEA) | 10018598 |
2010 | Global Chinese | 20102393 |
2011 | Global Commons Review | 20128711 |
2012 | Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (GCYILJ) | 20128712 |
2013 | Global Development Finance | 20128714 |
2014 | Global health research and policy | 20077196 |
2015 | Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics | 10088372 |
2016 | Global Journal of Business & Social Science Review (GJBSSR) | 20100376 |
2017 | Global Journal of Business Research | 10021202 |
2018 | Global Journal of Engineering Research | 10047994 |
2019 | Global journal of health education and promotion | 20128717 |
2020 | Global Journal of Health Science | 10047755 |
2021 | Global Journal of Human-Social Science (GJHSS) | 10035737 |
2022 | Global Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (GJIDD) | 10087600 |
2023 | Global Journal of Medical Research | 10031068 |
2024 | Global Journal of Research Engineering | 10051799 |
2025 | Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues (GJS) | 10033764 |
2026 | Global Journal of Strategies and Governance | 20128718 |
2027 | Global Media Journal | 10034696 |
2028 | Global Media Journal - German Edition (GMJ-DE) | 10083722 |
2029 | Global Media Journal : Mediterranean Edition | 20128719 |
2030 | Global Media Journal: African edition | 20128720 |
2031 | Global Military Studies Review | 20128721 |
2032 | Global Nineteenth-Century Studies (GNCS) | 20128722 |
2033 | Global Public Policy and Governance (GPPG) | 20123816 |
2034 | Global Review: A Biannual Special Topics Journal | 20128723 |
2035 | Global Security | 20128724 |
2036 | Global Telecoms Business | 39710 |
2037 | Global Tourism | 20128726 |
2038 | Global Veterinaria | 10022687 |
2039 | Glocal Times | 20128727 |
2040 | Glossa | 10023273 |
2041 | Glossator | 20128728 |
2042 | Glossen | 20113254 |
2043 | Glottometrics | 10017349 |
2044 | Glänta | 20128729 |
2045 | GMS Thoracic Surgical Science | 20128730 |
2046 | Gnist- Marxistisk tidsskrift | 20128731 |
2047 | Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft | 10000496 |
2048 | Go'mørning | 20128732 |
2049 | Goppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik | 20128733 |
2050 | Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics | 20089279 |
2051 | Gotländskt arkiv | 20128737 |
2052 | Government Publications Review (1973) | 20128738 |
2053 | Government Publications Review: Part A | 2148152 |
2054 | Government Publications Review: Part B | 2148153 |
2055 | GPS World | 10078587 |
2056 | Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies | 10035528 |
2057 | Graduate Journal of Social Science | 10055412 |
2058 | Graduate Journal of Sport, Exercise & Physical Education Research | 20128739 |
2059 | Graeco-Arabica | 20128741 |
2060 | Graecolatina et Orientalia | 20128742 |
2061 | Grafiknytt | 20068898 |
2062 | Graft - Organ and Cell Transplantation | 10010937 |
2063 | Gramsciana. Rivista Internazionale di Studi su Antonio Gramsci | 20128745 |
2064 | Graphis | 10000501 |
2065 | Grazer Linguistische Studien | 10007620 |
2066 | Green and Sustainable Chemistry | 10084490 |
2067 | Green Materials | 10062153 |
2068 | Gregorios ho Palamas : dimeniaion theologikon kai ekklesiastikon periodikon, organon tes Hieras Metropoleos Thessalonikes | 20128747 |
2069 | Greyfriar. Siena Studies in Literature | 20128748 |
2070 | GRUR International: Journal of European and International IP Law | 20073789 |
2071 | Gråsteinen : et geofaglig tidsskrift for alle | 20128750 |
2072 | GSA Today | 10049436 |
2073 | GSTF International Journal on Computing | 10042477 |
2074 | GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET) | 10074376 |
2075 | GSTF JOURNAL of Nursing and Health Care | 20128751 |
2076 | GSTF Journal on Education | 10067039 |
2077 | Gulustan-Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic Research | 20128752 |
2078 | Gutenberg-Jahrbuch | 10014761 |
2079 | Gymnadenia : medlemsblad for Sigrid Undset selskapet | 20128753 |
2080 | Gynekologen | 20128754 |
2081 | Gynäkologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau | 12428 |
2082 | Hagar: Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities | 20128759 |
2083 | Hakirah: The Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought | 20128760 |
2084 | Hallym International Journal of Aging | 10028013 |
2085 | Hamline Law Review | 10026796 |
2086 | Handbook of Practice Management | 20128764 |
2087 | Han'gug minjog undongsa yeon'gu | 20128768 |
2088 | Hardanger - Tidsskrift for Hardanger historielag | 20128769 |
2089 | Hardy-Ramanujan Journal | 20128770 |
2090 | Harrington Gay Men's Fiction Quarterly | 10088154 |
2091 | Harvard Asia Quarterly | 10060528 |
2092 | Harvard Business Law Review | 20128771 |
2093 | Harvard Deusto business review | 20128772 |
2094 | Harvard Human Rights Journal | 10026810 |
2095 | Harvard Library Bulletin | 10000510 |
2096 | Harvard Review | 20128773 |
2097 | Hastings West-Northwest journal of environmental law and policy | 10027111 |
2098 | Hayden Ferry Review | 20128774 |
2099 | He Kupu | 20095945 |
2100 | Head & Neck Oncology | 10022970 |
2101 | Health (Irvine, Calif.) | 10028679 |
2102 | Health Aging & Clinical Care in the Elderly | 20128775 |
2103 | Health and Primary Care (HPC) | 20128776 |
2104 | Health and Society | 20128777 |
2105 | Health and Technology | 10080616 |
2106 | Health behavior and policy review | 10086361 |
2107 | Health Care and Informatics Review Online | 10079502 |
2108 | Health Information on the Internet | 20128778 |
2109 | Health Manpower Management | 10076287 |
2110 | Health Policy and Development | 20128779 |
2111 | Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada | 10064169 |
2112 | Health Psychological Research | 20128780 |
2113 | Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (HSAG) | 10080617 |
2114 | Health Science Journal | 20093183 |
2115 | Health Statistics Quarterly | 10079182 |
2116 | Healthcare Review Online | 20128781 |
2117 | Healthcare Risk Management | 20128782 |
2118 | HealthcarePapers | 10055361 |
2119 | HealthMed | 10009592 |
2120 | Heart Drug | 10036297 |
2121 | Heart Failure Clinics | 10005104 |
2122 | Hecate | 20128783 |
2123 | helden. heroes. héros. E-Journal zu Kulturen des Heroischen | 10088810 |
2124 | Heliotropia | 20128784 |
2125 | Hellas. A Journal of Poetry and the Humanities | 20128785 |
2126 | Hellenic Orthodontic Review | 10060451 |
2127 | Helsingin yliopiston historian laitoksen julkaisuja | 20128786 |
2128 | Hematology & Medical Oncology | 20128787 |
2129 | Henry Bradshaw Society | 20128788 |
2130 | Hepatitis Monthly | 10011510 |
2131 | Hépato-Gastro | 10039386 |
2132 | Hepato-Gastroenterology | 1323580 |
2133 | Herald of the International Academy of Science. Russian Section | 10053374 |
2134 | Hereditary Genetics: Current Research | 10036210 |
2135 | Hermès. Revue Critique | 20128789 |
2136 | HERO skriftserie / Working paper | 20128790 |
2137 | Heroism Science | 20128791 |
2138 | Herpetology Notes | 10023922 |
2139 | Hesperia Culturas del Mediterráneo | 20128792 |
2140 | Hessische Blätter für Volks- und Kulturforschung | 10004501 |
2141 | HIF-rapport | 20128796 |
2142 | High School Journal | 10068840 |
2143 | Gaodianya Jishu / High Voltage Engineering | 10069894 |
2144 | Higher Education in Review | 20128798 |
2145 | Higher Education Perspectives | 20128799 |
2146 | Higher Education Review | 20128800 |
2147 | Higher Education Studies | 10028582 |
2148 | Hikuin | 20128801 |
2149 | Himalayan Geology | 10011513 |
2150 | Hiperboreea | 10054655 |
2151 | Hipertexto | 20128805 |
2152 | Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature | 20128806 |
2153 | História & Perspectivas | 20128808 |
2154 | Historia (Three Rivers) | 20095391 |
2155 | Historia Hermeneutica. Series Studies | 20128809 |
2156 | Historia religionum | 20128810 |
2157 | Historiallinen Arkisto | 10078146 |
2158 | Historiallisia Tutkimuksia | 20128811 |
2159 | Historica | 20128812 |
2160 | Historical and Cultural Problems of Northern Countries and Regions | 20128813 |
2161 | Historikeren | 20128814 |
2162 | Historische Archäologie | 10045603 |
2163 | Historische Literatur | 10005687 |
2164 | Historisches Forum | 20128815 |
2165 | Historiske meddelelser om København | 20128816 |
2166 | Historie a vojenství / History & Warfare | 10026659 |
2167 | History of Intellectual Culture | 20128817 |
2168 | HiT notat | 20128819 |
2169 | HIV Clinical Trials | 10003207 |
2170 | Hjorteviltet | 20128820 |
2171 | HMT - Helsetjenesten Medisinsk Teknikk : helse, medisin, teknikk | 20128821 |
2172 | Hollins Critic | 20128822 |
2173 | Hologramática | 20128823 |
2174 | Home Care Provider | 10076332 |
2175 | Home Healthcare Now | 10076333 |
2176 | Home Healthcare Nurse | 20128824 |
2177 | Homeland Security | 20128825 |
2178 | Homily Service | 10088138 |
2179 | Homo Oeconomicus (HOEC) | 10033350 |
2180 | Hong lou meng xue kan | 20128826 |
2181 | Hopscotch | 20128827 |
2182 | Horisont | 20128828 |
2183 | Horisont : næringspolitisk skriftserie | 20128829 |
2184 | افق توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی / Horizon of Medical Education Development | 20128830 |
2185 | Horizons | 20128831 |
2186 | Horizons: Seoul Journal of Humanities | 20128832 |
2187 | Hors Champ | 20128833 |
2188 | Hortus semioticus | 20128834 |
2189 | Hospice Management Advisor | 20128835 |
2190 | Hospital Access Management | 20128836 |
2191 | Hospital Case Management | 10076337 |
2192 | Hospital Employee Health | 20128837 |
2193 | Hospital Peer Review | 10076344 |
2194 | Hotell, restaurant & reiseliv (Reiseliv Publishing) | 20128838 |
2195 | Housman Society Journal | 20128839 |
2196 | HRfocus | 10017983 |
2197 | HSOA Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine | 20125885 |
2198 | H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften / H-Soz-Kult. Communication and information services for historical research | 10054047 |
2199 | Čelovek: obraz i suŝnostʹ / Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects | 20128840 |
2200 | Hyuman fakutazu / Human Factors in Japan | 20128841 |
2201 | Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal | 20081077 |
2202 | Human Resource Management International Digest | 10078853 |
2203 | Human Resources Abstracts | 10017621 |
2204 | Human Resources Management & Ergonomics | 10031301 |
2205 | Human Rights & Human Welfare | 20128842 |
2206 | Human Rights Case Digest | 20128843 |
2207 | Human Rights in Development | 20128844 |
2208 | Humana.Mente | 10060463 |
2209 | Human-animal interaction bulletin | 20128845 |
2210 | Humanimalia - a journal of human/animal interface studies | 20109325 |
2211 | Humanist : tidsskrift for livssynsdebatt | 20128846 |
2212 | Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания / Humanitarian Balkan Research | 20126727 |
2213 | Humanitarian Exchange Magazine | 20128848 |
2214 | Gumanitarnyj vektor. Seriâ Pedagogika, psihologiâ / Humanitarian Vector. Series Pedagogy, Psychology | 20128849 |
2215 | Гуманитарный вектор. Серия Филология. Востоковедение. Gumanitarnyi Vektor. Seriya Filologiya, Vostokovedenie / Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies | 20128850 |
2216 | Гуманитарный вектор. Серия Философия. Культурология. Gumanitarnyi Vektor. Seriya Filosophiya, Kul’turologiya / Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy, Cultural Studies | 20128851 |
2217 | Humanities and Social Sciences | 20128852 |
2218 | Humanities and Social Sciences Letters | 20078033 |
2219 | Human-Machine Communication | 20128853 |
2220 | Hvem, hva, hvor (ordinær utg.) | 20128854 |
2221 | Hvor hender det? | 20128855 |
2222 | Hydro International | 10076361 |
2223 | Hydro Review Worldwide | 10030260 |
2224 | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions (HESSD) | 10028222 |
2225 | Häften för Kritiska Studier | 20128857 |
2226 | Høgskolen i Harstad skriftserie | 20128858 |
2227 | Høgskolen i Nesnas skriftserie | 20128859 |
2228 | HØit : tidsskrift for Avdeling for informasjonsteknologi, Høgskolen i Østfold | 20128860 |
2229 | Haaløygminne : Håløygminne | 20128861 |
2230 | I.A.P. rapporten | 20128862 |
2231 | i.e.: inquiry in education | 20081374 |
2232 | IABLIS. Jahrbuch für europäische Prozesse | 20128863 |
2233 | IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | 20119688 |
2234 | IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | 20077468 |
2235 | IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship | 20102386 |
2236 | IAH-Bulletin | 42801 |
2237 | IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review (IJSSR) | 20096955 |
2238 | Ianua: Revista Philologica Romanica | 20128866 |
2239 | IAS Think Pieces | 20128867 |
2240 | IASLonline | 10060836 |
2241 | IASSIST Quarterly | 10010126 |
2242 | Iberia: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics | 10054824 |
2243 | Iberoamérica Global | 10020302 |
2244 | IBIMA Business Review | 20090260 |
2245 | IBS Journal of Science | 20128869 |
2246 | iBusiness | 10019063 |
2247 | ICES cooperative research report | 20128871 |
2248 | ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision, and Image Processing | 20067719 |
2249 | ICMR Bulletin | 20128872 |
2250 | Icomos Canada Bulletin | 20128873 |
2251 | Ide@Sostenible | 20128874 |
2252 | IDEA: A Journal of Social Issues | 10086655 |
2253 | IDEAS | 20128875 |
2254 | Idee | 20128876 |
2255 | Idéias - Revista do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UNICAMP | 20086191 |
2256 | Idrottsforum.org - Nordic Sport Studies Forum | 10083986 |
2257 | Idrottsjuridisk skriftserie | 20128878 |
2258 | IDrugs. The Investigational Drugs Journal | 10003208 |
2259 | IEEE Communications Standards Magazine | 10085441 |
2260 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine | 10048490 |
2261 | IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) | 10074926 |
2262 | IEEE Journal of Microwaves | 20112006 |
2263 | IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors | 20153182 |
2264 | IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) | 20153183 |
2265 | IEEE Xplore Digital Library | 20128882 |
2266 | IES Bulletin | 20128883 |
2267 | Iglesia y Misian | 20128885 |
2268 | Ignaziana : Rivista di Ricerca Teologica | 10035562 |
2269 | International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry / ijghc | 10054968 |
2270 | IJIES (International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System) | 20071507 |
2271 | Il Confronto Letterario | 10018937 |
2272 | Il Fallimento e Altre Procedure Concorsuali | 20128886 |
2273 | Il Farmaco | 1568 |
2274 | il Mulino | 10019381 |
2275 | Il Ponte | 10001857 |
2276 | Il Risorgimento (Milano) | 10001965 |
2277 | Il verri | 10018754 |
2278 | Ilbon Pip'yeong (Japan Review) | 20128887 |
2280 | Image Processing On Line | 10071471 |
2281 | ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies | 20100553 |
2282 | Imagining the Impossible: International Journal for the Fantastic in Contemporary Media | 20153184 |
2283 | Immuno analyse & biologie specialisee | 10011527 |
2284 | Immunology & Infectious Diseases | 10076383 |
2285 | Immunome Research | 40845 |
2286 | ImmunoMethods | 10009953 |
2287 | Immunopathologia Persa | 20064614 |
2288 | Immunopharmacology | 1927 |
2289 | Impact Printmaking journal | 20128890 |
2290 | Imparare | 20128891 |
2291 | imprimatur : Nachrichten und kritische Meinungen aus der katholischen Kirche | 20128892 |
2292 | Imprimatur: Ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde | 20128893 |
2293 | Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi | 10024138 |
2294 | In vitro & Molecular Toxicology | 17803 |
2295 | Inc.: The magazine for growing companies | 20128894 |
2296 | INCAE Business Review | 20128895 |
2297 | Incelências Revista do Núcleo de Programas de Pesquisa | 20128896 |
2298 | Inclusion | 20116338 |
2299 | Independent Filmmakers Journal | 20128897 |
2300 | Index Islamicus | 20128898 |
2301 | Index of Middle English Prose | 20128899 |
2302 | Indian Development Review | 10021035 |
2303 | Indian Folklife | 10027231 |
2304 | Indian folklore Research Journal | 20128900 |
2305 | Indian Forester | 10054816 |
2306 | Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics | 10020121 |
2307 | Indian journal of chest diseases & allied sciences | 10077766 |
2308 | Indian Journal of Finance | 10081057 |
2309 | Indian Journal of Fisheries | 10022986 |
2310 | Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing | 10066115 |
2311 | Indian Journal of Human Genetics | 43038 |
2312 | Indian Journal of Medical Sciences | 10036288 |
2313 | Indian Journal of Neurotrauma | 10069668 |
2314 | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (IJPER) | 10011534 |
2315 | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 10015972 |
2316 | Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy | 10085814 |
2317 | Indian Journal of Political Science | 10025640 |
2318 | Indian Journal of Positive Psychology | 20081236 |
2319 | Indian Journal of Weed Science | 10063039 |
2320 | Indian Literature: Sahitya Akademi's Bi-Monthly Journal | 20128902 |
2321 | Indiana International & Comparative Law Review / Indiana International & Comparative Law Reviw | 10027159 |
2322 | Indicators of Industry and Services | 20128903 |
2323 | Indigenous Affairs | 20128904 |
2324 | Indigo | 20128905 |
2325 | Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems | 20084609 |
2326 | Človek a spoločnosť / Individual and Society | 10008808 |
2327 | Indivisa : Boletin de Estudios e Investigación | 20128906 |
2328 | Indo-European Linguistics | 10085961 |
2329 | Indologica taurinensia | 10022132 |
2330 | Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies | 20067291 |
2331 | Indremedisineren | 20128907 |
2332 | Industria Avicola | 20128908 |
2333 | Industrial Management (Des Plaines) | 10076412 |
2334 | Industrial Relations Law Bulletin | 20128909 |
2335 | Infectious Disease Alert | 20128910 |
2336 | Inflexions: A journal for research creation | 20128911 |
2337 | InfoDaF. Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache | 10008690 |
2338 | Infodiversidad | 20128913 |
2339 | Informação em Pauta | 20128914 |
2340 | Información Tecnológica | 10020000 |
2341 | Informasjonsblad (Senter for grunnforskning ved Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi) | 20128915 |
2342 | Informatik-Spektrum | 10017640 |
2343 | Information från Läkemedelsverket | 10073656 |
2344 | Information Management and Business Review | 20114454 |
2345 | Information Philosophie | 10013422 |
2346 | Information Services and Use | 10076426 |
2347 | Information Storage and Retrieval | 20128916 |
2348 | Information Technology, Education and Society | 10052425 |
2349 | Information Theory and Applications | 10005636 |
2350 | Information Visualisation | 10046305 |
2351 | Information Week | 20128917 |
2352 | Information, Knowledge, Systems Management | 10005859 |
2353 | Informationen aus Orthodontie und Kieferorthopädie | 10081224 |
2354 | Informationen zur Raumentwicklung | 39736 |
2355 | Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren | 10048115 |
2356 | Informing Science | 10017035 |
2357 | Informing Science + IT Education Conference | 20128920 |
2358 | InfraMatics | 20128921 |
2359 | Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin | 1970 |
2360 | Ingegneria ambientale. Inquinamento e depurazione. Quaderni | 20128922 |
2361 | INICIACOM : Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica em Comunicação Social | 20128924 |
2362 | Injuria : tidsskrift for juridiske studenter i Bergen | 20128925 |
2363 | Injury control and safety promotion | 20128926 |
2364 | Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur and Ästhetik | 20128927 |
2365 | INNER MAGAZINE | 20128928 |
2366 | Innovation Journalism | 20128929 |
2367 | Innovative Marketing | 10067826 |
2368 | Innsyn : tidsskrift for misjonsstrategisk informasjon og debatt | 20128930 |
2369 | Inovcom : Revista Brasileira de Inovação Científica em Comunicação | 20128931 |
2370 | Inpharma weekly | 10001467 |
2371 | Inquire: Journal of Comparative Literature | 10062565 |
2372 | Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines | 20128932 |
2373 | Insects Review | 20128934 |
2374 | Insektnytt | 20128935 |
2375 | Inside FERC | 20128936 |
2376 | Inside FERC's Gas Market Report | 20128937 |
2377 | Inside Indonesia : bulletin of the Indonesia resources and inform 1983 | 20128938 |
2378 | Inside the Internet | 20128939 |
2379 | Insight: The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses | 10076430 |
2380 | Insights in Mining Science & Technology (IMST) | 20122739 |
2381 | Institutional Investor International Edition | 20128940 |
2382 | Institutions and Economies | 10055661 |
2383 | Instructional Course Lectures | 10039581 |
2384 | Insurance Markets and Companies | 20078422 |
2385 | Integrácia | 20128942 |
2386 | Integración & Comercio | 20128943 |
2387 | Integral Leadership Review | 20128944 |
2388 | Integrated Manufacturing Systems | 10050509 |
2389 | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports | 10079512 |
2390 | Integrative Biology: Issues, News, and Reviews | 20128945 |
2391 | Integrative Journal of Veterinary Biosciences (IJVB) | 20128946 |
2392 | Integrative Medicine | 10007595 |
2393 | Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal | 20128947 |
2394 | Intelligent Control and Automation | 10029533 |
2395 | Intelligent Information Management | 20128948 |
2396 | Intensities | 10073582 |
2397 | intensiv | 20128949 |
2398 | Intensivmedizin und Notfallsmedizin | 10036869 |
2399 | Inter collegas | 20077379 |
2400 | Inter Medicos | 20128950 |
2401 | InterActions : UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies | 20090199 |
2402 | Interactive Marketing | 20128951 |
2403 | InterCulture: An Interdisciplinary Journal | 20128953 |
2404 | Interdisciplinære kulturstudier / Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies | 20153185 |
2405 | Interdisciplinary Environmental Review | 10019570 |
2406 | Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM) | 10072192 |
2407 | Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business | 10023598 |
2408 | InterDisciplines. Journal of History and Sociology | 10058714 |
2409 | Interface: a journal for and about social movements | 10023738 |
2410 | Interfacehs : Journal on Integrated Management of Occupational Health and the Environment | 20128956 |
2411 | Interfaces (Paris) | 10037208 |
2412 | Intergrams: Studies in Languages and Literatures | 20128957 |
2413 | Intergraph: Journal of Dialogic Anthropology | 20128958 |
2414 | Interjuli: Internationale Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung | 20128959 |
2415 | Interkulturelle Theologie. Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft | 20064495 |
2416 | Interlending & document supply | 5101 |
2417 | Interlingüística | 10023582 |
2418 | Interlink (London : 1989) | 20128961 |
2419 | Interlink : Journal of Research in Music | 20128963 |
2420 | Interlink : the Nigerian-American Quarterly Magazine | 20128964 |
2421 | InterMedia | 20128965 |
2422 | International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling / InternaInternational Journal of 3-D Information Modeling | 20128966 |
2423 | Internal and Emergency Medicine | 10011572 |
2424 | Internal Medicine Alert | 20128967 |
2425 | Internal Medicine Review | 10073756 |
2426 | International journal of nuclear safety and simulation | 20128968 |
2427 | International Abstracts in Operations Research | 20128969 |
2428 | International Academy of Business and Economics | 20128970 |
2429 | International Aerospace Abstracts | 20128971 |
2430 | International Archives Of health sciences / International Archives Of Health Sciences | 20076609 |
2431 | Archives Internationales d'histoire des sciences / International Archives on the History of Science | 10029922 |
2432 | International Business Research | 10018534 |
2433 | International cement review | 20128972 |
2434 | International Circular of Graphic Education and Research | 10028607 |
2435 | International Communication of Chinese Culture | 20123407 |
2436 | International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications | 10049283 |
2437 | International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD) | 20153186 |
2438 | International Contact Lens Clinic | 10076442 |
2439 | International Critical Childhood Policy Studies Journal | 20128979 |
2440 | International Digest of Health Legislation | 10076443 |
2441 | International education research | 20128980 |
2442 | International Education Studies (IES) | 10023755 |
2443 | International e-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education | 10068847 |
2444 | International Financing Review | 20128981 |
2445 | International Frontier Science Letters | 20128983 |
2446 | International Gestalt Journal | 20128984 |
2447 | International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC) | 20069725 |
2448 | International Higher Education | 10008499 |
2449 | International Immunopharmacology | 34686 |
2450 | International Insolvency Review | 10023119 |
2451 | International Journal about Parents in Education | 20128985 |
2452 | International Journal for Co-operative Management | 20128986 |
2453 | International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS) | 20071579 |
2454 | International Journal for Information Security Research | 20128987 |
2455 | International Journal in IT & Engineering | 20128988 |
2456 | International Journal In Management & Social Science | 20128989 |
2457 | International Journal of Academic Research | 10031818 |
2458 | International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences | 10030678 |
2459 | International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences | 10028595 |
2460 | International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review | 10033782 |
2461 | International Journal of Accounting | 20111217 |
2462 | International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation | 20128990 |
2463 | International Journal of Ad Hoc, Sensor and Ubiquitous Computing | 10033784 |
2464 | International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems | 20081151 |
2465 | International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences | 10059116 |
2466 | International Journal of Advanced Research | 10029467 |
2467 | International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IJARAI) | 10020952 |
2468 | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science | 10027507 |
2469 | International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology | 10062990 |
2470 | International Journal of Advanced Research in Mathematics (IJARM) | 20128991 |
2471 | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 10027429 |
2472 | International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies, Engineering and Management Sciences | 10075241 |
2473 | International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology | 10050064 |
2474 | International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology | 20128992 |
2475 | International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics | 10024801 |
2476 | International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities | 10032848 |
2477 | International Journal of Aerospace Sciences | 20128993 |
2478 | International Journal of Agricultural and Life sciences | 20128994 |
2479 | International Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 20128995 |
2480 | International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry | 10087317 |
2481 | International Journal of Agriculture and Plant Science | 20128996 |
2482 | International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research | 10047475 |
2483 | International Journal of Algebra | 10017204 |
2484 | International Journal of Analytical Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography | 20128997 |
2485 | International Journal of Anatomical Variations | 20061886 |
2486 | International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies | 10021062 |
2487 | International Journal of Applied Logistics | 20095050 |
2488 | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences | 20128998 |
2489 | International Journal of Applied Psychology | 10045108 |
2490 | International Journal of Applied Quality Management | 20128999 |
2491 | International Journal of Applied Science | 10067883 |
2492 | International Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology | 20129000 |
2493 | International Journal of Applied Sociology | 10063642 |
2494 | International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies | 10079737 |
2495 | International Journal of Aquaculture | 10049880 |
2496 | International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development | 20086625 |
2497 | International Journal of Aromatherapy | 10067403 |
2498 | International Journal of Art and Art History | 20129001 |
2499 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications | 10033810 |
2500 | International Journal of Artificial Organs | 2000 |
2501 | International Journal of Arts | 20129002 |
2502 | International Journal of Arts and Sciences | 10016367 |
2503 | International Journal of Asian Management | 20129003 |
2504 | International Journal of Asian Social Science | 10040902 |
2505 | International Journal of Astronomy | 20118750 |
2506 | International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics | 10053888 |
2507 | International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance | 10051659 |
2508 | International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education | 10074235 |
2509 | International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review | 10033620 |
2510 | International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation | 10033818 |
2511 | International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (IJBCS) | 10050271 |
2512 | International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences | 20129004 |
2513 | International Journal of Biological Engineering | 20129005 |
2514 | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | 2002 |
2515 | International Journal of Biomedical Science | 10041973 |
2516 | International Journal of Biophysics | 20129006 |
2517 | International Journal of Biosciences (IJB) | 10047451 |
2518 | International Journal of Botany | 10013008 |
2519 | International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences | 20129007 |
2520 | International Journal of Business & Economics | 20129008 |
2521 | International Journal of Business & Management (IJOBM) | 10035710 |
2522 | International Journal of Business Administration | 10062402 |
2523 | International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science (IJBASS) | 20082209 |
2524 | International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives | 20129009 |
2525 | International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM) | 10018533 |
2526 | International Journal of Business and Management Studies | 10063980 |
2527 | International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow | 20129010 |
2528 | International Journal of Business and Public Administration | 20129011 |
2529 | International Journal of Business and Social Science | 10024028 |
2530 | International Journal of Business Anthropology (IJBA) | 20129012 |
2532 | International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM) | 20153187 |
2533 | International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research | 10067743 |
2534 | International Journal of Business Research and Management | 10016752 |
2535 | International Journal of Business Strategy | 10030758 |
2536 | International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance | 20129014 |
2537 | International Journal of Business, Economics and Management | 20091786 |
2538 | International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works | 20129015 |
2539 | International Journal of Business, Marketing, and Decision Sciences | 20076396 |
2540 | International Journal of Cancer Research | 10033827 |
2541 | International Journal of Career Management | 20129016 |
2542 | International Journal of Caring Sciences (IJCS) | 20129017 |
2543 | International Journal of Changes in Education (IJCE) | 20151736 |
2544 | International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | 20129018 |
2545 | International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering | 10065141 |
2546 | International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research | 20129019 |
2547 | International Journal of Chemical Engineering | 10030414 |
2548 | International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications (IJCEA) | 10047787 |
2549 | International Journal of Chemistry | 20063210 |
2550 | International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research | 20129020 |
2551 | International Journal of Child & Family Welfare | 20129021 |
2552 | International Journal of Child Health and Human Development | 10070128 |
2553 | International Journal of Chronic Diseases | 20129022 |
2554 | International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IJCEM) | 10033007 |
2555 | International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology (IJCEP) | 10022993 |
2556 | International journal of clinical medicine | 10029603 |
2557 | International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing | 2012 |
2558 | International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 2014 |
2559 | International Journal of Clinical Research & Trials | 20074259 |
2560 | International Journal of Clinical Trials (IJCT) | 20124140 |
2561 | International Journal of Coaching in Organzations | 20129023 |
2562 | International Journal of Cognitive Linguistics | 20129024 |
2563 | International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) | 10081061 |
2564 | International Journal of Communication and Research | 20129025 |
2565 | International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences | 10052928 |
2566 | International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management | 20129026 |
2567 | International Journal of Composite Materials | 10024795 |
2568 | International Journal of Computational Intelligence | 10029622 |
2569 | International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control (IJCIC) | 20123978 |
2570 | International Journal of Computational Methods & Experimental Measurements | 10029626 |
2571 | International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering | 10086403 |
2572 | International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering | 10048697 |
2573 | International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering | 20129027 |
2574 | International Journal of Computer Applications | 10040526 |
2575 | International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages | 20129028 |
2576 | International Journal of Computer Science | 10004915 |
2577 | International Journal of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (IJCSAI) | 20129029 |
2578 | International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering | 20129030 |
2579 | International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security | 10029663 |
2580 | International Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 10035488 |
2581 | International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools (IJCSES) | 20153188 |
2582 | International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering | 10029632 |
2583 | International journal of computer, consumer and control | 20129031 |
2584 | International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies | 10033865 |
2586 | International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences | 10030730 |
2587 | International Journal of Contemporary Sociology | 20129033 |
2588 | International Journal of Control and Automation (IJCA) | 10046057 |
2589 | International Journal of Control Science and Engineering | 10029664 |
2590 | International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA) | 10067208 |
2591 | International Journal of Core Engineering and Management | 10050557 |
2592 | International Journal of Corporate Governance | 20129034 |
2593 | International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology | 10078398 |
2594 | International Journal of Criminology and Sociology | 20079245 |
2595 | International Journal of Critical Accounting (IJCA) | 10042567 |
2596 | International Journal of Culture and History (IJCH) | 20129035 |
2597 | International journal of current research | 10019255 |
2598 | International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence and Cybercrime (IJCIC) | 10089060 |
2599 | International Journal of Database Management Systems | 10033870 |
2600 | International Journal of Database Theory and Application | 10037438 |
2601 | International Journal of Dental Anthropology | 20129036 |
2602 | International Journal of Dental Clinics | 10083133 |
2603 | International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health | 20069887 |
2604 | International Journal of Design and Innovation Research | 20129037 |
2605 | International Journal of Diabetes Research | 10086194 |
2606 | International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications | 10042438 |
2607 | International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC) | 20078162 |
2608 | International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy | 10088494 |
2609 | International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation | 20129038 |
2610 | International Journal of Disaster Medicine | 20126290 |
2611 | International Journal of Doctoral Studies (IJDS) | 10067309 |
2612 | International Journal of E-Adoption (IJEA) | 10080159 |
2613 | International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education | 20129039 |
2614 | International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) | 10069969 |
2615 | International Journal of E-Business development | 10029435 |
2616 | International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics | 10021212 |
2617 | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 40286 |
2618 | International Journal of Economic Perspectives | 10021213 |
2619 | International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories | 10059487 |
2620 | International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research | 10028962 |
2621 | International Journal of Economics and Accounting | 20129040 |
2622 | International Journal of Economics and Finance | 10034706 |
2623 | International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences | 10019258 |
2624 | International Journal of Ecosystem | 10087127 |
2625 | International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) | 10061147 |
2626 | International Journal of Education | 10050806 |
2627 | International Journal of Education and Management Studies (IJEM) | 10088367 |
2628 | International Journal of Education and Practice | 20067741 |
2629 | International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (IJEAPS) | 10033883 |
2630 | International Journal of Educational Methodology (IJEM) | 20081220 |
2632 | International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning | 10059529 |
2633 | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) | 10049432 |
2634 | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems | 10016202 |
2635 | International Journal of Electrical Energy | 20072974 |
2636 | International Journal of Electrical Systems Science and Engineering | 20129041 |
2637 | International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications | 20129042 |
2638 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies | 10053298 |
2639 | International Journal of Electronics | 20129043 |
2640 | International Journal of Emergency Mental Health | 10040034 |
2641 | International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) | 10048613 |
2642 | International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering | 10035350 |
2643 | International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (IJETER) | 20072971 |
2644 | International Journal of Empirical Economics (IJEE) | 20129044 |
2645 | International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (IJEM) | 10023310 |
2646 | International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering | 20129045 |
2647 | International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | 10070296 |
2648 | International Journal of Energy Engineering | 10031661 |
2649 | International Journal of Energy Science | 10086821 |
2650 | International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research | 20094259 |
2651 | International Journal of Engineering ,Science and Innovative Technology | 10051388 |
2652 | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | 20066006 |
2653 | International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences | 20067905 |
2654 | International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology | 10025454 |
2655 | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | 20070519 |
2656 | International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics (IJEME) | 10048146 |
2657 | International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) | 10028869 |
2658 | International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology | 10053496 |
2659 | International Journal of Engineering Works (IJEW) | 20129046 |
2660 | International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics | 10085712 |
2661 | International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies | 10040910 |
2662 | International Journal of English Linguistics (IJEL) | 10022351 |
2663 | International Journal of Entrepreneurship | 10031070 |
2664 | International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy | 10083864 |
2665 | International Journal of Environmental Impacts | 10086889 |
2666 | International Journal of Environmental Protection | 10024808 |
2667 | International Journal of Environmental Science and Development | 10022162 |
2668 | International Journal of Environmental Sciences | 10088673 |
2669 | International Journal of Ethics | 20129047 |
2670 | International Journal of Ethics Education | 10072938 |
2671 | International Journal of Ethiopian Studies | 20129048 |
2672 | Uluslararası Avrasya Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EURASIA SOCIAL SCIENCES | 10086412 |
2673 | International Journal of Export Marketing | 20062344 |
2674 | International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics | 10033010 |
2675 | International Journal of Finance and Accounting | 10018532 |
2676 | International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking | 20129050 |
2677 | International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives | 20100670 |
2678 | International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies | 10044723 |
2679 | International Journal of Fluid Engineering | 20129051 |
2680 | International Journal of Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Business Models (IJFBMBM) | 10089212 |
2681 | International Journal of Food Science & Technology | 2037 |
2682 | International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering | 10054605 |
2683 | International Journal of Genetic Engineering | 20129053 |
2684 | International Journal of Geography and Geology | 20066021 |
2685 | International journal of geosciences | 10025858 |
2686 | International Journal of Governance | 10027324 |
2687 | International Journal of Government Financial Management | 10013133 |
2688 | International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing | 10043836 |
2689 | International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) | 10060693 |
2690 | International Journal of Happiness and Development | 10035236 |
2691 | International Journal of Health Research and Innovation | 20129054 |
2692 | International Journal of Health Sciences and Research | 10087323 |
2693 | International Journal of Health, Safety and Environment (IJHSE) | 20129055 |
2694 | International Journal of Healthcare Simulation - Advances in Theory & Practice (IJoHS) | 20129056 |
2695 | International Journal of Heritage and Sustainable Development | 20084530 |
2696 | International Journal of Higher Education | 10061655 |
2697 | International Journal of Homiletics | 20129057 |
2698 | International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management | 10087012 |
2699 | International Journal of Human and Social Sciences | 10016643 |
2700 | International Journal of Human Genetics | 1318608 |
2701 | International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research | 20129058 |
2702 | International Journal of Human Resource Studies | 10083911 |
2703 | International Journal of Humanities & Applied Social Sciences (IJHASS) | 20129059 |
2704 | International Journal of Humanities and Social Science | 10088847 |
2705 | International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology | 10049636 |
2706 | International Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | 20129060 |
2707 | International Journal of Image Processing | 10085284 |
2708 | International Journal of Inclusive Democracy | 20129061 |
2709 | International journal of industrial engineering and technology | 20129062 |
2710 | International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations | 10050100 |
2711 | International Journal of Infection Control | 10019612 |
2712 | International Journal of Information and Education Technology | 10032455 |
2713 | International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering | 10051415 |
2714 | International Journal of Information and Management Sciences | 10046678 |
2715 | International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business | 10066139 |
2716 | International Journal of Information Processing and Management | 10034712 |
2717 | International Journal of Information Research and Review | 10073840 |
2718 | International Journal of Information Science | 20129063 |
2719 | International Journal of Information Systems and Computer Sciences | 20108732 |
2720 | International Journal of Information Systems and Engineering | 20129064 |
2721 | International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT) | 20079451 |
2722 | International Journal of Information, Business and Management | 10031491 |
2723 | International Journal of Innovative Research & Development | 10031763 |
2724 | International Journal of Instructional Technology and Educational Studies | 20112074 |
2725 | International journal of instrumentation science | 20129065 |
2726 | International Journal of Integrative Biology | 10025836 |
2727 | International Journal of Intelligence Science | 10070226 |
2728 | International Journal of Intelligent Technology | 20129066 |
2729 | International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management | 10032703 |
2730 | International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding | 20075612 |
2731 | International Journal of Kierkegaard Research | 20153189 |
2732 | International Journal of Language and Linguistics | 20065257 |
2733 | International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics | 20078036 |
2734 | International Journal of Lean Enterprise Research | 10068950 |
2735 | International Journal of Learning and Development | 10066491 |
2736 | International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (ILJTER) / International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER) | 10044786 |
2737 | International Journal of Legal Information (IJLI) | 10027538 |
2738 | International Journal of Library Science | 20129067 |
2739 | International Journal of Linguistics | 10053266 |
2740 | International Journal of Linguistics & Communication (IJLC) | 10033964 |
2741 | International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture | 20129068 |
2742 | International Journal of Literature and Art (IJLA) | 20129069 |
2743 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing | 10049328 |
2744 | International Journal of Management (IJM) | 20076403 |
2745 | International Journal of Management Accounting Research | 20129070 |
2746 | International Journal of Management and Business | 20129071 |
2747 | International Journal of Management and Human Resources | 20076395 |
2748 | International Journal of Management and Marketing Research | 10031451 |
2749 | International Journal of Management and Network Economics | 20096801 |
2750 | International Journal of Management and Sustainability | 10051070 |
2751 | International Journal of Management Development | 20129072 |
2752 | International Journal of Management Innovation Systems | 20120069 |
2753 | International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering | 10056860 |
2754 | International Journal of Management, Sciences, Innovation, and Technology (IJMSIT) | 20129073 |
2755 | International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR) | 10040921 |
2756 | International Journal of Marine Science | 20129074 |
2758 | International Journal of Marketing and Technology | 10061539 |
2759 | International Journal of Marketing Studies | 10039112 |
2760 | International Journal of Markets and Business Systems | 10085706 |
2761 | International Journal of Materials and Chemistry | 20077614 |
2762 | International Journal of Materials Engineering | 20087576 |
2763 | International Journal of Mathematical | 20129076 |
2764 | International Journal of Mathematical Analysis | 10057140 |
2765 | International Journal of Mathematical Research | 20129077 |
2766 | International Journal of Mathematics and Physics | 20091993 |
2767 | International Journal of Mathematics Sciences | 20129078 |
2768 | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology | 10036861 |
2769 | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) | 10074627 |
2770 | International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering | 20129079 |
2771 | International Journal of Mechanics and Applications | 20091389 |
2772 | International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research | 10067600 |
2773 | International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering | 10062071 |
2774 | International Journal of Migration and Border Studies | 20129080 |
2775 | International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing | 20129081 |
2776 | International Journal of Modeling and Optimization | 10032454 |
2777 | International Journal of Modern Botany | 20078913 |
2778 | International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy (IJMPG) | 20153190 |
2779 | International Journal of Molecular Medicine | 17988 |
2780 | International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering | 10032617 |
2781 | International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management | 20093712 |
2782 | International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy | 20129082 |
2783 | International Journal of Music and Performing Arts | 20129083 |
2784 | International Journal of Natural Sciences and Engineering | 20129084 |
2785 | International Journal of Natural Sciences Research | 10067932 |
2786 | International Journal of Naval History | 20129085 |
2787 | International Journal of Network Science | 20129086 |
2788 | International Journal of Networks and Communications | 20129087 |
2789 | International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling | 10029120 |
2790 | International Journal of Nurse Practitioner Educators | 20129088 |
2791 | International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices | 20129089 |
2792 | International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery | 10034007 |
2793 | International Journal of Nursing Science | 20129090 |
2794 | International Journal of Ocean Systems Management (IJOSM) | 20129091 |
2795 | International Journal of Oncology | 2075 |
2796 | International Journal of Open Problems in Complex Analysis | 20129092 |
2797 | International Journal of Optics and Applications | 20127359 |
2798 | International Journal of Optoelectronic Engineering | 20129093 |
2799 | International Journal of Organisational Behaviour | 10044782 |
2800 | International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering (IJODE) | 10087032 |
2801 | International Journal of Organizational Learning and Change | 20129094 |
2802 | International Journal of Paramedicine (IJOP) | 20118702 |
2803 | International Journal of Peace Studies | 10067982 |
2804 | International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning | 10043781 |
2805 | International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies / International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies (IJPINT) | 10057094 |
2806 | International Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology | 12849 |
2807 | International Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care | 20129095 |
2808 | International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Scientific Research (IJPSR) | 20129096 |
2809 | International Journal of Pharmacology, Phytochemistry and Ethnomedicine | 20129097 |
2810 | International Journal of Philosophical Practice | 20129098 |
2811 | International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences | 10062345 |
2812 | International Journal of Physical Education : A Review Publication | 10018867 |
2813 | International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | 10053825 |
2814 | International Journal of Physical Sciences | 10011562 |
2815 | International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation | 20129099 |
2816 | International Journal of Plant Research | 10084286 |
2817 | International Journal of Population Geography | 10053657 |
2818 | International Journal of Power and Energy Systems | 10030119 |
2819 | International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) | 10062797 |
2820 | International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM) | 10011563 |
2821 | International Journal of Prevention and Treatment | 10049187 |
2822 | International Journal of Probability and Statistics | 20129100 |
2823 | International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research | 10077770 |
2824 | International Journal of Psycho-Educational Sciences | 10070340 |
2825 | International Journal of Psychological Studies | 10034975 |
2826 | International Journal of Psychology and Behavior Analysis (IJPBA) | 10073928 |
2827 | International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences | 20083001 |
2828 | International Journal of psychology: A biopsychosocial approach | 20129101 |
2829 | International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology | 20129102 |
2830 | International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research | 20069716 |
2831 | International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology | 10033179 |
2832 | International Journal of Pure Mathematical Sciences | 20129103 |
2833 | International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education | 20081583 |
2834 | International Journal of Quantum Foundations | 20129104 |
2835 | International Journal of Radiology & Radiation Therapy (IJRRT) | 10085657 |
2836 | International Journal of Radiology and Imaging Techniques | 20129105 |
2837 | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | 10063607 |
2838 | International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health | 10076464 |
2839 | International Journal of Reliability and Quality Performance | 20129106 |
2840 | International Journal of Religion | 20096712 |
2841 | International Journal of Research in Education and Science | 10068889 |
2842 | International Journal of Research in Health Sciences | 20129107 |
2843 | International Journal of Research in Linguistics and Lexicography | 20129108 |
2844 | International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences | 20129109 |
2845 | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences | 20071495 |
2846 | International Journal of Research In Social Sciences (IJRSS) | 10052715 |
2847 | International Journal of Research Reviews in Applied Sciences | 10023726 |
2848 | International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB) | 10040932 |
2850 | International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning | 10047428 |
2851 | International Journal of Research Studies in Management | 10066172 |
2852 | International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management | 20094498 |
2853 | International Journal of Security and Its Applications | 10057234 |
2854 | International journal of self help & self care | 10013425 |
2855 | International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology | 10081677 |
2856 | International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies | 20129110 |
2857 | International Journal of Signal Processing Systems | 20073639 |
2858 | International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition | 10050876 |
2859 | International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy | 10054017 |
2860 | International Journal of Smart Home | 10059908 |
2861 | International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 20129111 |
2862 | International Journal of Social Science Studies | 10036771 |
2863 | International Journal of Social Sciences | 20129112 |
2864 | International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (IJSSH) | 20129113 |
2865 | International Journal of Social Sciences and Education (IJSSE) | 10047474 |
2866 | International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice | 20129114 |
2867 | International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering | 10061299 |
2868 | International Journal of Soft Computing | 10034130 |
2869 | International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications | 10053723 |
2870 | International Journal of Spatio-Temporal Data Science (IJSTDS) | 20129115 |
2871 | International Journal of Speech Technology | 39741 |
2872 | International Journal of Sport and Exercise Science | 20129116 |
2873 | International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism | 20129117 |
2874 | International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine | 10082485 |
2875 | International Journal of Sports Science | 10064981 |
2876 | International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering | 20129118 |
2877 | International Journal of Statistics and Applications | 10051838 |
2878 | International Journal of Statistics and Probability | 10050321 |
2879 | International Journal of Stem Cells | 10049352 |
2880 | International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances | 10087615 |
2881 | International Journal of Strategic Technology and Applications | 20129119 |
2882 | International Journal of Structural Analysis and Design | 20129120 |
2883 | International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER) | 10067667 |
2884 | International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience | 10082025 |
2885 | International Journal of Supply Chain Management | 10065659 |
2886 | International Journal of Surgery Case Reports (IJSCR) | 10047683 |
2887 | International Journal of Surgical Investigation | 10078167 |
2888 | International Journal of Surrealism (IJS) | 20153191 |
2889 | International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research | 20087388 |
2890 | International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy | 20094765 |
2891 | International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research | 20129121 |
2892 | International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (IJSSM) | 10030780 |
2893 | International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Applications | 10080167 |
2894 | International Journal of Teaching and Education | 20153192 |
2895 | International Journal of Technology and Development Studies | 10080407 |
2896 | International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education | 20129122 |
2897 | International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education (IJTIE) / International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education (IJTIE) | 20129123 |
2898 | International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE) | 20093499 |
2899 | International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation | 10016786 |
2900 | International Journal of Technology, Modeling and Management | 10016145 |
2901 | International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices | 20085763 |
2902 | International journal of textile science | 10084011 |
2903 | International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest | 20129124 |
2904 | International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | 20074692 |
2905 | International Journal of Tourism Management | 10017628 |
2906 | International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance | 10051004 |
2907 | International journal of traffic and transportation engineering | 20129125 |
2908 | International Journal of Transport Management | 10078860 |
2909 | International Journal of Transportation | 10043572 |
2910 | International Journal of Trauma Nursing | 10076472 |
2911 | International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development | 10083238 |
2912 | International Journal of Tumor Therapy | 20129126 |
2913 | International Journal of Turkish Studies | 10049567 |
2914 | International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology | 10029289 |
2915 | International Journal of UbiComp | 10034105 |
2916 | International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves | 20129127 |
2917 | International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare | 20129128 |
2918 | International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research | 20129129 |
2919 | International Journal of Virology and Molecular Biology | 10086286 |
2920 | International Journal of Virtual Technology and Multimedia (IJVTM) | 10029794 |
2921 | International Journal of Volleyball Research | 20129130 |
2922 | International Journal of Web Services Practices (IJWSP) | 20129131 |
2923 | International Journal of Zoological Research | 10034118 |
2924 | International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences | 10049625 |
2925 | International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare | 20129133 |
2926 | International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation | 10054907 |
2927 | International Journal on Disability and Human Development | 10027046 |
2928 | International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON) | 20066031 |
2929 | International Journal on Governmental Financial Management | 20129134 |
2930 | International Journal on Grey Literature | 20129135 |
2931 | International Journal on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia | 20129136 |
2932 | International Journal on Social and Education Sciences | 20125566 |
2933 | International Journal on Transport Development and Integration | 20094687 |
2934 | International Journal Quality and innovation | 10088021 |
2935 | International Labor Rights Case Law | 10051845 |
2936 | International Letters of Natural Sciences (ILNS) | 10059141 |
2937 | International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences | 10047023 |
2938 | Management International (MI) / International Management (IM) | 10050406 |
2939 | International Mathematical Forum | 10022773 |
2940 | International Newsletter on Rock Art | 20129139 |
2941 | International NGO Journal | 10033453 |
2942 | International Ocean Systems | 10076475 |
2943 | International Politics Reviews | 10069883 |
2944 | International Polymer Science and Technology | 1142769 |
2945 | International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal | 20129140 |
2946 | Uluslararası Hakemli Beşeri ve Akademik Bilimler Dergisi (UHBAB) / International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences (UHBAB) | 20131280 |
2947 | Akademik Bakys / International Refereed Journal of Social Sciences Academic Sight | 10086562 |
2948 | Stosunki Miedzynarodowe / International Relations | 10072499 |
2949 | International Relations and Diplomacy | 10035841 |
2950 | International Research Journal of Business Studies | 20079226 |
2951 | International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences | 10034817 |
2952 | International Research Journal of Finance and Economics | 10021297 |
2953 | International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health | 20111195 |
2954 | International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE) | 10030052 |
2955 | International Review of Automatic Control | 10030146 |
2956 | International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) | 10081382 |
2957 | International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) | 42241 |
2958 | International Review of Management | 20129145 |
2959 | International Review of Management and Business Research (IRMBR) | 10034199 |
2960 | International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME) | 10016807 |
2961 | International Review of Modern Sociology | 20129146 |
2962 | International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities | 10084442 |
2963 | Revue Internationale des Services de Santé des Forces Armées / International Review of the Armed Forces Medical Services | 10024276 |
2964 | International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS) | 10017251 |
2965 | International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS) | 10039828 |
2966 | International Seminars in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition | 20129147 |
2967 | International Social Science Review | 10036874 |
2968 | International Socialism | 10050135 |
2969 | International Sportmed Journal | 10007048 |
2970 | International Sports Studies (ISS) | 10072917 |
2971 | International Studies | 10089087 |
2972 | International Studies in Educational Administration | 10068894 |
2973 | International studies in philosophy | 10001483 |
2974 | International Tax Review | 10063612 |
2975 | International Trade by Commodities Statistics | 20129149 |
2976 | International Trade Law and Regulation | 10027610 |
2977 | International Transfer Pricing Journal | 10063393 |
2978 | International Transport Forum (ITF) Discussion Papers | 20129150 |
2979 | International Voices in Biblical Studies (IVBS) | 20129151 |
2980 | International Water Power and Dam Construction | 10030054 |
2981 | International yearbook of nephrology | 10001484 |
2982 | Internationella Studier | 20129154 |
2983 | Internet Banking & Commerce | 10024510 |
2984 | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy | 10020895 |
2985 | Internet Gaming International | 20129155 |
2986 | Internet Journal of Medical Update (IJMU) | 10068062 |
2987 | Internet journal of orthopedic surgery and related subjects | 20129156 |
2988 | Internet Reference Services Quarterly | 10076485 |
2989 | Internetodontologi.se | 20129157 |
2990 | Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice | 20065714 |
2991 | Intervalles | 20129158 |
2992 | Interventional Cardiology | 10036141 |
2993 | Interventional Cardiology Newsletter | 20129159 |
2994 | Interventionen. Zeitschrift für Verantwortungspädagogik | 20129160 |
2995 | Interventions and Adaptive Reuse | 20129161 |
2996 | INTI: Revista de literatura hispánica | 10078864 |
2997 | Invasion and Metastasis | 2142 |
2998 | Invenio | 20129164 |
2999 | Invertebrate Zoology | 10065507 |
3000 | Investigación Clínica y Farmacéutica | 20129166 |
3001 | Investigationes Linguisticae | 10070378 |
3002 | Invisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture | 20129167 |
3003 | In-VIVO - The Business and Medicine Report | 20129168 |
3004 | Involve. A Journal of Mathematics | 10020068 |
3005 | IOSR Journal of Engineering | 10069929 |
3006 | IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science | 10068739 |
3007 | Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies | 20129169 |
3008 | Iowa Review : literary quarterly | 20129170 |
3009 | Ippologia (Cremona) | 10000834 |
3010 | Iranian journal of clinical infectious diseases | 20081529 |
3011 | Iranian journal of health, safety and environment | 10062085 |
3012 | Iranian Journal of Language Studies | 20129171 |
3013 | Iranian Journal of Pediatrics | 20095492 |
3014 | Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 10063643 |
3015 | Iridescent | 20129172 |
3016 | Irish Accounting Review | 20113479 |
3017 | Irish Communications Review | 20129173 |
3018 | Irish Literary Supplement: A Review of Irish Books | 10012402 |
3019 | Irish Migration Studies in Latin America | 20126711 |
3020 | IRS Management Review | 20129174 |
3021 | ISIMU: Revista sobre Oriente Próximo y Egipto en la antigüedad | 10065943 |
3022 | Iskusstvo kino | 20129175 |
3023 | Isla Flotante | 20129176 |
3024 | Islam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara | 20129177 |
3025 | Island | 20129178 |
3026 | Islets | 10023004 |
3027 | Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics | 10065276 |
3028 | ISRN Applied Mathematics | 10031980 |
3029 | ISRN Artificial Intelligence | 20129179 |
3030 | ISRN Chromatography | 20129181 |
3031 | ISRN Civil Engineering | 10081090 |
3032 | ISRN Education | 20129182 |
3033 | ISRN Family Medicine | 20129183 |
3034 | ISRN Geometry | 20120606 |
3035 | ISRN Machine Vision | 20129184 |
3036 | ISRN Nursing | 20129186 |
3037 | ISRN Pediatrics | 20129188 |
3038 | ISRN Public Health | 20129190 |
3039 | ISRN Software Engineering | 20116332 |
3040 | ISRN surgery | 10082857 |
3041 | Issues in Applied Linguistics | 10043779 |
3042 | Issues in applied linguistics (Coventry) | 20129191 |
3043 | Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing | 20129192 |
3044 | Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (IISIT) | 10050188 |
3045 | Issues in Interdisciplinary Care | 20129194 |
3046 | ISYP Journal on Science and World Affairs | 20129196 |
3047 | Itaca | 20129197 |
3048 | Italian Journal of Biochemistry | 2168 |
3049 | Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCoL) | 20078620 |
3050 | Italian Journal of Disability Studies | 20129198 |
3051 | Italian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene | 20129199 |
3052 | Giornale italiano di psicologia / Italian Journal of Psychology | 10030721 |
3053 | Italian Journal of Sociology of Education (IJSE) | 10075066 |
3054 | Annali d’italianistica / Italian Studies Journal | 10022345 |
3055 | Italica | 20099313 |
3056 | ITBM-RBM News (RBM News) | 20129200 |
3057 | ITBM-RBM, Recherche et Ingénierie Biomédicale | 10039149 |
3058 | IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin | 10008809 |
3059 | IUCr Newsletter | 40682 |
3060 | IUFRO occasional paper | 20129202 |
3061 | IUP Journal of Bank Management | 10017169 |
3062 | I-WAYS: Digest of Electronic Commerce Policy and Regulation | 20129204 |
3063 | IWGIA document | 20129205 |
3064 | IZA Discussion Papers | 10059814 |
3065 | Nauchnyj zhurnal Izvestia: Herzen University Journal of Humanities & Sciences / Izvestia: Herzen University Journal of Humanities & Sciences | 10084656 |
3066 | Izvestiia vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Matematika (Izvestija Vuzov. Mathematics) | 10059967 |
3067 | Izvestija Russkogo Severa | 20129206 |
3068 | Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Fizika | 2031840 |
3069 | J — Open Access Journal of Multidisciplinary Science | 20091349 |
3070 | J@rgonia | 20115313 |
3071 | JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology | 10055629 |
3072 | Jacket2 | 20129207 |
3073 | Jacobs Journal of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine | 20129209 |
3074 | Jacobs Journal of Sports Medicine | 20063719 |
3075 | Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature | 10062895 |
3076 | Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen | 10001490 |
3077 | Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie | 20129211 |
3078 | Jahrbuch für europäische Überseegeschichte | 20129212 |
3079 | Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseums Mainz / Jahrbuch RGZM | 10047467 |
3080 | Jakt og fiske | 20129214 |
3081 | James Joyce Broadsheet | 10027642 |
3082 | James Joyce Literary Supplement | 20129216 |
3083 | JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies (JAMK-JHSS) | 20129217 |
3084 | Supōtsu shakaigaku kenkyū / Japan Journal of Sport Sociology | 20129218 |
3085 | Japanese journal of American studies | 20129219 |
3086 | RPG 学研究 / Japanese Journal of Analog Role-Playing Game Studies (JARPS) | 20129220 |
3087 | Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 20070228 |
3088 | Japanese Journal of Northern European Studies | 20129221 |
3089 | Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology | 10078916 |
3090 | Tokushu kyōikugaku kenkyū / Japanese Journal of Special Education Research | 20066083 |
3091 | Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | 20129222 |
3092 | JavaWorld | 20129223 |
3093 | Jazykovedné aktuality | 10039326 |
3094 | JBI Reports | 20129224 |
3095 | Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences / JCBPSC | 10018496 |
3096 | Journal of Environmental Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology / jecet | 10065450 |
3097 | JELE (Journal Of English Language and Education) | 20129225 |
3098 | Jenda : A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies | 10078611 |
3099 | Jewish Studies | 20129226 |
3100 | Journal Of Gender, Information and Development In Africa / JGIDA | 20129227 |
3101 | JITTA: Journal of Information Technology Theory & Application | 10017240 |
3102 | John Gower Newsletter | 20129228 |
3103 | Jonathan Edwards Studies | 20129230 |
3104 | JOP. Journal of the Pancreas | 10017951 |
3105 | Jordens Folk | 20129232 |
3106 | Journal - Oklahoma Dental Association | 10076552 |
3107 | Journal de Réadaptation Médicale | 10068997 |
3108 | Revista Decifrar / Journal Decifrar | 20129233 |
3109 | Journal des Africanistes | 10027242 |
3110 | Journal des JEC | 10014929 |
3111 | Journal des Maladies Vasculaires | 2618 |
3112 | Journal Européen des Urgences | 10048445 |
3113 | Journal EXIT-Deutschland | 20064015 |
3114 | Journal for a Just and Caring Education | 20129234 |
3115 | Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung (ZfD) / Journal for Discourse Studies (ZFD) | 20061374 |
3116 | Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (JIBS) | 20129235 |
3117 | Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics | 10087013 |
3118 | Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS) | 20093619 |
3119 | Journal for Nurses in Staff Development | 10076560 |
3120 | Journal for Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology | 10087801 |
3121 | Journal for Quality and Participation | 20129236 |
3122 | Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement | 10023424 |
3123 | Časopis za kritiko znanosti / Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology | 10051720 |
3124 | Journal for the Study of British Cultures | 20129237 |
3125 | Journal für Ernährungsmedizin | 10039733 |
3126 | Journal für Hypertonie | 10032084 |
3127 | Journal für Menopause | 10005071 |
3128 | Journal Genetika | 1682 |
3129 | Journal of Academy for Advancement of Business Research | 20129238 |
3130 | Journal of Academy of Business and Economics | 10028786 |
3131 | Journal of Accountancy | 10017200 |
3132 | Journal of Accounting Case Research | 20129239 |
3133 | Journal of Accounting, Business and Management | 20129240 |
3134 | Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy | 10081096 |
3135 | Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering | 10030885 |
3136 | Journal of Actuarial Practice | 20129241 |
3137 | Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy | 10036728 |
3138 | Journal of Administration & Governance | 20129242 |
3139 | Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Bioengineering | 20129243 |
3140 | Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology | 10020318 |
3141 | Journal of Advanced Management Science | 10027673 |
3142 | Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics | 20121375 |
3143 | Journal of Advanced Research in Differential Equations | 20129244 |
3144 | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | 10080184 |
3145 | Journal of Advanced Research in Management | 20065787 |
3146 | Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics | 10066464 |
3147 | Journal of Advanced Research in Scientific Computing | 10030693 |
3148 | Journal of Advanced Research in Statistics and Probability | 20129245 |
3149 | Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance | 10033399 |
3150 | Journal of Advances in Information Technology | 10059362 |
3151 | Journal of African History, Politics, and Society | 20129246 |
3152 | Journal of African Union Studies (JoAUS) | 20079237 |
3153 | Journal of Africana Religions | 20101676 |
3154 | Journal of Aging Science | 20129248 |
3155 | Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts | 10079759 |
3156 | Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment | 10032202 |
3157 | Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development | 10024744 |
3158 | Journal of Agricultural Science (Toronto) | 10050361 |
3159 | Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology | 10014200 |
3160 | Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology: A | 20067679 |
3161 | Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology: B | 10032443 |
3162 | Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (JANR) | 20086652 |
3163 | Journal of Agronomy | 10040966 |
3164 | Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research | 10051412 |
3165 | Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence | 10055690 |
3166 | Journal of Algebra and Computational Applications | 10019647 |
3167 | Journal of Algebraic Statistics | 10063080 |
3168 | Journal of Allergy & Therapy | 10045216 |
3169 | Journal of Alternative Medicine Research | 20063053 |
3170 | Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons | 20129249 |
3171 | Mi'gug'hag nonjib / Journal of American Studies | 10034829 |
3172 | Journal of American Studies of Turkey | 20129250 |
3173 | Journal of Ancient Civilizations | 20129251 |
3174 | Journal of Ancient Diseases & Preventive Remedies | 10068412 |
3175 | Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research | 10020709 |
3176 | Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies | 20129253 |
3177 | Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances | 10011589 |
3178 | Journal of anthropology and archaeology | 10034279 |
3179 | Journal of Appalachian Studies | 20129254 |
3180 | Journal of Applied Business Research | 10017208 |
3181 | Journal of Applied Christian Leadership | 20129255 |
3182 | Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy | 20129256 |
3183 | Journal of Applied Finance | 10021352 |
3184 | Journal of Applied Finance and Banking | 10057253 |
3185 | Journal of Applied Linguistics (JAL) | 10035258 |
3186 | Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship | 10060090 |
3187 | Journal of Applied Management and Investments (JAMI) | 20062258 |
3188 | Journal of Applied Management Studies | 20129257 |
3189 | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics | 10070911 |
3190 | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics | 10031095 |
3191 | Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering | 10083392 |
3192 | Journal of Applied Operational Intelligence (JAOI) | 20153193 |
3193 | Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics | 10018889 |
3194 | Journal of applied sport management | 20066228 |
3195 | Journal of Applied Superconducivity and Electromagnetics | 20129258 |
3196 | Journal of Aquaculture Feed Science and Nutrition | 20093664 |
3197 | Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development | 10032837 |
3198 | Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik / Journal of Arabic Linguistics | 10021866 |
3199 | Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History | 20129260 |
3200 | Journal of Architecture and Urbanism | 10029881 |
3201 | Ferðamál á norðurslóðum / Journal of Arctic Tourism (ArcTour) | 20146855 |
3202 | Journal of Art Crime (JAC) | 20116482 |
3203 | Journal of Artistic and Creative Education | 20129261 |
3204 | Journal of Arts and Humanities | 10031196 |
3205 | Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability | |